2550: Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education

Gooding Joint School District No. 231


Field Trips, Excursions, and Outdoor Education

The Board recognizes that field trips, when used as a device for teaching and learning integral to the curriculum, are an educationally sound and important ingredient in the instructional program of the schools. Such trips can supplement and enrich classroom activities by providing learning experiences in an environment beyond the classroom. The Board also recognizes that field trips may result in lost learning opportunities in missed classes. Therefore, the Board endorses the use of field trips when the educational objectives achieved by the trip clearly outweigh any lost in- class learning opportunities. Pupil trips of significant educational value will be encouraged, and pupil trips of significant recreational value will be permitted, when they are conducted under requirements established by the Board and the Superintendent. Pupil safety on trips will be a primary consideration.

Trip Approval

All field trips must be approved by the building principal. The Superintendent also must approve all out of District trips and overnight trips. Additionally, the Board must approve in advance all out of State trips.


Transportation for trips of significant educational value, including those that are part of the established activities program, is free of cost to pupils only when District-owned vehicles are used within a radius of seventy-five (75) miles from each school location. Transportation for trips of significant recreational value will be provided for a fee according to the number of pupils traveling and the purpose, time, and length of the trip.

Preparation and Follow-up

In order to secure maximum educational benefit from a field experience, pupils will be oriented for the trip in advance. There will be adequate follow-up and tie-in of field trip experiences with classroom activities and discussions after the trip.

Parental Permission Required

Written parental approval must be obtained for each field trip. The signed forms showing parent approval will be kept on file for one (1) year.


The building principal will make all necessary arrangements to ensure that all field trips are properly supervised.


No staff member may solicit students during instructional time for any privately arranged field trip or excursion without Board permission.

Policy History:

Adopted on: May 8, 2012 Revised on:

Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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