1000 Series: Board of Trustees

Continuity of the Board

1010: Organization and Classification

School Board Elections

1100: Membership
1110: Elections
1110P: Candidate Edification
1120: Taking Office
1120P: Oath of Office
1130: Resignation
1140: Vacancies

Organization and Government of the Board

1200: Annual Organization Meeting
1205: School Board Powers and Duties
1210: Qualifications, Terms and Duties of Board Officers
1220: Clerk
1230: Duties of the Treasurer
1235: Auditor
1240: Duties of Individual Trustees
1245: Attorney
1250: Committees
1260: Authorization of Signatures


1300: District Policy
1303: Policies and Procedures to Review Annually
1310: Administrative Procedures
1313: Conflicting Policies and Procedures
1315: District Planning

Principals of Operations
1405: School Board Use of Electronic Mail and Social Media
1410: Board-Superintendent Relationship
1420: Trustee Expenses
1430: Trustee Insurance
1440: Board Participation in Activities

Board Meetings and Board Meeting Procedures

1500: Board Meetings
1500P: School Board Meeting Procedures
1520: Public Participation in Board Meeting
1520F: Request to Appear Before the Board
1525: Board Meeting News Coverage
1535: Board Hearings

Board Ethics, Growth and Development

1600: Code of Ethics for School Board Members
1610: Trustee Conflict of Interest
1615: Trustee Spouse Employment
1630: Evaluation of Board
1640: Board Training and Development
1645: Board Development Opportunities
1650: New Board Member Workshop

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