7310: Advertising in Schools/ Revenue Enhancement

Gooding Jt. School District 231


FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT                                                                                              7310


Advertising in Schools/Revenue Enhancement


Revenue enhancement through a variety of District-wide and District approved marketing activities, including but not limited to advertising, corporate sponsorship, signage, etc., is a Board-approved venture. These opportunities are subject to certain restrictions as approved by the Board in keeping with the contemporary standards of good taste. Such advertising will seek to model and promote positive values for the students of the District through proactive educational messages and not just traditional advertising of a product. Preferred advertising includes messages that encourage student achievement and the establishment of high standards of personal conduct.


All sponsorship contracts will allow the District to terminate the contract at least on an annual basis if it is determined that it will have an adverse impact on implementation of curriculum or the educational experience of students.


The revenue derived should:


  1. Enhance student achievement;
  2. Assist in the maintenance of existing District athletics and activity programs; and
  3. Provide scholarships for students participating in athletic, academic, and activity programs who demonstrate financial need and merit.


Appropriate opportunities for these marketing activities include but are not limited to:


  1. Fixed signage;


  1. Banners;


  1. District-level publications;


  1. Television and radio broadcasts;


  1. Athletic facilities, to include stadiums, high school baseball fields, and high school gymnasiums;


  1. District-level projects;


  1. Expanded usage of facilities beyond traditional use (i.e., concerts, rallies, );


  1. Interior and exterior of a limited number of District buses only if the advertising is associated with student art selected by the The only advertising information will


note that the student art is sponsored by the participant in the District sponsorship. Maintenance for these buses will include but not exceed normal maintenance costs; and


  1. Individual school publications (when not in conflict with current contracts).


Advertising will not be allowed in classrooms, and corporate-sponsored curriculum materials are subject to the requirements of Board policy.


The following restrictions will be in place when seeking revenue enhancement. Revenue enhancement activities will not:


  1. Promote hostility, disorder, or violence;


  1. Attack ethnic, racial, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or religious groups;


  1. Discriminate, demean, harass, or ridicule any person or group of persons on the basis of gender;


  1. Be libelous;


  1. Inhibit the functioning of the school and/or District;


  1. Promote, favor, or oppose the candidacy of any candidate for election, adoption of any bond or budget issues, or any public question submitted at any general, county, municipal, or school election.


  1. Be obscene or pornographic as defined by prevailing community standards throughout the District;


  1. Promote the use of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, or certain products that create community concerns;


  1. Promote foods or beverages which do not meet the standards for foods sold at school described in Policy This restriction shall apply to all advertising, including signage, scoreboards, school stores, cups, packaging, vending machines, trash cans, coolers, menu boards, and food service equipment;


  1. Promote any religious or political organization;


  1. Use any District or school logo without prior approval; or


  1. Use age-inappropriate




Nothing herein shall be construed to prevent advertising in publications which are published by student organizations, PTA/PTO, booster club, or other parent groups. Funds received for approved projects involving advertising in said publications may be retained by the school- related group that is sponsoring the activity as a fund-raising event.




Salespersons, representatives, or agents shall not solicit or contact pupils, teachers, or other employees in the school buildings or on school grounds without prior approval.



Cross Reference:


Curriculum Development and Assessment



Library Materials





Selection, Adoption, Use, and Removal of Curricular Materials

Guidelines for Food and Beverages Sales

Legal References:

42 USC § 1758b, § 204

42 USC § 1771 et seq.

42 USC § 1751 et seq.

7 CFR § 210.30

Local School Wellness Policy Child Nutrition Act of 1966 National School Lunch Act

School Nutritional Program Professional Standards

Policy History: Adopted on:

Revised on: 2/14/23 Reviewed on:




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