1210: Qualifications, Terms and Duties of Board Officers

Gooding Jt. School District #231


THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                                                                                1210


Qualifications, Terms, and Duties of Board Officers


The Board officers are the Chair and vice chair. These officers are elected at the annual organizational meeting.




The Board elects a Chair from its members for a one-year term. The duties of the Chair are to:


  1. Preside at all meetings and conduct meetings in the manner prescribed by the Board’s policies;
  2. Make all Board committee appointments;
  3. Sign all papers and documents as required by law and as authorized by the action of the Board; and
  4. Close Board meetings as prescribed by Idaho law.


The Chair is permitted to participate in all Board meetings in a manner equal to all other Board members, including the right to participate in debate and to vote. The Chair may make a motion, but they must first hand over responsibility for chairing the meeting to the vice chair or, if the vice chair is not present, to another Board Member. The Chair may second motions and is not required to hand over responsibility for chairing the meeting before doing so.


Vice Chair


The vice chair shall preside at all Board meetings in the absence of the Chair, and shall perform all of the duties of the Chair in case of the Chair’s absence or disability or as described above.



Legal Reference:   I.C. § 33-506         Organization and Government of Board of Trustees


Policy History

Adopted on:  12/13/11

Revised on:   10/9/18; 9/13/22

Reviewed on:



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These resources allow our students to be successful and prepared when they graduate from Gooding schools.

Vote at your local precinct on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

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