2520: Selection, Adoption, Use, and Removal of Curricular Materials

Gooding Jt. School District 231

INSTRUCTION                                                                                                                        2520

Selection, Adoption, Use, and Removal of Curricular Materials


The term “curricular materials” is defined as textbook; instructional media, including software; audio/visual media; and internet resources.


Curriculum committees will be responsible for recommending textbooks and major instructional materials for consideration by the Board as curricular materials. This does not include library materials, however, it does include curricular materials that are and are not covered by the State curriculum materials committee.


The Board shall establish a curricular materials adoption committee for the purpose of advising the Board on selection of curricular materials for use within the District. At least ½ of this committee must be comprised of persons other than public educators and Trustees and shall include parents of a child or children attending a school or schools within the District. All meetings of the committee shall be held in open session and be duly noticed.


The curricular materials adoption committee shall conduct its business in compliance with state open meeting law.


Any person may submit oral or written objections to any curricular materials under consideration.


Recommendations will be made to the Superintendent with a final decision being made by the Board. The function of the committee is to ensure that materials are selected in conformance with stated criteria and established District goals and objectives.

For dual credit courses offered through institutions of higher education, the selection, adoption, and removal of curricular materials is handled by the provider. The District has no control over the selection, adoption and removal of curricular materials and it is the responsibility of the parent to have knowledge of and/or review such prior to student enrollment.


Selection and Adoption


The curricular materials adoption committee should develop, prior to selection, a set of selection criteria against which curricular materials will be evaluated. The criteria should include the following along with other appropriate criteria. Curricular materials shall:


  1. Enrich and support the curriculum;
  2. Stimulate growth in knowledge, literary appreciation, aesthetic value, and ethical standards;
  3. Be congruent with identified instructional objectives;
  4. Provide background information to enable students to make intelligent judgments;


  1. Present more than one viewpoint on controversial issues;
  2. Be representative of the many religious, ethnic, and cultural groups and their contributions to our American heritage;
  3. Depict members of minority groups realistically and in a non-stereotypical way;
  4. Facilitate the sharing of cultural differences; and
  5. Be appropriately


Use of Materials


Curricular materials may be made available for loan to students when the best interest of the District and student will be served by such a decision. Students will not be charged for normal wear. They will be charged replacement cost, however, as well as for excessive wear, unreasonable damage, or lost materials. The professional staff will maintain records necessary for the proper accounting of all curricular materials.




Curricular materials may be removed when they no longer meet the criteria for initial selection, when they are worn out, or when they have been judged inappropriate through the Learning Materials Review & Reconsideration Process.



Cross References;       2500                Library Materials

2510                Selection of Library Materials

2530                Learning Materials Review & Reconsideration


Legal References:       IC § 33-118A                    Curricular Materials – Adoption Procedures

IC § 33-512A                    District Trustees – District Curricular Materials Adoption Committees

IC § 74-200 et seq.            Open Meeting Law

IDAPA        Curricular Materials Selection


Policy History:

Adopted on: 2-14-23

Revised on:

Reviewed on:


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