2700P: High School Graduation Requirements

Gooding Joint School District #231


INSTRUCTION                                                                                                                     2700P


High School Graduation Requirements


Publication of Graduation Requirements


Prior to registering for high school, each student will be provided with a copy of the current graduation requirements. Graduation requirements shall also be included in the student handbook.




Students shall be expected to earn a total of 52 semester credits in order to complete graduation requirements. Special education students who have successfully completed their IEP leading to completion of high school will be awarded a diploma.


The core of instruction is 34 semester credits:


Secondary Language Arts and Communication                                                         9 credits

            English (language study, composition, literature)                  8 credits

            Speech or Debate                                                                    1 credit


Mathematics                                                                                                                6 credits*

            Algebra I (or meets Algebra I standards)                               2 credits

            Geometry (or meets Geometry standards)                             2 credits

            Secondary Mathematics of the student’s choice                     2 credits


Dual credit engineering and computer science courses aligned to the state standards for grades 9 through 12, including AP Computer Science and dual credit computer Science courses may be counted as mathematics.


            *Students who choose to take Computer Science and Dual Credit Engineering may not concurrently count such courses as both a mathematics and science credit



            Secondary Science                                                                                          6 credits*

            *(4 credits shall be laboratory sciences)

Up to 2 credits in dual credit engineering and computer science courses aligned to the state standards for grades 9 through 12, including AP Computer Science, Dual Credit Computer Science, may be used as science credits.

*Students who choose to take computer science and Dual Credit Engineering may not concurrently count such courses as both a mathematics and science credit.


Social Studies                                                                                                             7 credits

            Government                                                                2 credits

            US History                                                                  4 credits

            Economics and Financial Literacy                             1 credit


Arts and Humanities                                                                                                   2 credits

            Interdisciplinary humanities, visual and performing arts, or

            Foreign language


Health/Wellness                                                                                                          3 credits*

            PE                                                                               2 credits

            Health                                                                         1 credit

*(Each student shall receive a minimum of 1 class period on psychomotor cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training as outlined in the American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for CPR to include the proper utilization of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) as part of the Health/Wellness course. Additionally, students participating in one season in any sport recognized by the Idaho High School Activities Association or club sport recognized by the District, or 18 weeks of a sport recognized by the District may choose to substitute participation for up to one credit of physical education.)


Career Technical Education (CTE)                                                                            1 credit


Electives                                                                                                                      18 credits


Gooding Alternative Learning Center


Students shall be expected to earn a total of 46 semester credits in order to complete graduation requirements.


Secondary Language Arts and Communication                                                         9 credits

            English (language study, composition, literature)      8 credits

            Speech or Debate                                                        1 credit


Mathematics                                                                                                                6 credits

            Algebra I (or meets Algebra I standards)                   2 credits

            Geometry (or meets Geometry standards)                 2 credits

            Secondary Mathematics of the student’s choice         2 credits



            Secondary Science                                                                                          6 credits

            *(4 credits shall be laboratory sciences)


Social Studies                                                                                                             5 credits

            Government                                                                2 credits

            US History                                                                                                      2 credits

            Economics and Financial Literacy                                                                 1 credit


Arts and Humanities                                                                                                   2 credits

            Interdisciplinary humanities, visual and performing arts, or

            Foreign language


Health/Wellness                                                                                                          1 credit


*(Each student shall receive a minimum of 1 class period on psychomotor cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training as outlined in the American Heart Association (AHA) Guidelines for CPR to include the proper utilization of an automatic external defibrillator (AED) as part of the Health/Wellness course. Additionally, students participating in one season in any sport recognized by the Idaho High School Activities Association or club sport recognized by the District, or 18 weeks of a sport recognized by the District may choose to substitute participation for up to one credit of physical education.


Electives                                                                                                                      17 credits


Middle School Credit


If a middle school student completes any required high school course with a grade of C or higher before entering the 9th grade, and if that course meets the same standards that are required in high school and the course is taught by a teacher certified to teach high school content, then the student has met the high school content area requirement for such course. The student shall be given a grade for the successful completion of that course and such grade and the number of credit hours assigned to the course may be transferred to the student’s high school transcript by request. The student’s parent or guardian shall be notified in advance when credits are going to be transcribed. However, the student’s parent or guardian may elect to not have the credits and grade transferred to the student’s high school transcript. The student still must complete the required number of credits in all high school core subjects identified above in addition to the courses completed in middle school.


Senior Project


A student shall complete a senior project that includes a written report and oral presentation by the end of grade 12. Senior projects may be multi-year projects, group or individual projects, or approved pre-internship or school to work internship programs at the discretion of the District. The project must include elements of research, development of a thesis using experiential learning or integrated project-based learning experiences, and a presentation of the outcome. Additional requirements for the senior project are the discretion of the District.

Completion of a postsecondary certificate or degree at the time of high school graduation or an approved pre-internship or internship program may be used to satisfy this requirement.


Idaho Standards Achievement Tests (ISAT)


In addition to obtaining the necessary credits as outlined above, a student will take the Idaho Student Achievement Test (ISAT) as defined by State Board of Education rules.


Civics Test


All secondary students must successfully pass the civics test or alternate path. “Civics test” as used herein means the 100 questions used by officers of the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services as a basis for selecting the questions posed to applicants for naturalization.

Any student who participates in a United States Government and Politics course and an associated college credit-bearing examination shall be deemed to have met this requirement.


The District will determine the method and manner in which to administer the civics test. A student may take the civics test, in whole or in part, at any time after enrolling in grade 7 and may repeat the test as often as necessary to pass the test. The District will document on the student’s transcript that the student has passed the civics test.


The applicability of this requirement for students who receive special education services will be governed by the student’s Individualized Education Plan.


Waiver of Requirement


Graduation requirements generally will not be waived except as outlined in the Early Achievement of College/Career Readiness and Flexible Schedule portion of this policy. However, in rare and unique hardship circumstances, the principal may recommend, and the Superintendent may approve, minor deviation from the graduation requirements.


Alternative Programs


Credit toward graduation requirements may be granted for planned learning experiences from accredited programs, such as summer school, college and university courses, correspondence courses, online/virtual courses, extended learning opportunities, and mastery-based education.


Credit for work experience may be offered when the work program is a part of and supervised by the school.


All classes attempted at Gooding High School, the Gooding Alternative Learning Center and all acceptable transfer credits shall be recorded on the transcript. All grades earned, including failures and retakes, shall be recorded as such and utilized in the calculation of Grade Point Average (GPA) and class rank. Credit shall be awarded only once regardless of repetition of the course.




Honor Roll


A student must have a minimum GPA of 3.5 to be placed on the honor roll. Specific information regarding honors at graduation is included in the student handbook.


Class Rank (GPA)


Class rank is compiled from semester grades. Courses not eligible for GPA are designated with Pass/Fail.


Early Completion of Graduation Requirements


A student who completes all of the graduation requirements set forth above prior to the completion of eight semesters of school attendance in grades 9 through 12 may petition the Superintendent and Board for early graduation by submitting such a petition to the Superintendent through the building principal. The Superintendent shall submit the petition to the Board for endorsement and approval at the end of the quarter preceding the requested graduation date.


Early Achievement of College/Career Readiness and Flexible Schedule

A student may, at the student’s option and upon notification to the student’s school, be relieved from completing their remaining high school graduation requirements and apply for a flexible schedule or graduate early if the student:


  1. Is at least 16 years of age;
  2. Maintains a cumulative 3.5 grade point average;
  3. Obtains permission from a parent/guardian, if under the age of 18;
  4. Achieves a college and career readiness score;
  5. Files the following with the school:


  1. Notification of their intent to take a flexible schedule OR graduate early;
  2. The student’s participation portfolio; and
  3. An essay of at least one page explaining why the student wishes to have a flexible schedule which must include the future plans using the flexible schedule OR early graduation;


  1. Completes the following:


  1. The required civics test;
  2. The economics credit, government credits, and senior project required to graduate. A student’s senior project may describe the student’s experience in achieving a college and career readiness score and a detailed explanation of the student’s future plan.


Students eligible for a flexible schedule may be relieved from high school graduation requirements in order to:

  1. Take elective courses, career technical education programs, or courses selected by the student which are available within the District;
  2. Participate in apprenticeships or internships;
  3. Act as a tutor at any grade level; or
  4. Engage in such other activities identified by the Board.


A student who is granted a flexible schedule must adhere to the plan submitted to the school as a part of their eligibility. Students who are under 18 may modify their plan with the approval of the student’s parent/guardian.


The Superintendent is authorized to create any procedures necessary to assist students to achieve early graduation or flexible schedule as well create incentives for participation in any early graduation program. Students who opt for a flexible schedule may apply for Advanced Opportunities funding. Existing programs providing incentives to complete coursework early are described in Policy 2435 Advanced Opportunities.



Procedure History:

Promulgated on: 5-8-12

Revised on: 9-9-14, 7-12-16, 12-14-21,9-13-22, 10-10-23

Reviewed on:


Thank you for your continued support of our school district!

Our school board, administration, and staff take great pride in the trust given us to be conscientious stewards of the money and resources you help to provide.

These resources allow our students to be successful and prepared when they graduate from Gooding schools.

Vote at your local precinct on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Transcript Request Form

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