Title I, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) provides financial assistance from the federal government to states and school districts to meet the needs of educationally at-risk students. 

The goal of Title I is to provide extra instructional services and activities which support students identified as failing or most at risk of failing the state’s challenging performance standards in mathematics, reading, and writing. These students need a little extra help to be successful in school.  Title I funds provides additional staff to provide interventions to students each day and receive focused academic assistance. There are paraprofessionals to assist the teacher. 

The participating Gooding School District’s schools are Gooding Elementary and Gooding Middle School. Gooding High School is a Title I, but non-serving school.

Funding also provides for parent involvement activities.  Parents are a big factor in a student’s success.  By becoming an active participant in the Title I parent involvement plan at the school, parents will serve as role models, demonstrate the importance to the child of his or her progress, and teach the student that parent input at the school is appreciated.

Under Title I, there is also funding for professional development for school staff, a variety of supplementary teaching methods and additional teaching materials.


What do Title I programs offer?

Title I programs generally offer:

  • Special instructional spaces
  • Additional teachers and paraprofessionals 
  • Opportunities for professional development for school staff
  • Extra time for teaching Title I students the skills needed to be successful
  • A variety of supplementary teaching methods
  • Additional teaching materials which supplement a student’s regular instruction

How does our school receive Title I money?

First, the federal government provides funding to each state. Then, each State Educational Agency sends money to its school districts. How much money each school receives is determined by the number of low-income students attending that school. Finally, Title I schools:

  • Identify the students at their school who need the most educational assistance based on the criteria that school has chosen. Students do NOT have to be from low-income families to receive Title I services.
  • Set goals for improving the skills of educationally disadvantaged students at their school.
  • Measure student progress to determine the success of the Title I program for each student.
  • Develop programs for each individual student in order to support/supplement regular classroom instruction.

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