Update on COVID-19 Athletic Protocols

New Covid-19 Athletic protocols are available and can be found here: https://gsd231.org/…/Gooding_School_District_Athlet…

Governor Little signed off on a new plan that allows for two parents per player and cheerleader, as well as two parents for visiting players. Our Board Chairman and Superintendent have already sent in the assurance page indicating that our district will be following the protocols outlined in the plan. While we will be allowing visiting parents, this does not mean that our parents will be able to attend every away game. That is dependent upon those districts signing the assurance page as well. Our athletic directors and/or coaches will keep you informed.

Please familiarize yourselves with the contents of the plan as there are some important responsibilities and requirements that are now in place (ie. masks, social distancing, clearing the gyms, etc.). If we are reported to be in violation of this plan we could forfeit the contest and all further events during the winter season; we do not want that happening. On a downside, it is very unfortunate that no provisions were included that would allow our pep band to play.

If you have questions then please reach out to your building principal, athletic director, or the Superintendent.

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