7430P: Per Diem and Mileage Allowance

Gooding Joint School District No. 231


FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT                                                                                            7430P


Per Diem and Mileage Allowance


All travel within the state requires approval of the building principal or director. All travel outside the state requires the approval of the Superintendent and Board of Trustees. All travel during business hours requires a leave request be filed by the employee including those times when a substitute is not required.


Gooding Jt. School District is a “Drug Free Workplace” and the administration reminds employees that per diem monies may not be used for the purchase of alcoholic beverages. The District will reimburse at the following per diem rate:


Lodging: Actual motel bill receipts must be turned in to the District office for reimbursement. It is recommended that direct bill arrangements be made in advance.


Daily Per Diem: (Travel Status must exceed 12 hours)


The district will follow the U.S. General Services Administration recommendations:


Partial Day Per Diem:


  • Breakfast if departing before 6:00 m.
  • Dinner if meeting ends after 4:00 m. and return home is after 7:00 p.m.


Reimbursements will be made only for meals not provided by the conference or hotel. If the employee does not wish to partake of the meal provided at the conference or hotel, he/she is responsible to pay his/her own costs.


Mileage: Paid at the State of Idaho rate. Mileage will be paid from the employee’s residence or from Gooding school grounds, whichever is less, to the destination. Distances between cities will be measured using the State Mileage Chart as published by the Idaho Department of Transportation. Should travel by air be less expensive than auto, the lower cost will be used for reimbursement. If travel is by air, a flight itinerary will be required with the reimbursement request.


Employees are encouraged to make use of District-owned vehicles for travel within the State. If a district vehicle is available and employees choose to drive private vehicles, prior approval from administration is required, and reimbursement will be 50% of the state mileage rate. All efforts will be made for groups to travel together to meetings and conferences.


Receipts will be required for lodging only.


Staff members requesting per diem are required to turn in a copy of the agenda for the meeting which must include the name and phone number for the organization sponsoring the meeting or conference and the name and location of the hotel.


Per Diem Request Forms must be received at the District Office within thirty (30) days after the date of the conference or meeting.


Daily Per Diem may be paid in advance if a request and conference agenda is submitted by the first Friday of the month preceding the departure date.



Procedure History:

Adopted                                                              on:                                                              3/8/16 Revised on: 1/14/20; 2/14/23

Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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