2500: Library Materials

Model Board Policy Manual

ISBA Policy Management Console

Board Policy 2500: Library Materials


Original Adopted Date: 05/08/2012 | Last Revised Date: 11/15/2022, 02/14/2023, 7-16-2024 | Last Reviewed Date: 02/09/2021

The school library is a principal location for students to inquire, to study and evaluate, and to gain new maturity and understanding. The District has the authority to regulate education and to determine the contents of the library collection. However, the Board also recognizes students’ First Amendment constitutional rights. The school and classroom libraries of this District are guided by the principles set forth in the Library Bill of Rights and by the Idaho Children’s School and Library Protection Act.

Additionally, the District’s school libraries adhere to all applicable District policies and procedures pertaining to student privacy and compliance with the Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) when it comes to records of materials checked out by students and any other student records. Pursuant to State law, the Board has the duty and responsibility to equip and maintain a suitable library and to exclude therefrom all books, tracts, papers, and catechisms of a sectarian nature. 

School library books are provided primarily for use by District students and staff. Library books may be checked out by either students or staff. Individuals who check out books are responsible for the care and timely return of those materials. The building principal may assess fines for damaged or unreturned books.

District residents or parents/guardians of nonresident students attending the District may be allowed use of library books at the discretion of the building principal. However, such access shall not interfere with regular school use of those books. Use of the library books outside of the District is prohibited except for interlibrary loan agreements with other libraries.

Access to Restricted Materials

 The school library may have resources available to students that are available only with parent/guardian permission for minor students. Students’ access to such materials shall require a permission slip signed by their parent/guardian. The permission slip may provide permission to access one or more specific materials or provide permission to access materials in the restricted access section. Students over the age of 18 may check out materials in the restricted access section. 

Legal References


IC § 18-1514(6)

Obscene Materials — Definitions

IC § 33-512

District Trustees – Governance of Schools


Children’s School and Library Protection Act

Other References


Idaho Commission for Libraries


The American Library Association

Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association

Access to Resources and Services in the School Library

Cross References




Student and Family Privacy Rights


Selection of Library Materials


Selection of Library Materials


Selection, Adoption, Use, and Removal of Curricular Materials       


Learning Materials Review & Reconsideration    


Learning Materials Review & Reconsideration    


Student Records


Student Records


Student Records


Student Records


Student Data Privacy and Security


Advertising in Schools/Revenue Enhancement

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