Gooding High School Student Handbook

Senator Pride

P Pride

R Respect

I Integrity

D Discipline

E Excellence

School Song 

On for Gooding, On for Gooding

Fight now for your fame

Pass the ball around the field (court)

A touchdown (basket) sure this game


On for Gooding, On for Gooding

Fight now for your fame

Fight fellows, fight, fight, fight

To win this game



Non-Discrimination Policy (District Policy 3280)

No person, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination under any program or activity of the District.

Title IX Coordinator: Mr. David Carson, District Superintendent

507 Idaho Street, Gooding, ID 83330      208-934-4321



Graduation Requirements (District Policy 2700)










Social Studies










General Electives




Credits Required for Graduation



Class Schedule

Requests for a change in schedule must be made with the counselor and have the approval of the principal and the teachers of the classes involved. Loss of credit may result when classes are changed or dropped.

Report Cards and Deficiency Notices (District Policy 2620)

Report cards will be distributed following the end of each grading period, i.e. every semester. Parents will be given the opportunity to pick up report cards at the midterm of each semester. Any report cards that are not picked up at midterm will be sent home with the student. Semester report cards will be mailed home.

Grading Procedure (District Policy 2620)

The quality of the student’s work in each course is denoted by a letter grade according to the following tabulation. In computing scholastic averages, each letter grade is assigned a specific number of grade point average (GPA). Semester grades with pluses and minuses will be recorded on a student’s permanent transcript. Grades will be a matter of record and a student should feel free to ask the teacher how their grades are determined.

Honor Roll

The Honor Roll is compiled for grades 9‐12 each semester to honor students with good grades. The Honor Roll will be determined by grade point average (GPA).

3.50 – 4.00 High Honors                 3.00 – 3.49 Honors

Percentage Letter Grade (District Policy 2620)

97‐100 A+

93‐96 A

90‐92 A‐

87‐89 B+

83‐86 B

80‐82 B‐

77‐79 C+

73‐76 C

70‐72 C‐

67‐69 D+

63‐66 D

60‐62 D‐

0‐59 F






Valedictorians and Salutatorians (District Policy 2730)

Section of Valedictorian and Salutatorian

All pupils shall be considered whether they have attended school in the District or not for the full four years.  However, they must complete their last year at Gooding High School. For students who only attended their last year at Gooding High School, their family must reside in the district. All courses taken will be used in determining grade point.

Weighing System for Valedictorian and Salutatorian







Honors/Capstone course for Certification



Calculus, Pre-Calc/Trig, Physics, Anatomy



Dual Credit/AP



To be considered as a Valedictorian or Salutatorian, courses may not be retaken to raise a grade.

In addition, students’ citizenship will be taken into consideration.  Students with major infractions may be disqualified from Valedictorian or Salutatorian status.

Valedictorian/Salutatorian status will be determined after eight (8) semesters.  If there are more than two students in consideration, SAT scores may be used to determine who will be named Valedictorian.


MakeUp Work

Make‐up work is required for all absences. If a student is absent the day that work is assigned, for daily work, a student will be given two (2) days to complete the assignment for the first day absent and one (1) day for each additional day absent. Zeroes will be given if the assignment is not completed in this time. When due dates are announced prior to absences, all work and tests are still subject to original assigned dates.

Make‐up tests must be taken in a timely manner; arrangements must be made with the teacher upon the student’s return. Tests not taken within (or arrangements made) within five days of the student’s return will be scored as a zero.

Absences due to school activities require planning on the student’s part. Any type of pre‐planned absence requires that the student come in prior to the absence to collect any work that will be missed. Late homework, which is different from make‐up work, may vary according to subject, grade level, assignment, and teacher.


Student Activity Card  (District Policy 3440)

The purchase of an activity card entitles the student to become a member of the student body with all the privileges of the organization. The activity card entitles the student to take part in extracurricular activities such as football, basketball, track, wrestling, volleyball, and other sports. It will admit the student to all home football, volleyball, basketball games, and concerts. In addition, games away from home, including the district basketball tournament, will be at reduced prices. Most assemblies are paid for from student council funds. Without an activity card, students will pay adult prices. Any student participating in Gooding High School sports, band, and or choir are required to purchase an activity card.

Student Activity Card……………….. $45.00

Sports Transportation ……………… $20.00    


Book Fees (District Policy 3440)

No fees will be charged for textbooks, newspapers, or magazines for classroom use, or for classroom materials required by the district. Students will be charged for damage and/or replacement costs for school property misuse, which includes buildings, books, equipment and materials. The teacher and principal will assess the costs. Students who, by choice, go beyond the requirements of a course will be charged for the materials used. Lumber, metal, art items, etc., used for resale on an individual basis will be purchased by the student. Students will be required to furnish paper, pens, pencils, and other items which are obtained on an individual basis.

For reasons of personal health and safety each student will normally furnish his/her own musical instruments.


Dances (District Policy 3410)

Dances may be held during the school year. Dances must be approved by the principal. Ticket prices for admission to dances are based on costs for individuals. After students enter a dance, they are not allowed to leave and re‐enter the dance or the building. All school rules apply at dances. Dances will end at 11:30 p.m. It is the responsibility of the sponsoring club/organization to provide chaperones to include teachers and parents. Without chaperones, the dance will be cancelled.

Clubs and Organizations (District Policy 3410)

The following are officially recognized clubs and organizations of Gooding High School and, therefore, fall under all rules and regulations affecting extracurricular activities:

Honor Society, Reading Club, FFA, Student Council, Music Productions, Envirothon, Disc Golf, HOSA, FCCLA, and Pep Club, LIA, Boot Check Ambassadors.

  • Most of these groups are governed by a constitution approved by the student council or a national parent organization.
  • Some organizations will have different grade and participation requirements.
  • Before any new activity or club can be formed, it must have the permission of the school board.
  • All clubs and activities have sponsors and no money will be spent or activities placed on the school calendar without consent of the sponsor.

National Honor Society

The Gooding Chapter of National Honor Society follows the guidelines of the organization’s national constitution that is sponsored by the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP). Membership in Honor Society is based on four areas: scholarship, leadership, character and service. Our chapter requires a cumulative high school grade point of 3.6 for membership consideration and evidence of some leadership and service.

Membership is open to sophomores, juniors and seniors at GHS. Students meeting the academic qualification are offered the option of filling out an activity information form to indicate prior leadership and service activities. A majority vote from the Honor Society Faculty Council determines membership. A formal induction and a one‐time induction fee of $10 are required. Each member is required to maintain a 3.6 GPA and complete 12 hours of acceptable community service each year. Members are inducted in the fall of the year and remain members as long as they maintain the standards of scholarship, leadership, character and service. The principal may remove a member based on a student’s failure to adhere to these standards.

Student Council Officer Election Process (District Policy 3230)

Balloting for student body and class officers shall be done in the spring for the next school year. This voting shall be by secret ballot. Should any student officer fall below a GPA of 3.00 at the end of the nine weeks, that office will be declared vacant and a new representative will be appointed by the advisor and principal. The call for student body elections will be by the principal or his/her designated representative during the spring. Applications can be picked up in the office and are to be returned as scheduled. Late applications may forfeit your ability to run.


Student Insurance (District Policy 3205)

The school district does not furnish health or accident insurance for any student, but does provide access to a policy whereby parents may choose to enroll their child(ren) in an insurance program. In the case of athletics, students are required to either purchase the school insurance or have a letter on file from the parents stating that the student has coverage and will release the school from any responsibility.

Campus Visitation (District Policy 4140)

All visitors to Gooding High School are required to sign in at the office, explain the purpose of their visit, and to wear a visitor ID badge for the duration of their visit. Student visitors are not generally admitted; all decisions will be made at the discretion of the principal and will be determined by circumstance.

Chain of Command (District Policy 4120)

All Gooding High School head coaches will work in cooperation with sports programs in grade 6‐12. If a parent/guardian or anyone calls the superintendent, school board members, principal or athletic director, that individual will be instructed to contact the teacher, coach or advisor first and follow the chain of command. If the problem isn’t resolved, then she/he needs to proceed through the chain of command. The principal or athletic director will explain this policy at the parent pre‐season meeting.


Fundraising (District Policy 3420)

All fundraisers must be approved by the building principal or superintendent.  All fundraisers must be entered into Success Fund for approval. The goal is to minimize the number of fundraisers we are asking our student-athletes and community to support.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (District Policy 3570)

Parents have the right to have access, inspect, and limit disclosure of personally identifiable information from permanent school records. When students reach eighteen years of age these rights are exercised by them. Parents or eligible students need only to contact the principal and request the record review.

Release of Student Information (District Policies 3570, 3620)

Generally, schools must have written permission from the parent or eligible student in order to release any information from a student’s education record. However, FERPA allows schools to disclose those records, without consent, to the following parties or under the following conditions (34 CFR § 99.31):

  • School officials with legitimate educational interest;
  • Other schools to which a student is transferring;
  • Specified officials for audit or evaluation purposes;
  • Appropriate parties in connection with financial aid to a student;
  • Organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the school;
  • Accrediting organizations;
  • To comply with a judicial order or lawfully issued subpoena;
  • Appropriate officials in cases of health and safety emergencies; and
  • State and local authorities, within a juvenile justice system, pursuant to specific state law.

Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, weight, height, academic participation, and any applicable honors and awards—including grade level and GPA. However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a reasonable amount of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them. Schools must notify parents and eligible students annually of their rights under FERPA. The actual means of notification (special letter, inclusion in a PTA bulletin, student handbook, or newspaper article) is left to the discretion of each school.


Lockers and Lost/Stolen Property (District Policies 3370, 8530)

Students are not to carry backpacks into classrooms, but should keep them in their assigned lockers. Only materials needed for a class should be carried into that class.

All lockers are—and remain throughout the year—the property of the Gooding School District. Students are allowed to use the school lockers as long as they are kept clean and not damaged. The lockers are subject to search at any time without notification by the principal or designee. Students are advised to keep their lockers locked and not to store valuables in their lockers. Valuable items should not be brought to school.

Gooding High School is not responsible for lost or stolen articles. Reports of stolen property will be referred to the school resource officer. Lockers offer limited security even when locked.


Locker rooms

Locker rooms are provided for students participating in physical education classes and after school sports. The use of locker rooms is a privilege and may be revoked with poor behavior. Locker rooms are off limits to students during class time and lunch time. Students found in the locker rooms during such times may be subject to search and may receive a truancy.


Freedom of Expression (District Policies 3240, 3295)

Students have the right to freedom of expression insofar as it does not interfere with the educational process or climate. Students also have the right not to be infringed upon by other students’ expression.



The school maintains an office business phone so that the school can be contacted for important matters. Students and staff will not be requested to come to the phone during class time. In cases of emergency, the student will be given a message and may call back at the end of the period. The office phone may be used by students only to contact their parents and with permission of the office staff.

GHS recognizes the importance of communication and collaboration, and provides devices for students to be productive in the classroom. To keep the focus on academics and to reduce unnecessary distractions, the school enforces the following:

  • Cell phones and all mobile devices shall be silenced kept in a student’s locker – not in clothing pockets
  • Cell phones and all mobile devices are not allowed to be used in a classroom, library, common areas, or restrooms during class time.
  • If a student needs to make an emergency call during the day, they are to come up to the front office”


Attendance Policy (District Policy 3050)

Students are expected to attend school regularly and punctually in order to receive credit toward graduation. Students’ attendance is the responsibility of the parents and students. It is the school’s responsibility to keep adequate attendance records for each student and inform parents of student absences. Students would be wise also to keep records of all absences and the reason for each absence in case of controversy. Students must attend each class for 90% of the time in order to earn credit for that particular course. Each semester will allow for seven (7) absences. The registrar will notify students twice before loss of credit. Excused, legitimate, absences count towards the 90% attendance rule.

The ONLY absences that WILL NOT be used in calculating the attendance record are:

  • Those that occur due to school-sponsored activities, since these are considered an equivalent educational experience. These exemptions will apply to students participating in sports events, cheerleading, music related events, FFA trips, academic field trips, and others deemed co-curricular.
  • Bereavement in the immediate family (grandmother, grandfather, father, mother, sister, brother). Any extended bereavement may be reviewed by the attendance board.
  • Subpoenas to appear in court or court-ordered, out-of-district placements for special services.
  • Extended Illness or hospitalization verified by a doctor’s statement.

Other reasons for absences will be considered on a case‐by‐case basis. Extended hospital stays and major illnesses may necessitate other arrangements and/or accommodations, including, but not limited to making up lost time. Home visits may be a solution for some students.

Tardiness (District Policy 3050)

Students should be in their seats when the tardy bell rings. Each teacher will document tardiness for the semester in the student data management program. An effort will be made to inform the student of tardiness incurred. If a student arrives within the first ten minutes of a class period, they will be counted as tardy—after ten minutes, they will be counted as absent.

Gooding High School’s tardy policy is based on a multi-tiered system. 

  1. Consequences for the first 3 tardies in any class are up to the teacher in which the tardy takes place. On the 3rd Tardy the teacher will call parents to discuss ways to help the student be more punctual.
  2. On the 4th and 6th tardy in a class in the semester, the student will be assigned Friday School. Friday schools will be assigned as needed and will run from 8AM-11AM.
  3. On the 8th tardy the student may lose credit for the class in which the excessive tardies have accrued.


Credit Recovery (District Policy 3050)

Students who lose credit because of classes missed due to truancy or suspension from school will not be allowed to appeal their credit loss. If a student has earned a passing grade in that particular course and wishes to appeal the loss of credit because of attendance, he/she can appear before a committee made up of three (3) faculty members, an administrator, and the registrar. The student will be asked to appear before the committee and explain his/her absences. Parents are welcome to attend if possible. After this meeting, the committee members will propose a plan to improve this student’s attendance for the semester following the loss of credit. This plan will be in the form of a written contract that must be signed by the committee members, the student, and the parent(s). Students wishing to formally appeal the committee’s proposal must do so in writing to the superintendent and the school board before signing the contract. After signing the contract, if the student meets the specified requirements in the contract, his/her credit for that course will be reinstated at the end of that following semester. If the contracted requirements are not met, the loss of credit will be final with no further opportunities for appeal given. Second semester seniors will not qualify for credit recovery under this plan.

Any student who loses credit in a required class must retake that class in order to meet graduation requirements.  Other alternatives are available; however, any costs involved in those alternatives will be the responsibility of the student, not the school.


Truancy (District Policy 3050)

A truancy occurs when a student is absent from class or classes without previous consent or knowledge of the school and/or parents, or for reasons not acceptable to school officials. This includes an absence from school or class after a student has arrived at school and then leaves without the permission of a school official. The student will receive a zero for any assignments given during the period(s) missed.

Campus Boundaries

High school students are not allowed on the elementary or middle school campuses except when going to or from the bus or during a class offered on that campus. The canal to the east of the high school and the properties to the west are private property and trespassers will be reported to the police. The school parking lot is off limits during the school day. If you need to go out in the parking lot for any reason during the school day you must get permission from the office first. Those students caught in the parking lot without prior consent may receive a truancy.

Leaving School Grounds

A student who has been in school during any part of the day and who must leave during any part of the school day must get permission from the office and must sign out. Students who are 18 years old may sign themselves out.  The office staff may require parent contact by phone.  Upon returning, the student must check at the office and sign in. Students leaving school grounds without permission will be truant. Boyfriends and/or girlfriends cannot pick up Gooding High School students and transport off campus during the school day without parent’s permission.

To ensure safety of students and staff, no persons other than parents and parent authorized individuals may pick up and transport students from the school grounds during school hours.

Gooding High School has an open campus during lunch timer; during this time, students are free to leave campus and the school accepts no liability for students off campus during the lunch hour.


Student Code of Conduct (District Policy 3330)

The following are rules and regulations at GHS. A violation of any school rule or regulation may result in disciplinary action that may include detention, suspension, expulsion, or court action. The length of the suspension will be determined by the principal and will follow the district suspension policy.

  • A student shall not disrupt the educational process.
  • Littering the Gooding High School and campus will not be condoned.
  • Students will not participate in public displays of affection.
  • A student shall not cause damage or attempt to damage or steal public or private property on school premises. Students may be held liable for restitution.
  • The use of profanity by any student is considered unacceptable conduct and is prohibited.
  • Running, making excessive noise such as loud or boisterous talking or shouting, is also unacceptable.
  • Cheating, stealing answers, plagiarizing, and academic dishonesty in any form, including inappropriate use or misuse of the school’s computer network and internet, will not be tolerated.
  • Creating a false emergency is prohibited.
  • The refusal to follow a reasonable directive of school personnel, a teacher, or administrator will be considered insubordination.
  • Verbally or physically harassing, hazing, intimidating, bullying, and menacing another student or any district employee, or interfering with or disrupting the job function of any district employee is prohibited.
  • Sexual harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Report complaints to the building principal (934‐4831), or the superintendent (934‐4321). (See District Policies 3290, 3290F)
  • Throwing snowballs, throwing water balloons, and squirting water on school grounds is prohibited.
  • Violations on campus against speed limit, stop signs, and Idaho traffic laws are disciplinary issues. All students are expected to obey all posted traffic signs.
  • The commission of any act that would be considered a felony or misdemeanor in the courts is prohibited.
  • Assault and battery by students is strictly prohibited.
  • Possession, handling, or transporting a firearm, dirk knife, bowie knife, dagger, metal knuckles, or any deadly and dangerous weapons as defined in Section 921 of Title 18 of the United States Code, including any knife other than a small pen knife, any explosive, including firecrackers, or any other dangerous object, including pellet and BB guns, on or about his/her possession while on the property of the school district, while engaged in a school activity on other property, and/or while riding school provided transportation is a violation of this policy.
  • Causing or attempting to cause physical injury with a weapon or dangerous implement as defined in the aforementioned section, or behaving in a way that could cause physical injury to any person, is in violation of this policy. Violation of the weapons policy may result in immediate suspension and expulsion for a minimum of one year or as determined by the Board of Trustees on a case-by-case basis. The suspended or expelled student will not participate in any school, nor will they be allowed on Gooding School District property at any time. This may be modified only by the Board of Trustee action.

A dangerous object is defined as any object used in a dangerous and/or inappropriate manner that may cause harm to a person or property.


 School district employees or designees have jurisdiction over Gooding High School students during school activities. If discipline is necessary for an infraction, the principal may follow the protocol of detention, in school suspension, out of school suspension, expulsion or may choose to enforce any combination of appropriate disciplinary actions or assign an appropriate work consequence as befitting to student and situation.

Dress & Safety “Dress Code” (District Policy 3260)

One of the fundamental purposes of school is to provide the foundation for the creation and development of a proper attitude toward education. In order to further this purpose, it is essential to create and maintain an effective teaching and learning environment. Student attire impacts the teaching and learning environment. It can either promote a more effective educational environment, or it can disrupt the educational climate and process. Student attire that is acceptable for some social settings may not be acceptable for the educational environment of school. Student’s dress and grooming will be of such a nature that it will be non-disruptive to the educational process or functions of the school, and will be neat and clean at all times.

Students are reminded that their appearance (clothing and grooming) significantly affects the way others respond to them. Matters of dress remain the primary responsibility of students, in consultation with their parents or legal guardians. Nevertheless, since it is the duty of the Board of Trustees to provide an educational atmosphere conducive to learning, minimizing disruptions or distractions, and to protect the health, safety, and morals of students all students will adhere to the following certain minimum standards of dress when the student is on any school premises or at any school sponsored activity, regardless of location.

In general, students are not to wear or carry items of apparel (clothing, accessories, cosmetics, tattoos, jewelry—including body piercing) which depict or allude to, by picture, symbol or word, drugs, including alcohol and tobacco, controlled substances, drug paraphernalia, gangs, violence, sexually explicit, lewd, indecent or offensive material, or illegal acts. The wearing, using, or displaying of any gang clothing or attire (based upon the principal/designee’s reasonable belief that gangs may be present in a school) jewelry, emblem, badge, symbol, sign, codes or other things which evidence membership or affiliation in any gang is prohibited on any school premises or at any school sponsored activity, regardless of location.

Examples of inappropriate attire include but are not limited to the following:

  • Clothing which is “see-through”, exposes underwear, the midriff, or is low cut.
  • Shorts or skirts which are shorter than fingertip length.
  • Pants or shorts with the waistband worn below the hips.
  • Pajamas, slippers.

Sleeveless garments must fit closely under the arms.  Head coverings are inappropriate in the school building during regular school hours, unless the principal or designee specifically makes an exception to the policy.  Students will wear footwear at all times.


Interpretation and Implementation of Dress Code (District Policy 3260)

The building principal/designee shall use reasonable discretion in interpreting and implementing the provisions of this policy. If a conflict arises in the interpretation of this policy, the interpretation of the building principal/designee shall be final. Principals, administrators, and teachers shall use reasonable discretion in enforcing this policy.


Enforcement of Dress Code (District Policy 3260)

Teachers and administrators may deny class entrance to students dressed or otherwise adorned inappropriately until arrangements may be made for their proper attire. All time missed from

classes for failure to adhere to this policy will be deemed unexcused absences. Parents or guardians will be notified each time a student is asked to leave school because of inappropriate attire. Students who are insubordinate or refuse to change the improper attire, or who repeat dress code violations shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension or expulsion, depending on all the facts and circumstances, for violating the standards of student conduct.


Temporary Exemptions to Dress Code (District Policy 3260)

In order to allow appropriate attire for a particular educational or school activity, the building principal/designee has the authority to grant temporary exceptions to specific provisions of this policy and related regulations. An example of such an exception might be where a specially scheduled school event required a group of students to dress unusually on a particular day.

Electronic Devices (District Policy 3265)

Gooding High School strongly discourages students from bringing and/or using electronic devices at school. The use of electronic devices can be disruptive to the educational process and are items that are frequently lost or stolen. The high school is not responsible for the security and safekeeping of these items and is not financially responsible for any damage, destruction, or loss of electronic devices. In order to maintain a secure and orderly learning environment, and to promote respect and courtesy regarding the use of electronic devices, GHS hereby establishes the following rules and regulations governing student use of electronic devices, and procedures to address student misuse of electronic devices. “Electronic devices” include, but are not limited to, cell phones, Mp3 players, iPods, personal digital assistants (PDAs), compact disc players, portable game consoles, cameras, digital scanners, lap top computers, and other electronic or battery powered instruments which transmit voice, text, or data from one person to another. Students enrolled in Gooding High School are not permitted to use any electronic devices during class time except as otherwise provided by this policy. Cell phone usage is strictly prohibited in the school building during school hours (7:45 am – 3:45 pm); including voice usage, digital imaging, or text messaging. Electronic devices may be used during class time when specifically approved by the teacher or a school administrator in conjunction with appropriate and authorized class or school activities or events (i.e., student use of a camera during a photography class; student use of a lap top computer for a class presentation). Students may use electronic devices during class time when authorized pursuant to an Individual Education Plan (IEP), a Section 504 Accommodation Plan, or a Health Care Plan. Students may use electronic devices before school, after school, and at lunch. Students shall not use electronic devices at any time or place for: (a) activities which disrupt the educational environment; (b) illegal activities in violation of state or federal laws or regulations; (c) unethical activities, such as cheating on assignments or tests; (d) immoral or pornographic activities; (e) activities in violation of district or school policies and procedures relating to student conduct and harassment; or (f) activities which invade the privacy of others.

Student misuses will be dealt with as serious school violations, and immediate and appropriate disciplinary action will be imposed, including, but not limited to, suspension and expulsion from school. Electronic devices used in violation of this policy may be confiscated by school personnel and returned to the student or parent/guardian at an appropriate time. If an electronic device is confiscated, the electronic device shall be taken to the school’s main office to be identified, placed in a secure area, and returned to the student and/or the student’s parent/guardian in a consistent and orderly way.

First Violation:

Depending upon the nature of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at a minimum may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration and a conference between the student and school principal or designee. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until the end of the day, when the student may come to the school’s main office and retrieve the electronic device.


Second Violation:

Depending upon the nature of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at a minimum may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration and a conference between the student and his/her parent/guardian and the school principal or designee. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until after school when the student will pay a $10.00 fee to get the device back. The monies collected will go towards school improvements that benefit all students.

Third Violation:

Depending upon the nature of the violation and the imposition of other appropriate disciplinary action, consequences at a minimum may include a relinquishment of the electronic device to the school administration and a conference between the student and his/her parent/guardian and the school principal or designee. The electronic device shall remain in the possession of the school administration until such time as the student’s parent/guardian personally comes to the school’s main office and retrieves the electronic device. There will be a fee of $10.00 to get the device back. The monies collected will go towards school improvements that benefit all students.

Subsequent Violations:

Students who are repeat offenders of this policy shall be subject to the imposition of any appropriate disciplinary action, which may include suspension and expulsion from school. Students will be required to turn phone into the office before school every day in order to attend GHS. Students can pick up phone at the end of each day. Students and/or parents/guardians, as applicable, are expected to claim a confiscated electronic device within ten (10) days of the date it was relinquished. The school shall not be responsible, financially or otherwise, for any unclaimed electronic devices after this time period.


Driving and Parking Regulations (District Policies 3450, 3565)

Students who drive cars to school are to obey school rules and regulations concerning all speed limits, safe driving and parking area rules. As the student enters the parking area, they are to drive directly to a parking space and park the car. The car is to remain in the parking space until the student is ready to leave campus at which time the student drives directly out of the parking lot and leaves the school grounds. Students caught “cruising” the parking lot or violating any speed limit, safe driving, or parking area rule may lose their privilege of driving and parking an automobile on school grounds. Students may not drive other students off campus during the school day (not including lunch hour).

  • Certain parking spaces are reserved for Visitors, Staff, and students who have paid for a reserved space. All unmarked spaces are first come, first served.
  • No parking in front of the high school, or around or on the islands.
  • No double‐parking or irregular parking.
  • Park only in designated parking space.
  • Students must fill out a parking lot document that identifies their vehicle.
  • No sitting in your car during school. The parking lot is off limits during school time except during lunch. Students must get permission from the office prior to going to the parking lot. Violators will be considered truant.
  • Parking privileges may be rescinded if parking area rules are broken.

Food and Drinks

No food, drink, gum, or candy is permitted on any carpeted area of the building. Lunch will be eaten in the lunchroom, in the commons area, or outside the building.


Student Orientation and School Policy Review

A general orientation of school policies and rules will be conducted during the first two weeks of each school year with each class. The student handbook will be reviewed annually for possible revisions.

Classroom Rules

  • No food, drink, gum and/or candy in any classroom unless approved by teacher.
  • All students are in the seats when the bell rings with necessary classroom equipment.
  • Students are to treat peers, faculty, and administration with respect (no swearing/trash talking or insubordination).
  • Students are to have a teacher hall pass when out of the classroom.
  • Students are to follow the district computer and network policy when working on computers.
  • All faculty members are encouraged to enforce the above rules in their classrooms.


Discipline Procedures (District Policy 3340, 3340P)

Discipline actions and consequences for violations of school rules, regulations, and procedures include, but are not limited to, the following: (the principal or designee will determine what consequences are appropriate when a student is referred to the office)

  • Student conference with the teacher
  • Student conference with the principal
  • Phone call to parent(s)
  • Letter sent to the parent(s)
  • Student and parent(s) conference with the principal
  • Detention (lunch hour or before or after school)
  • Loss of privileges
  • Suspension from extracurricular activities
  • In‐school suspension
  • Out‐of‐school suspension
  • Referral to status offenders service
  • Referral to counselor or student specialist for intervention
  • Recommendation to the Board of Trustees for expulsion

Both the seriousness of the violation and the number of violations will be considered in determining the proper disciplinary action(s) to be taken.

Suspension (District Policy 3340, 3340P)

The principal of any school within the district may temporarily suspend any pupil for disciplinary reasons. The procedure used for suspension will conform to the minimal requirements of due process. A temporary suspension by the principal shall not exceed five (5) days in length. The superintendent may continue the suspension for up to ten (10) additional days. Upon finding that the immediate return to school by the suspended student would be detrimental to the health, welfare, or safety of other students, the Board of Trustees may extend the temporary suspension for an additional five (5) school days. This totals 20 maximum days of suspensions.

Days missed due to suspension count towards the seven (7) allowed absences and those that result in student absences in excess of those allowed will result in the loss of credit for those affected classes. 

In‐school suspension can be for one (1) period to five (5) days. The student is assigned to a study area during the suspension. The missed period(s) or days do not count as absences and the student is expected to complete all assigned work.

Expulsion—District Policy (District Policy 3340, 3340P)

The Board of Trustees may deny attendance at any of its schools by expulsion, of any pupil who is a habitual truant, or who is incorrigible, or whose conduct, in the judgment of the board, is such as to be continuously a discipline problem or who may be harmful to the other students. Any pupil having been expelled may be readmitted to the school by the Board of Trustees upon such reasonable conditions as may be prescribed by the board; but such readmission shall not prevent the board from again expelling such pupil for cause. Expulsion includes no participation in any school activity or being present at any time on school grounds.


Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use (District Policy 3320)

PHILOSOPHY: Parents/guardians should be involved in all aspects of their child’s education, including drug, alcohol, and tobacco prevention programs and counseling.


  • Controlled substances: include, but are not limited to, opiates, opium derivatives, hallucinogenic substances, including cocaine, and cannabis and synthetic equivalents of the substances contained in the plant, any material, compound, mixture or preparation with substances having a depressant effect on the central nervous system, and stimulants.
  • Drug: includes any alcohol or malt beverage, any inhalant, any tobacco product, any controlled substance, any illegal substance, any abused substance, any look‐alike or counterfeit drug, any medication not approved and registered by the school authorities and/or any substance whose use is intended to alter mood.
  • Reasonable suspicion: an act of judgment by intervention trained school personnel, which leads to a reasonable and prudent belief that a student is in violation of use or “under the influence” of drugs and/or controlled substances. The fact that a student has previously disclosed use of a controlled substance shall not be deemed a factor in determining reasonable suspicion at a later date. Reasonable suspicion does not include intentional harassment of a difficult student.
  • Intervention trained: school personnel who have completed an accredited course related to illegal substance, their physical characteristics, physiological effects and how student behavioral changes typically associated with the use of such products may be evidenced in the classroom.

POLICY: It is a violation of district policy for a student to possess, use, buy, sell, or give away drug paraphernalia, controlled substances, or drugs “on any school premises or at any local or away school sponsored activities, regardless of location”, or to have such substances on his/her person, in his/her locker, vehicle, school bus, or other property. Students reasonably suspected by intervention trained personnel of any of the above will be identified, examined, and reported in accordance with the law. The student’s parents/guardians shall be contacted as soon as possible. Students with either a suspicioned or a substantiated controlled substance or drug problem will be offered assistance. Any student who voluntarily discloses using or being under the influence of any drug or controlled substance while on school grounds or under school supervision and before he/she is reasonably suspicioned to be in violation of the law and this policy shall be provided anonymity to the extent that:

  • Disclosure is held confidential on a faculty “need to know” basis;
  • Notification is provided to parents/guardians; and
  • Available counseling is offered at the school level.

Once a student is reasonably suspicioned to be in violation of the law and this policy, regardless of any previous voluntary disclosure, the principal or designee shall immediately notify the local law enforcement agency and shall seek a law enforcement evaluation of the student. The evaluation may seek transfer of school custodial responsibility to the appropriate law enforcement agency. Voluntary disclosure of use or being under the influence of any drug or controlled substance to school personnel while the student was off school grounds and not under the supervision of the school, may not be reported unless in the best interest of the student or required by school district policy, or state code.

DISCIPLINE: Any student on school grounds or at school activities who supplies or sells drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products shall be immediately suspended and subject to expulsion. Discipline for students who possess, use, buy, or give away drug paraphernalia, controlled substances or drugs, “on any school premises or at any local or away school sponsored activity, regardless of location” shall involve suspension and possible expulsion.

The process to enforce this policy is as follows:

  1. A student’s person and/or personal effects, including, but not limited to purse, book bag, etc., may be searched whenever a school official has reasonable suspicion that the student is in possession of materials which violate district policy or law.
  2. Lockers and desks are school property and remain at all times under the control of the school; however, students are expected to assume full responsibility for the security of their lockers and desks. Periodic general inspection of lockers and desks may be conducted by authorized school officials for any reason at any time without notice, without consent, and without a search warrant. The interiors of lockers may be inspected whenever an authorized school official has reasonable suspicion that materials which violate district policy or law are contained inside. Such inspections may be conducted without notice, without consent, and without a search warrant.
  1. Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not right. The school retains the authority to conduct routine patrols of school parking lots and inspections of the exteriors of automobiles on school property.

First Offense:

  1. The student’s parents/guardians and probation and/or law enforcement shall be notified as soon as possible; AND
  2. The student shall be subject to a 2-3 day suspension by school building administrator;


  1. The principal/superintendent may reduce the suspension.
    1. The student and parent/guardian show evidence of attendance at a local substance abuse meeting (AA, ALA Teen) and agree to a drug and alcohol assessment provided at a state approved alcohol/drug agency in the area and conducted by a certified alcoholism/drug abuse counselor, at the family’s expense, and follow the recommendations of the agency.
    2. The student submits a copy of the recommendation prior to readmission.
  2. Reduction in length of suspension or extracurricular ineligibility will be immediately revoked by the principal/superintendent whenever a student fails to follow through with the evaluation recommendation.

Second Offense:

  1. The student’s parents/guardians and law enforcement shall be notified as soon as possible; AND
  2. The student shall be subject to a minimum five (5) day suspension by building administrator/superintendent.

Third/subsequent offenses:

  1. The student’s parents/guardians and law enforcement shall be notified as soon as possible; AND
  2. Suspensions will be determined by building administration and superintendent and may include a hearing with the school board for possible suspension/expulsion hearing.

The above procedures apply to first and second/subsequent offenses on school property and at school sponsored away or home activities. Should a student who participates in school activities be in violation of this policy during an activity/sport season in which the violation occurs off of school grounds and when not under the school’s supervision, the same procedures will apply—except #2 above. All students and parents must sign a contract at the beginning of each activity which contains these guidelines and resulting penalties for offenses.

Activity/sports and extracurricular is defined as all activities sponsored by the school district including clubs, class officers, drama, pep band, etc. There shall be no break between school sport seasons. For purposes of this policy, the next sport season begins the same day the previous sport season ends. Non-sport season summer vacation time is excluded from this policy. In the case of and also for those activities and clubs which do not have a regular season, the first penalty is for

the remainder of a season defined as August ‐ October (fall), November – February (winter), and March – May (spring) if the chemical dependency assessment and evaluation are followed.

Field trips that are a part of classroom instruction are not considered an extracurricular activity. Any appeal of the above penalties or any change in procedures may only be made to the Board of Trustees through the superintendent. Suspensions and expulsions of students with disabilities as defined by Public Law 94‐142 and subsequent amendments, (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act shall follow said guidelines as well as the provisions of this policy.


Interscholastic and Extracurricular Activities (District Policy 3380)

The following represents Gooding High School eligibility policy and I.H.S.A.A. guidelines.

To be academically eligible for athletics and cheerleading, a student must:

  1. Be enrolled full‐time (See District Policy and IHSAA Policy).
  2. Have earned credits in at least five (5) full‐credit subjects in the previous semester or grading period for which credit is granted. Students may not have more than two (2) D’s or an F in the preceding grading period.

Federal law prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or handicap. It is the policy of the Gooding High School not to discriminate in any educational programs or activities.

Academic eligibility will continue until that particular sport season or activity has been completed. Any student who is enrolled and participates in a Chapter 1 or Special Education program and does not meet the eligibility requirements may be declared eligible by a favorable vote of at least five (5) of the student’s classroom teachers.

Students who do not come to school the day of an activity for a full day will not be allowed to participate in that activity unless a special problem beyond the student’s control arises and is acknowledged by the principal, athletic director, coach, and/or advisor.

A student can be declared ineligible to participate in an activity by decision of the principal because of poor citizenship. This ineligibility can extend from one day to the remainder of the activity season. The principal will make his decision after meeting with the teachers, coaches, and advisors involved and according to written guidelines that are a part of this handbook. Each coach or advisor may add to this policy any additional training rules. All policies must be on file with the principal or athletic director.


Dual Enrollment Athletic Participation Policy (District Policy 3030)

For purposes of this policy the term “non-district student” is any student who is enrolled in a non-public school (including a home school or private school), enrolled in a public charter school or enrolled in a post-secondary institution.  Priority for enrollment, when school programs reach maximum capacities, will be given to students enrolled on a regular full-time basis. When participant numbers require cuts, first priority for try-outs will be given to full time Gooding High School students. Prior to the beginning of each sports season, students that are not enrolled full time in Gooding High School may apply to be placed on a waiting list with the AD at Gooding High School. Following the first day of try outs, if there are spots available on the team, the AD will contact the parents and prospective athlete notifying them of the number of openings remaining on the team. Those are the only slots for which a non-district student may compete. All interested non-district students can compete for the open slots on a team, but may not displace any Gooding High School student.

Drug Abuse Policy for Students Involved in IHSAA Sanctioned Activities (District Policy 3390)

PHILOSOPHY: School activities play an integral part of the total educational process of students enrolled in the Gooding School District. Because activities provide an educational opportunity, participants and coaches/advisors strive to meet the following objectives:

  • Promote and contribute to the goals of the total educational program
  • Promote good citizenship and respect for rules and authority
  • Promote involvement and community interest in activities
  • Promote good sportsmanship
  • Learn the value of competitive participation
  • Development of individual and team skills
  • Practice good health habits
  • Practice physical, intellectual, and artistic development
  • Represent the school and community in a positive manner

The illegal use, possession, distribution, or sale of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, or other controlled substances is strictly forbidden. If a student involved in extracurricular activities tests positive, is cited by police, or is under “reasonable suspicion” of committing any of the above, a review of the situation will take place before sanctions are applied. It is not acceptable for a student to be in attendance at a gathering where the student knows rules of conduct are being violated. If a student is known to be at a gathering of this nature, sanctions will also take place.

If students choose to participate in activities, they do so voluntarily, and, therefore, there are expectations beyond the required expectations of students who do not wish to participate in activities. These include maintaining academic eligibility, abiding by rules set forth by the coach/advisor, and setting high standards for behavior. Moreover, commitment to activities requires that participants refrain from the use or possession of controlled substances. Participation in activities is not considered to be a right, but rather, it is a privilege.  The Gooding School Board of Trustees, by adopting this policy, hopes to decrease peer pressure to use controlled substances on students participating in activities.


  • Reasonable Suspicion: Otherwise unexplained behavior which, based on specific objective facts and reasonable inferences drawn from these facts, or any substantive evidence pointing to either use, possession, or distribution of illicit drugs, unlawful alcohol or tobacco, may constitute “reasonable suspicion.”
  • Extracurricular Activity: Any school competition that occurs out of the regular classroom setting. These include sanctioned IHSAA activities such as, but not limited to music, drama, debate, speech, cheerleading, dance, drill, basketball, cross‐country, football, golf, tennis, track, volleyball, and wrestling.
  • Participation: “Participation” in an activity (including practice), as used in this policy, shall include competition in any given activity, including managers.
  • Alcoholic Beverages: Any beverage that contains alcohol, including, but not limited to beer, wine, coolers, and liquor.
  • Drugs: Any controlled substances as defined in Idaho Code §37‐2705 or §37‐2707, except those possessed and/or used pursuant to a valid prescription.
  • Seasons: The Activity season extends from the first day of tryouts to the last day of competition. There shall be no break between school activity seasons. For purposes of this policy, the next activity begins the same day the previous activity ends. This also applies for a student that, for instance, participates in only one or two activities. For example, if a violation occurs two (2) days before the end of the football season and the student’s next activity is track, the sanction will “carry‐over” to the spring.

Reasonable suspicion may arise:

  • From direct observation of an individual;
  • From a pattern of abnormal conduct;
  • When the individual has been arrested for, convicted of, or identified as the target of a criminal investigation into a tobacco, alcohol or drug related offense; and
  • Based on information provided either by reliable and credible sources or independently corroborated.

Although reasonable suspicion does not require certainty, mere hunches are not sufficient to meet the standard. In any reported case, the principal and athletic director must investigate and substantiate the facts before consequences are carried out.

The non‐activity season starts when the last state tournament ends for spring sports and the first day of practice starts for fall sports. This time is excluded from the policy.


Determination of Violations:

When there is reasonable suspicion to believe that a student has violated this policy by committing any of the above acts, an investigation will be conducted by the principal and athletic director.

  • As part of the investigation process, the student will receive written notice of the allegation that he/she violated the policy, and will be given an informal meeting with the investigators. Parents/guardians and the head coach/advisor are also encouraged to attend this meeting.
  • In the event that a student self‐reports the violation, upon being questioned by a coach, athletic director, or administrator; the first offense sanction will be reduced by 50% (one (1) week, consisting of at least a one (1) game suspension).
  • Students have the right to face their accusers.



  • A student may appeal the determination that he/she has violated this policy and/or the penalty imposed by filing a written request with the principal within ten (10) days of the date the determination is made. The request for an appeal must clearly state the reasons why the review is being requested. The review will be an informal meeting of the student, parents/guardians if desired, and superintendent. The superintendent will issue a written decision within five (5) school days of the date of the review.
  • If the students’ appeal to the superintendent is not successful, the student has the right to appeal to the Gooding School District Board of Trustees by filing a written request with the superintendent’s office within ten (10) days of the date the determination is made. The request for an appeal must clearly state the reasons why the review is being requested. The Board of Trustees will issue a written decision within five (5) school days of the date of the review. The decision of the Board of Trustees is final.
  • Students shall abide by all other terms of their suspension until a final determination is made regarding their appeal.

Sanctions will accumulate through grades 9‐12.

Equal Education Opportunity

No person, on grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex shall be excluded in participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination under any program or activity of the District.

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