2415: Supporting Students with Characteristics of Dyslexia

Model Board Policy Manual

ISBA Policy Management Console

Board Policy 2415: Supporting Students with Characteristics of Dyslexia


Original Adopted Date: 09/13/2022 | Last Revised Date:8-13-2024           | Last Reviewed Date:



The District shall take steps to ensure students with characteristics of dyslexia are identified and will work with the students’ parents to provide them with academic support.

The fall administration of the statewide reading assessment will be used as an initial screening to identify students who have characteristics of dyslexia, as defined in I.C. 33-1802, except for children who qualify for exemption under Policy 2385 and I.C. 33-1618. Students in grades kindergarten through 5 who are identified by the initial screening shall be given a second (Tier 2) diagnostic screening test for characteristics of dyslexia. This Tier 2 screening shall also be provided to students identified by their classroom teacher and to students whose parent/guardian requests this screening. The Tier 2 screening may be selected from among the Tier 2 screening measures recommended by the State Department of Education for this purpose. 

When a student is identified as having characteristics of dyslexia by the initial screening or the Tier 2 screening, the student’s parents/guardians shall be notified and provided with the District’s options for school interventions.

The District shall provide evidence-based interventions for any students identified with characteristics of dyslexia by either screening. These interventions shall align with the Idaho comprehensive literacy plan and the State Dyslexia Handbook. 

The District shall submit to the State Board of Education any data they require on the effectiveness of such interventions.

Professional Development

 All district instructional staff and instructional coaches involved in the instruction of students in grades kindergarten through 5 shall be required to complete a professional development on dyslexia approved by the State Department of Education for this purpose.



Legal References


IC § 33-1802


IC § 33-1811


IC 33-1618

Assessment Exemption


Transcript Request Form

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