2420P: Title I Parent Involvement Guidelines

Gooding Jt. School District No. 231


INSTRUCTION                                                                                                                     2420P

Parent and Family Engagement Guidelines

In order to achieve the level of parent and family engagement outlined in District Policy 2420, these procedures guide the development of each school’s annual parental involvement plan designed to foster a cooperative effort among parents, school, and community.

Parent involvement activities developed at each school will include opportunities for:

  1. Volunteering;
  2. Parent education;
  3. Home support for the child’s education; and
  4. Parent participation in school decision


The District will provide opportunities for professional development and resources for staff and parents/community regarding effective parent involvement practices. The District encourages schools to include family literacy when a substantial number of students have parents who do not have a secondary school diploma or its recognized equivalent or have low levels of literacy.


Roles and Responsibilities



It is the responsibility of the student to:


  1. Cooperate with school personnel and be responsible for their behavior;
  2. Complete all homework assignments on time;
  3. Participate to the best of their ability in all classes;
  4. Read independently or with family on a regular basis; and
  5. Let teachers, school counselors, and family know when they need



It is the responsibility of the parent to:


  1. Actively communicate with school staff;
  2. Be aware of policies, rules, and regulations of the school and District;
  3. Take an active role in the child’s education by reinforcing at home the skills and knowledge the student has learned in school;
  4. Take an active role in assuring that the child is prepared to attend school each day; and
  5. Utilize opportunities for participation in school



It is the responsibility of staff to:


  1. Work with parents to develop and implement a school plan for parent involvement;
  2. Promote and encourage parent involvement activities;
  3. Effectively and actively communicate with all parents about skills, knowledge, and attributes students are learning in school and suggestions for reinforcement; and
  4. Send information to parents of Title I children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.



Community members who volunteer in the schools have the responsibility to:


  1. Be aware of the policies, rules, and regulations of the school and District; and
  2. Utilize opportunities for participation in school



It is the responsibility of the administration to:


  1. Provide coordination, technical assistance, and other support necessary to assist and build the capacity of all participating schools within the District to plan and implement effective parent and family involvement activities to foster improved student academic achievement and school performance;
  2. Provide training and space for parent involvement activities;


  1. Provide resources to support successful parent involvement practices;


  1. Provide inservice education to staff regarding the value and use of contributions of parents and how to reach out to, communicate, and work with parents as equal partners, implement and coordinate parent programs, and build ties between parents and the school; and


  1. Send information to parents of Title I children in a format and, to the extent practicable, in a language the parents can understand.; and


  1. Develop jointly with, agree on with, and distribute to, parents and family members of participating children, a written parent and family engagement policy; and


  1. Coordinate and integrate its Title I parent and family engagement strategies with the parent and family engagement strategies of the District’s other relevant programs; and
  2. Create and support a Parent Advisory Board comprised of a sufficient number and representative group of parents or family members served by the District to adequately


represent the needs of the population served by the District for the purpose of developing, revising, and reviewing the District’s Parent and Family Engagement Policy; and


  1. Ensure that each school in the District jointly develops with the parents of Title I children a school-parent compact that describes how parents, the entire school staff, and students will share the responsibility for improved student academic achievement and identify the means by which the school and parents will build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the challenging State academic standards and includes the requirements of District Policy 2420.


Procedure History: Promulgated on: 9/12/17 Revised on:

Reviewed on: 2/9/21, 10-10-23

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