A school district strategic plan is a comprehensive document that outlines the goals, priorities, and strategies for improving educational outcomes within a school district over a set period, typically ranging from three to five years. These plans are crafted collaboratively by district administrators, school board members, educators, parents, and community stakeholders.

Key components of our plan:

  1. College and Career-Ready Students
  2. Recruitment, Development and Retention of High-Quality Staff/Faculty
  3. Facilities and Safety
  4. Communication
  5. Financial Responsibility
  6. Quality Learning Opportunities

By articulating a clear vision for improvement and outlining actionable steps to achieve it, our strategic plan serves as a roadmap for guiding decision-making, resource allocation, and continuous improvement efforts within the district.


To be a high reliability organization focused on continuous improvement of teaching and learning for all students in every classroom.


In partnership with the community, is to provide educational opportunities for student to develop their full potential as lifelong learners and contributing citizens.


 Perseverance, Integrity, Excellence

2024-2025 Strategic Plan

Board Approved 8-13-24

Focus Area #1: Goal Statement:

College and Career-Ready Students

The GSD #231 will provide a variety of quality opportunities in academics and life skills in order to ensure students are ready to excel with future goals and to serve as productive citizens.


  • GSD will ensure that students are able to excel academically, so they can develop the skills that will support all areas of students’ lives in all grades K-12.
  • GSD will academically prepare students to be successful when taking college-placement and job-placement exams such as PSAT (Preliminary SAT), SAT, ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Test), ACT, etc.
  • GSD schools will offer programs that provide students with life skills, such as critical thinking, personal finance, resiliency, and workplace soft skills.
  • GSD schools will help students develop plans for their future and support all post high-school options including career and technical programs, college preparation, military, and workplace training.


2024-2025 Tasks

  1. Continue focusing on:
    1. Increasing percentage of students who complete dual credit classes
    2. Increasing the number of college credits/certificates earned by students
    3. The use of student four year plans in grades 8-12
    4. Increasing FAFSA completion rate
    5. Maintaining CTE programs and increase number of students participating in them
    6. Increasing graduation and positive placement rates for graduating seniors


Focus Area #2: Goal Statement:

Recruitment, Development and Retention of High-Quality Staff/Faculty

The GSD #231 will actively recruit, hire, and retain professional, engaged, and effective team members in all areas.


  • GSD will support collaboration on best practices, professional development, and rigorous instruction that fit within the strategic plan at the district, building, and team
  • GSD will develop strong recruitment practices, including maintaining competitive salaries and benefits and utilizing all available options to become the district of choice for employees.
  • GSD will effectively utilize the evaluation process to identify strengths and weaknesses in an effort to ensure staff members reach their full potential through continuous


2024-2025 Tasks

  1. Utilize the 23-24 district certified staff professional development survey to prioritize district, building and individualized professional development
  2. Continue to implement district mentor program
  3. Continue to foster and encourage a “grow your own” philosophy within the district to fill teaching positions


Focus Area #3: Goal Statement:


The GSD #231 will provide a safe, clean and secure school environment in up to date facilities, that are well-maintained and efficiently utilized, while proactively planning for the future.


  • GSD will prioritize the health and safety of students and staff as part of the overall facilities plan.
  • GSD will update plans for emergency communications between buildings, classrooms, and first responders.
  • GSD will focus on school safety and security in order to maintain and enhance an overall positive and successful learning environment.
  • GSD will implement long-term planning for facility maintenance and future building through collaborative efforts with all stakeholders.


2024-2025 Tasks

  1. The board will finalize plans for an upcoming bond election
  2. Update district safety and emergency operations plan
  3. Complete State Department of Education Ten Year Facility Plan


Focus Area #4: Goal Statement:


The GSD #231 will actively engage and collaborate with all people involved in the education and support of students.


  • GSD will implement a marketing and community engagement strategy to promote the
  • GSD will provide and effectively utilize communication tools to support consistent and timely school and district-level communication.


2024-2025 Tasks

  1. Update district website
  2. Use the district website, social media and local newspaper to promote the district
  3. Improve communication from buildings and classroom teachers to parents/guardians


Focus Area #5: Goal Statement:

Financial Responsibility

The GSD #231 will be responsible and accountable for district resources while providing transparency and community engagement to support the district’s needs and the strategic plan.


  • GSD will plan for future sustainability by prioritizing maintaining the fund
  • GSD will utilize all funds (Federal, State, local) in compliance with the specific revenue streams to support the overall financial health of the District.
  • GSD will maintain a clear and transparent budget


2024-2025 Tasks:

  1. The board will finalize a plan for the upcoming supplemental levy election
  2. District budget, yearly audit report, master labor agreement, monthly financials, vendor and personnel contracts will be posted on the district website
  3. Allocate remaining ESSER dollars according to the district ESSER plan


Focus Area #6: Goal Statement:

Quality Learning Opportunities

The GSD #231 will provide resources and strategies to support high academic achievement within a positive culture and learning environment.


  • GSD will work to ensure the curriculum is vertically and horizontally aligned so students continually build knowledge K-12.
  • GSD will support the integration of technology within the curriculum in a systematic way for all students including navigating different platforms and digital citizenship in a way that addresses student learning needs.
  • GSD will continue to focus on and implement strategies, programs and plans that help foster a positive culture and learning environment for all students and staff.
  • GSD will continue to strive for growth in all academic To include, but are not limited to, IRI, ISAT, PSAT, SAT, graduation rates and school based assessments.


2024-2025 Tasks

  1. Align curriculums in English and Math across the district
  2. Superintendent, principals and counselors will identify, implement, monitor and communicate student achievement targets, goals and progress
  3. Continue to implement The Professional Learning Communities model throughout the district
  4. Expand Preschool/Early learning opportunities throughout the district and collaborate with community partners

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