7405P1: Procuring Public Works, Services, and Personal Property

Model Board Policy Manual

ISBA Policy Management Console

Procedure 7405-P(1): Public Works Contracting and Procurement – Procuring Public Works, Services, and Personal Property


Original Adopted Date: 07/09/2019 | Last Revised Date: 05/14/2024,8-13-2024 | Last Reviewed Date: 05/09/2024



District Procurement Policy

Efficient and cost-effective procurement of goods, services, and public works construction is an important aspect of District operations. The District shall endeavor to buy goods, services, and public works construction through a publicly accountable process that respects the shared goals of economy and quality. The District shall, to the extent reasonably available and not prohibited by law or administrative rules, endeavor to purchase goods and services from vendors with a significant Idaho economic presence.

Authorization and Control – Generally

It is the policy of this District to conduct its purchasing program in a manner to ensure optimum use of District funds. The Board, or its designee, reserves the right to determine what is in the best interest of the District.

The Superintendent is authorized to direct expenditures and purchases within the limits of the detailed annual budget for the school year and pursuant to State purchasing and federal procurement requirements. Board approval for purchase of capital outlay items is required when the aggregate total of a requisition exceeds $25,000 except the Superintendent shall have the authority to make capital outlay purchases without advance approval when it is necessary to protect the interests of the District or the health and safety of the staff or students. The Superintendent shall establish requisition and purchase order procedures as a means of controlling and maintaining proper accounting of the expenditure of funds that align with State and federal procurement requirements. Staff members shall not obligate the District without express authority of the Board or authorized designee. Staff members who obligate the District without proper authorization may be held personally responsible for payment of such obligations, and may also be subject to discipline, up to and including termination.

All other procurement and purchases shall be made in accordance with the State and federal laws and administrative rules and with District policies and procedures.

Procuring Public Works Construction

Public Works Procurement, Projects Between $50,000 and $200,000: When the Board contemplates procurement of public works construction valued at or in excess of $50,000, but in an amount less than $200,000, the following procedures shall be followed.

  1. The Board or its designee shall prepare a solicitation for bids for the contemplated public works construction, and shall deliver it in writing to no fewer than three owner-designated licensed public works contractors. Delivery may be accomplished either by electronic or physical delivery. The solicitation shall describe the construction work to be completed in sufficient detail to allow an experienced public works contractor to understand the construction project the District seeks to build.
  2. In the event that it is impractical or impossible to obtain three bids for the proposed public works procurement, the District may proceed to acquire the work in any manner the Board or its designee deems best from a qualified public works contractor quoting the lowest price. When fewer than three bids are considered, a description of the District’s efforts undertaken to procure at least three bids shall be documented and placed in the records of the Board, and such documentation shall be maintained for at least six months following the date of the final procurement decision.
  3. The solicitation for bids shall describe the electronic or physical delivery method or methods authorized to submit a bid, the date and time by which a bid proposal must be received by the clerk, secretary, or other authorized District official, and shall provide a reasonable time to respond to the solicitation, provided that, except in the event of an emergency, such time shall not be less than three business days.
  4. The solicitation shall explain that if a potential bidder has an objection to the specifications described in the solicitation, it must submit a written objection to the District. The objection must be received by the District’s clerk, secretary, or other authorized person no later than one business day before the date and time of the bidders’ deadline to submit bids.
  5. When written bids have been received by the District, by either physical or electronic delivery, they shall be submitted to the Board or its designee, who shall present the lowest responsive bid to the Board for approval or, if the Board’s designee is so authorized, approve the bid. The Board or the Board’s designee is required to either approve the responsive bid proposing the lowest procurement price, or reject all bids and publish notice for bids, as before.
  6. In the event two or more price quotations offered by different licensed public works contractors are the same and represent the lowest responsive bid, the Board or its authorized designee may, in the exercise of its discretion to promote the best interests of the District, accept the one it chooses.

Public Works Procurement, Projects greater than $200,000: When the Board contemplates procuring public works construction valued in excess of $200,000, the following procedures shall apply. The purchase of construction services shall be made pursuant to a competitive sealed bid process. The purchase shall be made from the qualified public works contractor submitting the lowest bid price complying with bidding procedures and meeting the pre-qualifications, if any are required, established by the bid documents. The competitive bidding process may follow either of two alternate procedures described in detail below, either Category A, bidding open to all licensed public works contractors; or Category B, bidding open only to licensed public works contracts who satisfy minimum requirements set by the Board or its designee.

Category A: Competitive bidding procedures shall be open to all any licensed public works contractor desiring to bid upon a public works project. For all Category A bids, the Board may consider only the amount bid, the bidder’s compliance with administrative requirements of the bidding process, and whether the bidder holds the requisite license. When considering bids meeting these requirements, the Board shall award the bid to the qualified bidder submitting the lowest responsive bid.

  1. The District’s request for bids for a Category A procurement shall set a date and place for the public opening of bids. The District shall publish two notices soliciting bids in the District’s official newspaper. The first notice shall be published at least two weeks before the date for opening bids, with the second notice to be published in the succeeding week at least seven days before the date that bids are scheduled to be opened. The notice shall succinctly describe the project to be constructed. Copies of specifications, bid forms, bidder’s instructions, contract documents, and general and special instructions shall be created by the Board or its designee and shall be made available upon request by any interested bidder which also submits payment of a reasonable plan copy fee.
  2. The solicitation shall explain that in the event a bidder has an objection to project specifications or bidding procedures, it must submit a written objection in writing which must be received by the Board or its designee at least three business days before the date and time the bids are scheduled to be opened. The Board or its designee shall respond to all objections in writing and shall provide written copies of the objection and the response to the objecting bidder, and deliver copies to all other bidders known to the District at that time. The Board or its designee may adjust the bidding timeframes if necessary.
  3. All bids shall be delivered under sealed cover to the clerk of the Board or other designee identified in the bid solicitation documents provided to bidders by the District. On the cover of the sealed bid, the bidder must include a concise statement generally identifying the project for which the bid is submitted. 
  4. In the event the Board deems it to be in the best interest of the District to require bidders to provide bid security, it may do so in an amount equal to at least 5% of the amount bid. If the Board requires bid security, no bid may be considered unless it includes adequate bid security in one of the following forms designated by the Board:
    1. Cash;
    2. A cashier’s check made payable to the District;
    3. A certified check made payable to the District; or
    4. A bidder’s bond executed by a qualified surety company, made payable to the District.
  5. Once submitted to the District, no bid may be withdrawn after the passing of date and time set in the notice for opening of the bids. When sealed bids have been received, they shall be opened in public at a designated place and time, thereafter to be compiled and submitted to the Board for award to the lowest responsive bidder, or, if a designee had been authorized to select the lowest bid, for approval of the award.
  6. In the event the successful bidder fails to execute the contract, at the sole discretion of the Board, the bidder’s security may be forfeited to the District and the proceeds shall be deposited in a designated fund from which the expenses of procuring substitute performance are paid.
  7. In the event the successful bidder refuses or fails to execute the contract, the District may award the contract to the qualified bidder which had submitted the next lowest responsive bid. If the Board awards the contract to the next lowest qualified bidder, the District may apply the lowest qualified bidder’s security to the difference between the lowest responsive bid and the next lowest responsive bid. The surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder if cash or check is used, or to the surety on the bidder’s bond if a bond is used. The District may retain reasonable administrative costs not to exceed 25% of the amount of the bidder’s security.
  8. In its discretion, the Board may reject all bids presented and decide to re-bid the project. Alternatively, the Board may, after finding it to be a fact, pass a resolution declaring that the project sought to be accomplished by the expenditure can be performed more economically by purchasing goods and services on the open market because the project is not a public works project. 
  9. If the Board chooses to award a competitively bid contract involving the procurement of public works construction to a bidder other than the apparent low bidder, the Board shall, in open session at a duly noticed Board meeting, declare its reason or reasons on the record and shall communicate such reason or reasons in writing to all bidders that submitted a competing bid.
  10. In the event a participating bidder objects to the award of the project to a bidder other than the lowest responsive bidder, such bidder shall, within seven calendar days of the date of the Board’s award notice, deliver to the Board clerk or designee its written objection to the Board’s award, setting forth the express reason or reasons that the Board’s award decision is in error. Upon receipt of such objection, the Board shall immediately stay performance of the project until after the Board addresses the contentions raised by the objecting bidder(s). To address the objection(s), the Board shall review its decision and determine whether to affirm its prior award, to modify the award, or to re-bid the project, setting forth its reason or reasons therefor. The Board’s review cannot be delegated. After completion of the review process, the Board may proceed as it deems to be in the public’s best interest.
  11. If two or more identical bids are received, the Board may select the bidder it prefers.
  12. If no bids are received, the Board may complete the project by selecting a licensed public works contractor without further competitive bidding procedures.

Category B: When following this procedure, competitive bids may only be submitted by licensed public works contractors which have satisfied the Board’s preliminary supplemental qualifications. The solicitation for bids in Category B procurement consist of two stages: 

  1. An initial stage determining supplemental pre-qualifications for licensed contractors, either prime or specialty contractors; followed by 
  2. A second stage during which bids are accepted only from prequalified contractors.

The Category B procedure shall be as follows:

  1. Notice of the prequalification stage of the Category B competitive bidding process shall be given in the same manner that notice of competitive bidding is provided for a Category A competitive bid request, by providing a specific date and time by which qualifications statements must be received. The Board may establish prequalification standards premised upon demonstrated technical competence; experience constructing similar facilities; prior experience with the District; available nonfinancial resources, equipment, and personnel as they relate to the subject project; as well as the contractor’s overall performance history. Such request shall also include the standards the Board will use when evaluating the applicants’ qualifications.
  2. During the initial stage of the Category B bidding process, licensed contractors desiring to be prequalified to bid on a project must submit a written response to the Board’s request for qualifications.
  3. The solicitation shall explain that in the event a bidder has an objection to the prequalification procedures, it must submit a written objection which must be received by the Board or its designee at least three business days before the date and time prequalification statements are due. The Board or its designee shall respond to all objections in writing and shall provide the written response to the objecting contractor, and deliver copies to all other contractors seeking to prequalify that are known to the District at that time. The Board or its designee may adjust the bidding timeframes if necessary.
  4. After a review of qualification submittals, the District may select licensed contractors that meet the prequalification standards. If any licensed contractor submits a statement of qualifications but is not selected as a qualified bidder, the Board or its designee shall supply a written statement of the reason or reasons why the contractor failed to meet the Board’s prequalification standards.
  5. The solicitation shall explain that any licensed contractor that fails the prequalification stage can appeal in writing any such determination to the Board within seven days after transmittal of the prequalification results. After reviewing the objection, if the Board sustains the decision that a contractor fails to meet prequalification standards, it shall state its reason or reasons in writing to the contractor. The Board’s decision may be appealed to the public works contractor’s license board no more than 14 days following the Board’s decision. Category B prequalification procedures that are appealed shall be stayed during the pendency of the prequalification appeal until the public works contractor’s license board completes its review, but in no instance more than 49 days after the appellate decision of the Board regarding prequalification. Any licensed public works contractor affected by a decision on appeal by the public works contractor’s license board may, within 28 days of the final decision, seek judicial review as provided by Idaho Code 67-5201, et seq.
  6. Following the conclusion of the prequalification administrative procedures, the bidding stage shall proceed by the setting of a time, date, and place for the public opening of bids. In circumstances involving prequalified prime contractors, a notice soliciting bids shall be transmitted to prequalified bidders at least 14 days before the date of opening the bids. In circumstances involving prequalified specialty or subordinate contractors, the notice soliciting bids shall be published in the same manner applicable to Category A bids. The notice shall succinctly describe the project to be constructed. Copies of specifications, bid forms, bidder’s instructions, contract documents, and general and special instructions shall be made available upon request and payment of a reasonable plan copy fee by any eligible bidder.
  7. Thereafter, the Board shall proceed with its solicitation of and consideration of bids from prequalified public works contractors in accordance with the procedures set forth above regarding submission and consideration of Category A bids set forth above at Category A paragraphs 2 through 12, inclusive.

Procuring Services or Personal Property, Purchases between $75,000 and $150,000

When the Board contemplates an expenditure to purchase or lease personal property or to procure services, other than personal property or services excluded pursuant to section Idaho Code § 67-2803, valued at or in excess of $75,000 but not to exceed $150,000, the procurement procedures of this policy shall apply.

  1. The Board or its designee shall solicit bids from no fewer than three vendors by written means, either by electronic or physical delivery. The solicitation shall describe the personal property or services to be purchased or leased in sufficient detail to allow a vendor dealing in such goods or services to understand what the District seeks to procure.
  2. The solicitation for bids shall describe the electronic or physical delivery method or methods authorized to submit a bid, the date and time by which a bid proposal must be received by the Board or its designee, and shall provide a reasonable time to respond to the solicitation, provided that, except in the event of an emergency, such time shall not be less than three business days.
  3. The solicitation shall explain that a vendor’s objections to specifications or bid procedures must be in writing and received by the Board or its designee at least one business day before the date and time upon which bids are scheduled to be received.
  4. All timely written bids received by the District, whether submitted electronically or by physical delivery, shall be compiled and submitted to the Board or its designee who shall approve the responsive bid proposing the lowest procurement price, or shall reject all bids and publish notice for bids, as before.
  5. In the event the Board determines that it is impractical or impossible to obtain three bids for the proposed procurement, the Board may acquire the property or services in the manner the Board deems to be in the District’s best interest from a qualified vendor quoting the lowest price. When fewer than three bids are considered, a description of the Board’s efforts to procure at least three bids shall be documented in the Board’s official records and such documentation shall be maintained for at least six months following the date of the procurement. In the event two or more bids are the same and the lowest responsive bids, the Board or its designee may exercise its discretion and select the bid it deems to be in the District’s best interest.

Procuring Services or Personal Property, Purchases greater than $150,000

When the Board contemplates a purchase or lease of personal property or the hiring of services, other than personal property or services excluded pursuant to Idaho Code § 67-2803, valued in excess of $150,000, the following procurement procedures shall apply.

  1. The purchase or lease shall be made pursuant to an open competitive sealed bid process with the procurement to be made from the qualified bidder submitting the lowest bid price that complies with bidding procedures and meets the specifications for the goods and/or services sought to be procured.
  2. The request for bids shall set a date, time, and place for the opening of bids. Two notices soliciting bids shall be published in the official newspaper of the District. The first notice shall be published at least two weeks before the date for opening bids, with the second notice to be published in the succeeding week at least seven days before the date that bids are scheduled to be opened. The notice shall succinctly describe the personal property and/or services to be procured. Copies of specifications, bid forms, bidder’s instructions, contract documents, as well as general and special instructions shall be made available upon request by any interested bidder.
  3. The notice shall explain that written objections to specifications or bidding procedures must be received by the Board or its designee at least three business days before the date and time upon which bids are scheduled to be opened.
  4. If the Board deems it to be in the District’s best interest, it may require all bidders to provide bid security in an amount equal to at least 5% of the amount bid. If so required, a bid shall not be considered unless one acceptable form of security is enclosed with it, and it is submitted in a form which substantially complies with the form provided by the District. The Board may require that bid security be provided by means of the following:
    1. Cash;
    2. A cashier’s check made payable to the District;
    3. A certified check made payable to the District; or
    4. A bidder’s bond executed by a qualified surety company, made payable to the District.
  5. No bid received by the District after the time set in the notice for opening of bids may be withdrawn. When sealed bids have been received, they shall be opened in public at a designated place and time. Thereafter the bids are compiled and submitted to the Board for award or, if a designee had been authorized, for approval of the designee’s award.
  6. In the event the successful bidder fails to execute the contract, the amount of the bidder’s security may be forfeited to the District at the sole discretion of the Board. Thereafter the proceeds may be deposited in a designated fund out of which reasonable expenses incurred in procuring substitute performance are paid.
  7. The Board may, on the refusal or failure of the successful bidder to execute the contract, award the contract to the next lowest qualified bidder. If the Board awards the contract to the next lowest qualified bidder, the amount of the lowest qualified bidder’s security may be applied by the Board to the difference between the lowest responsive bid and the next lowest responsive bid, and the surplus, if any, shall be returned to the lowest bidder if cash or check is used, or to the surety on the bidder’s bond if a bond is used. The Board may retain a reasonable administrative cost not to exceed 25% of the amount of the bidder’s security.
  8. In its discretion, the Board or its designee may reject all bids presented and re-bid or, after finding it to be a fact; the Board may pass a resolution declaring that the subject goods or services can be procured more economically on the open market.
  9. If the Board chooses to award the contract for delivery of personal property or services to a bidder other than the apparent low bidder, the Board shall first declare in open session at a duly noticed public meeting its reason or reasons for the award and shall communicate such reason or reasons in writing to all bidders that responded to the District’s solicitation for bids.
  10. The solicitation shall explain that if any participating bidder objects to the Board’s award to a bidder other than the lowest apparent bidder, such bidder shall, within seven calendar days of the date of transmittal of the notice, object in writing to the award and specifically identify the reason or reasons that the Board’s award is in error. Thereafter, the Board shall stay performance of the award until after the Board reviews and addresses the bidder’s objections. The Board shall then review its decision and determine whether to affirm its prior award, modify the award, or choose to re-bid and will identify its reason or reasons therefor. The Board shall not delegate this responsibility. After completion of the review process, the Board may proceed as it deems to be in the public’s best interest.
  11. If two or more bids are the same and the lowest responsive bids, the Board or its designee may accept the one it deems to be in the public’s best interest.
  12. In its discretion, when the Board purchases goods, it may forgo the above request for bids procedure and may preauthorize the purchase of goods (but not services) at a public auction.

Requests for Proposals: The Board may utilize a request for proposal process as set forth below as an alternative to the competitive bidding process required by the Procuring Services or Personal Property policy subsection set forth above, when the Board contemplates a procurement of goods or services for which the Board determines one or more of the following is true:

  1. The submission of fixed specifications by the Board may prevent the discovery of a more cost-effective solution;
  2. The specific need to be satisfied by the procurement is amenable to more than one solution; or
  3. Factors other than price will determine the best option for the District to satisfy or solve the District’s specific need.

Factors to be Considered: When the Board utilizes the request for proposal process, it may consider the following factors when evaluating the vendor’s responses to the request:

  1. An innovative solution that is offered;
  2. Unique product features;
  3. Price;
  4. Vendor experience in the market;
  5. Financial stability of a vendor;
  6. Differences among vendors in their ability to perform contract requirements in a timely or efficient manner;
  7. Ability to meet product specifications;
  8. Product quality;
  9. Product performance records;
  10. Past performance by a vendor;
  11. Future product maintenance or service requirements; and
  12. Product warranties.

Requirements of a Request for Proposals

At a minimum, a request for proposals shall: 

  1. State the instructions of the process; 
  2. Identify the scope of work for the goods or services contemplated; 
  3. Identify the selection criteria; 
  4. Identify the contract terms; and 
  5. Identify the scoring methodology applying relative weights to factors considered.

The notification, solicitation, and consideration of contests concerning the award of a procurement contract pursuant to a request for proposal shall be in accordance with the same procedures and requirements set forth in the policy subsection pertaining to Procuring Services or Personal Property, subject to the selection criteria established by the Board at the outset of each such procurement. After the procurement recommendation is made to the Board under the Request for Proposal process described above, the documents and records compiled in the scoring process shall be made available for public inspection. 


Legal References


IC § 33-601

School Property – Real and Personal Property — Acquisition, Use or Disposal of the Same

IC § 54-1903

Unlawful to Engage in Public Works Contracting Without License – Exemptions

IC § 67-2801, et seq.

Purchasing by Political Subdivisions

IC § 74-401 et seq.

Ethics in Government

Other References


Idaho State Department of Education

Policies and Procedures Used Template

Cross References




Miscellaneous Procurement Standards


Miscellaneous Procurement Standards


Miscellaneous Procurement Standards


Miscellaneous Procurement Standards


Miscellaneous Procurement Standards


Entering into Professional Service Contracts


Acquisition of Real and Personal Property


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