7500P: Fee Schedule For Use of Buildings

Gooding Joint School District No. 231


FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT                                                  7500P


Fee Schedule for Use of Buildings


  1. All school buildings are to be used primarily for school purposes. However, they may be rented for special occasions so long as there is no conflict with regular school or regularly planned school activities. The school facilities will be available, when not being used for school activities to adult groups such as service clubs, churches, political organizations, local non-profit organizations or businesses that do not discriminate against any person because of race, color, creed, or religion. Usage for purely civic purposes within the community may be permitted without charge by approval of the Superintendent.


  1. Arrangements for building use are to be made through the building principal and/or the


  1. The following fees shall be charged for building The fees represent only the cost of heating and lights. School personnel must be present at all usage of buildings. The custodian will be responsible for opening and closing the buildings. A custodial fee of

$15.00 per hour will be charged if a custodian is not on regular duty during the rental time. If kitchen facilities are to be used, a member of the lunch staff shall also be present. Payment of lunch staff personnel shall be in addition to rental fees. As an alternative, the kitchen facilities may be used by a group with an adult supervisor if pre-arranged with the approval of both the head building cook and principal.


  1. Use of the high school concession area requires a paid, trained adult to be This person will be hired with Board of Trustee approval and supervised through the high school principal and paid through the concession receipts. A job definition for this position will be used for program evaluations.




1.     High School Gymnasium:


  1. A performance to which admission is charged or a free will offering taken:

$100.00 per day

  1. Minimum fee for activities or meetings: $50.00 per hour


2.     Middle School or Elementary School Gym or Cafeteria:


  1. A performance to which admission is charged or a free will offering taken:

$100.00 per day

  1. Minimum fee for activities or meetings: 00 per hour


3.     High School Auditorium or Multi-Purpose Room:


  1. A performance to which admission is charged or a free will offering taken:

$80.00 per day

  1. Minimum fee for activities or meetings $80.00 per hour



4.     Kitchens:


  1. Minimum—Light refreshments may be served: $35.00
  2. Minimum—Use of kitchen equipment: $50.00


  1. Classrooms: Minimum fee: $35.00


  1. Middle School or High School: $80.00 per event


7.     Sports Annex:


  1. Classroom fee: $35.00
  2. Wrestling practice room, no mats: $80.00 Requirements
  1. A “License for Use of School Property” agreement will be signed by an authorized representative of the organization or group using the building;
  2. Proof of liability insurance may be required if activity warrants; otherwise, an individual release form must be completed by all individuals using the facility;
  3. No children are to be brought when renting the gym or other activity when strictly an adult participation activity;
  4. The use of facilities by faculty, PTO, or other groups for the District benefit of the schools will not require a fee; and
  5. Groups requesting use of school facilities for any extended period of time must have Board of Trustees Any adjustment of established fees shall be set by the Board.



Procedure History: Promulgated on: Revised on:


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