7000 Series: Financial Management

7000: Goals
7010: Equivalence in Instructional Staff and Materials


7100:Budget and Program Planning
7110: Budget Implementation and Execution
7120: Budget Adjustments

Accounting System

7200: Accounting System Design
7210: GASB Statement 34 (Accounting System)
7215: Fund Accounting System (GASB Statement 54)
7218: Federal Grant Financial Management System
7220: Documentation and Approval of Claims
7225: District Financial Fraud and Theft Prevention
7230: Financial Reporting and Audits
7235: Fiscal Accountability and IDEA Part B Funds
7235F1: Federal Funds Semi-Annual Certification Form
7235F2: Personnel Activity Report
7235F3: Multiple Cost Objective Time and Effort Certification
7235P: Written Compensation Procedure (Time and Effort)
7235PF1: Personnel Activity Report
7235PF2: Single Federal Award or Cost Objective
7236 Employees Paid with Federal Funds and Unexpected or Extraordinary Closures
7237: Retention of Records Relating to Federal Grants
7240: Federal Impact Funds
7240B: Federal Impact Funds (Background)
7240P: Federal Impact Funds Procedure
7260: Student Activity Fund
7270: Property Records


7300: Revenues
7305: Investment of Funds
7310: Advertising in Schools/ Revenue Enhancement
7320: Allowable Uses for Grant Funds
7320P1: Determining Necessity and Reasonableness of Expenses
7320P2: Selected Items of Cost


7400: Miscellaneous Procurement Standards
7400P1: Procurement Under a Federal Award
7400P2: Procurement Methods Under a Federal Award
7400P3: Requirements and Restrictions for Procurement Under a Federal Award – Competition
7400P4: Federal Contract Administration
7401: Fund Balance Stabilization
7405: Public Works Contracting and Procurement
7405P: Procuring Public Works, Services, and Personal Property
7407: Public Procurement of Goods and Services
7408: Entering into Professional Service Contracts
7409: Acquisition of Real and Personal Property
7410: Petty Cash Funds
7420: Personal Reimbursements
7430: Travel Allowances and Expenses
7430P: Per Diem and Mileage Allowance
7440: District Credit Cards
7440F: District Credit Card Holder Agreement
7450: Federal Cash Management
7455: Federal Debarment and Suspension
7450P1: Timely Obligation of Funds
7450P2: Federal Program Income
7460: Use of Public Funds – Prohibition on Contracting with Abortion Providers


7500: New Fees or Increase of Fees
7500P: Fee Schedule For Use of Buildings

Financial Emergency

7600: Declaration of Financial Emergency
7600F1: Declaration of Financial Emergency Resolution Form
7600F2: Declaration of Financial Emergency Resolution Form
7600P: Declaration of Financial Emergency Procedure
7700: Bond Account
7710: Bond Continuing Disclosure and Certification Requirements

Transcript Request Form

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