Gooding High School Robotics Fundraiser/Sponsorship


We are raising money to ensure the continuity of robotics at Gooding High School. These funds support purchase of parts, travel, and competition registration.

The Gooding High School Robotics Club and Class are now in their 8th year. It was the first of its kind in Southern Idaho and has become a model program for other local schools. Thanks to the example set by Gooding, others such as Twin Falls and Canyon Ridge have established similar programs. We are trying to ensure that this legacy remains with Gooding High School. The class and club are not directly funded by the district; their success hinges on the community’s generous donations.

The robotics program has prepared students for success in college engineering programs and to take on technical roles in the US Military. Each year, students work together to plan, design, build, program, and ultimately test in competition a unique robot. This gives students the opportunity to develop and refine critical STEM skills that allow them to succeed as software engineers, mechanical engineers, and robotic operators. In addition to these vital technical skills, the robotics program teaches students invaluable life skills such as collaboration, project planning, and communication.

Gooding High School is a Title I school. This reflects the community’s diversity and low income. Many of our students do not have access to extracurricular education without support like this. Supporting the Robotics program at Gooding High School ensures the continued growth of our community and promotes the prosperity of our students.

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