1640: Board Training and Development

Gooding Joint School District No. 231

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                                                                1640

Board Training and Development

New Board Member Orientation


Because the Board, as the policy making authority of the District, is responsible to the public for the success of all educational services offered by the District, and because that success is directly dependent upon each Board member’s comprehension of District wide operations and the

member’s ability to participate meaningfully in the decision-making process, the Board will provide, as soon as practicable, for the orientation of new members. The purpose of the orientation is to help them become acquainted with their duties and responsibilities as members of the Board.


The Board will assist newly elected/appointed Board members to become familiar with their duties and responsibilities as quickly as possible. Newly elected/appointed Board members are required by this Board policy to complete at least four (4) hours of instruction on education issues, including Idaho education laws, school finance, ethics, duties, and responsibilities of district Board members. The four (4) hours of attendance must be accomplished during the first three (3) months of the Board member’s tenure. The Board and the Superintendent will insure that new members are notified of the date and time of such workshops.


Upon completion of the above requirement, the information will be recorded into the Board minutes.


In-Service Training for Trustees


The Board realizes that proper board training is important. Decisions about policy, personnel, finance, curriculum, and communications can be overwhelming and may require training.

Training Board members to be effective leaders and decision makers is an educational investment that benefits the entire community. The Board believes that with proper training, it can create a positive and productive atmosphere for decision-making. There needs to be strong leadership among Board members demonstrated by teamwork, effective communication, problem-solving skills, and positive relationships between the Board and the Superintendent.


The Board places a high priority on the importance of a planned and continuing program of in- service education for its members. The central purpose of the program is to enhance the quality and effectiveness of public school governance in the community. The Board shall plan specific in-service activities designed to assist Board members in their efforts to improve their skills as members of the policy-making body; to expand their knowledge about trends, issues, and new ideas affecting the continued welfare of the District; and to deepen their insights into the nature of leadership in a modern democratic society.


Funds may be budgeted annually to support the program. Qualified training in strategic planning, finance, superintendent evaluation, ethics, and governance may be reimbursable by the State in an annual amount up to $2,000 through the process outlined in Idaho Code. Individual Board members shall be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses, as prescribed in policy 1420, incurred through participation in approved activities.


The Board, as a whole, shall retain the authority to approve or disapprove the participation of members in planned activities. The public shall be kept informed through the news media about the Board’s continuing in-service education and about the programs anticipated for short-and long-range benefits to the District.


The Board regards the following as examples of activities and services appropriate for implanting this policy:


  1. Participation in school board conferences, workshops, and conventions held by the state and national school boards associations.


  1. District-sponsored training sessions for Board


  1. Subscriptions to publications addressed to the concerns of Board


In order to control both the investment of time and funds necessary to implement this policy, the Board establishes these principles and procedures for its guidelines:


  1. A calendar of school board conferences, conventions, and workshops shall be maintained by the Superintendent. The Board will periodically decide which meetings appear to be most promising in terms of producing direct and indirect benefits to the District.


  1. Funds for participation at such meetings will be budgeted on an annual When funds are limited, the Board will designate which of its members would be the most appropriate to participate at a given training.


  1. When a conference, convention, or workshop is not attended by the full Board, those who do participate will be requested to share information, recommendations and materials acquired at the


The Superintendent or designee will maintain records of each Board member’s training accomplishments and will notify any Board member of the need for that Board member to accomplish any additional training.



Cross Reference: Legal Reference: Policy History:

1315                Strategic Planning


I.C. § 33-320               Strategic Planning and Training


Adopted on: 12/13/11 Revised on: 9/9/14 Reviewed on: 12/8/20


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