2210P2: Health Emergency Related School Closure

Gooding Jt. School District 231


INSTRUCTION                                                                                                                   2210P2


Health Emergency Related School Closure


The Superintendent may choose to temporarily close any school within the District if he or she determines it is necessary to do so to protect student or personnel health or safety. The Superintendent may close the school for up to four (4) days. Any closure of greater length may only be approved by the Board. Likewise, the decision to reopen the school following a closure of more than four days may only be approved by the Board. Such decision shall be made in coordination with local health officials.


The Superintendent shall determine whether or not instruction should be provided remotely or via a blended in-person/remote model based, in part, on the anticipated length of the closure. In the event of a closure, the Superintendent shall work with the Board Chair to hold a special meeting to inform the Board of the closure and related issues. At this meeting, the Board shall either ratify the Superintendent’s choice of remote learning model or direct the Superintendent to use another model.


The Superintendent shall consider at least the following in determining whether to close a school or schools:


  1. Any guidance provided by the local health district;

2    Whether a person known to be infected with a contagious or infectious disease has been in the school building.


The Superintendent shall contact local media to report any decision to close a school and shall inform impacted employees and parents/guardians of impacted students by email, phone, text, and/or social media.


Work Schedules and Responsibilities for School Closures


The Superintendent shall determine which employees must report to work during a closure and whether they should do so remotely or in person. 


Legal Citation:            I.C. §   33-512(7)        Governance of Schools


Policy History:

Adopted on: 9/8/20

Revised on: 1/11/22

Reviewed on:

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