2545: Technology Advisory Council

Gooding Joint School District No. 231


Technology Advisory Council

The Board supports the establishment of Technology Advisory Council(s) for the purpose of informing technology integration into the classroom, promoting the sharing of information, and fostering a sense of collective ownership of the District’s technology policies. The implementation of this process shall involve regular communication between the Council, Administration, and the Board.

Council Membership

The Council shall be organized at the [school/District] level. The membership shall comprise teachers, classified employees, a building administrator, students, parents and guardians of students, and may include business leaders or members of the community at large. The Council shall comprise members. Not more than of the members shall be teachers, and not more than shall be parents of students attending [the school/a school within the District].

At least one member shall be the [principal of the building/Superintendent of the District], or the [principal’s/Superintendent’s] designee.

Teachers and classified employees shall be selected by the Administration [at the school site/within the District]. Parents shall be selected by parents of students attending the [the school/within the District], and other representatives shall be selected by the Council.

Council Duties

Duties of the Technology Advisory Council shall include but not be limited to:

  1. Providing recommendations on the integration of technology into the learning environment

  2. Sharing best practices and innovative uses of technology in the classroom Public Meeting Law

The Council shall comply with the public meeting laws which include posting notices of meetings and taking minutes.

Implementation and Review

The Superintendent shall be responsible for overseeing the activities of the Councils and for providing ongoing assessment of site council functioning.

Legal References: Technology Taskforce: Final Taskforce Recommendations

Policy History: Adopted on: Revised on:

Transcript Request Form

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