Home / District Policies / 2000 Series: Instruction / 2300: Guidance and Counseling
2300: Guidance and Counseling
Gooding Joint School District No. 231
Guidance and Counseling
The District recognizes that guidance and counseling are an important part of the total program of instruction and should be provided in accordance with State laws and regulations, District policies and procedures, and available staff and program support.
The general goal of this program is to help students achieve the greatest personal value from their educational opportunities. Such a program should:
- Provide staff with meaningful information that can be utilized to improve the educational services offered to individual students.
- Provide students with planned opportunities to develop future career and educational
- Refer students with special needs to appropriate specialists and
- Aid students in identifying options and making choices about their educational
- Assist teachers and administrators in meeting academic, social, and emotional needs of students.
- Provide for a follow-up of students who further their education and/or move into the world of work.
- Solicit feedback from students, staff, and parents for purposes of program
- Assist students in developing a sense of belonging and self-respect.
All staff shall encourage students to explore and develop their individual interests in career and vocational technical programs and employment opportunities without regard to gender, race, marital status, national origin or handicapping conditions, including reasonable efforts, and encouraging students to consider and explore “nontraditional” occupations.
Legal Reference: I.C. § 33-1212 Elementary school counselors IDAPA Guidance Programs
Policy History:
Adopted on: 5/8/12 Revised on:
Reviewed on: 1/19/21