4140: Visitors to Schools

Gooding Joint School District No. 231


COMMUNITY RELATIONS                                                                                                 4140


Visitors to the Schools

While the District encourages visits by Board members, parents, and citizens to all District buildings, all visitors are required to report to the Administration or Principal’s office upon entering any District building.

All building administrators shall ensure that prominent notices are posted at each entrance requiring that all visitors must first report to the administrative office. This includes all parents, board members, volunteers, social service workers, invited speakers, maintenance and repair persons not employed by the district, salespersons, representatives of the news media, former students, and any other visitors. All visitors who have infrequent contact with students may be subject to the District’s policy mandating background and cross checks.

Visits to individual classrooms during instructional time shall be permitted only with the principal’s and teacher’s approval and such visits shall not be permitted if their duration or frequency interferes with the delivery of instruction or disrupts the normal school environment.


Conferences should be held outside school hours or during the teacher’s conference/prep time. Loitering / Unauthorized Persons

The Principal has authority to request assistance from law enforcement if any visitor or unauthorized individual refuses to leave school grounds or creates a disturbance. Violation of district policy may lead to removal from the building or grounds and denial of further access to district buildings or grounds.


Employees shall report to the Principal any person loitering on or near a school building or school grounds. The Principal may request such unauthorized individual to leave or remove him/her from the school premises or area. If the individual does not leave voluntarily or resists removal, law enforcement shall be notified and requested to assist in the removal. The Principal or designee shall notify the Superintendent’s office immediately if such a situation develops.


Unauthorized persons loitering in, about any school building, or on school grounds shall be asked to leave the premises. Any such person failing to leave the premises shall be considered to be in probable violation of disorderly conduct or trespassing statutes. Law enforcement shall be notified and requested to remove the individual from the building or grounds.

Cross Reference: 4320                      Disruption of School Operations 4420                              Sex Offenders

4600                      Volunteers

5110                      Criminal History/Background Checks


Legal Reference: Idaho Code § 33-512(16) Governance of Schools


Policy History:

Adopted on: August 7, 2012 Revised on:

Reviewed on: 12-12-23

Transcript Request Form

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