Free and Reduced Meals

A new application must be submitted every school year. We accept applications beginning July 1st. Applications can be submitted anytime during the school year, however, please be aware that applications are not retroactive and are effective the day of submission. Parents are responsible for the cost of all meals prior to the approval of free or reduced cost meals. Only one application is needed per household. Apply for free or reduced cost meals and help our schools qualify for additional funding. You can complete an application using one of the following 3 methods:

  1. Online Application: Apply online for benefits
    Use your single sign in through PowerSchool. Select Food Service Portal and then the Family Account tab.  Here you will find the Free and Reduced Application.
  2. Paper application: Print application.
    Both an English and Spanish application are available to print online. Applications can also be picked up at your child’s school front office. Return application to your child’s school front office or return to the district office.
  3. In person: Visit the district office to apply in person.


Other methods of receiving free/reduced meals:  

If you are receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, your child automatically qualifies for meals at no cost. If you have not received notice from us, please contact us as soon as possible.

The Homeless Education Program: McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This definition also includes children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason. If you are experiencing homelessness, your child is eligible to receive meals at no cost to you. Contact district social worker Tami Becker (208-934-4321) to establish program eligibility. Once deemed eligible for the Homeless Education Program your child(ren) will be approved eligible to receive meals at no cost.

The Migrant Education Program: Migratory youth are children who change schools during the year, often crossing school district and state lines, to follow work in agriculture, fishing, dairies, or the logging industry. Migrant students are eligible to receive meals at no cost. Contact migrant liaison Sonia Romero (208-934-4321) to establish program eligibility. Once deemed eligible for the Migrant Education Program your child(ren) are approved eligible to receive meals as no cost.

Medicaid: More information coming

Managing Your Child’s Meal Account

EduTrak is a PowerSchool user friendly portal designed to be accessed with a single sign into PowerSchool. Sign in to your PowerSchool account and select the Food Service Portal to view account balances, make payments online, view transactions, and make changes to your child’s balance notifications in one central location.

Accounts are a DEBIT SYSTEM. Parents are responsible of making sure their child has funds available for the purchase of meals. As a courtesy GSD allows accounts to fall in the negative $22.00.

Adding Funds to Your Child’s Meal Account

Card payment can be made through PowerSchool. Once signed into PowerSchool Select the Food Service Portal and follow the prompts. Card payments can also be made at the district office. There is a small fee for card service.

Cash or check is still an option for those who choose not to use the Food Service Portal. However, we do request payment be made at the building’s front office and not through the serving line. Cash and check payment can also be made at the district office. Check payments can be mailed to 507 Idaho Street, Gooding, ID 83330. Please do not mail cash.

Meal Prices 2024-2025

Meal Prices-2024-2025

Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP)

Gooding Elementary School proudly participates in the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program. FFVP is a federally assisted program providing free fresh fruits and vegetables to children at eligible elementary schools during the school day at no cost. The goal of the FFVP is to introduce children to fresh fruits and vegetables, to include new and different varieties, and to increase overall acceptance and consumption of fresh, unprocessed produce among children. The FFVP also encourages healthier school environments by promoting nutrition education.


Summer Food Service Program (SFSP)

The Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) ensures that children continue to receive nutritious meals when school is not in session. All children 18 years and under, eat free at approved SFSP sites. Help us ensure that no child goes hungry this summer by visiting any of our daily pick up locations throughout town.

Find our Senator StrEat food truck at the Gooding Public Library, Main Street Mobile Park, North Valley Academy, East Park or West Park. Families interested in 5-day weekly service email Anji Branch. Your child does not need to be present to pick up a meal.

For more information on summer meals & menus follow Gooding Child Nutrition on Facebook or Instagram.

If you want to sign up for summer meals, contact Anji Branch

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Gooding Elementary proudly participates in the USDA Fresh Fruit & Vegetable Program

Transcript Request Form

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PowerSchool Notice of Data Breach Impacting Gooding School District

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