7460: Use of Public Funds – Prohibition on Contracting with Abortion Providers

Gooding Jt. School District 231


FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT                                                                                              7460


Use of Public Funds – Prohibition on Contracting with Abortion Providers


For all District programs receiving federal funds, the District shall comply with all applicable State regulations that restrict or prohibit transactions going to abortion providers or their affiliates. Public funds, with exceptions outlined below, are ineligible for participation in District counseling referrals, programs, or activities.


Contracts with Abortion Providers or Their Affiliates Prohibited


The District shall not enter into any contract or commercial transaction with any health care provider or facility under the terms of such health care provider or health care facility agrees to provide, perform, or induced abortion, except when the life of the mother is endangered outlined in 18-1704.


This policy does not apply to contracts or commercial transactions:


  1. That are subject to federal law related to Medicaid;
  2. With hospitals as defined in I.C. 39-1301;
  3. With medical facilities that provides for care of two or more individuals for 24 or more consecutive hours; or
  4. Medical facilities staffed to provide professional nursing care on a 24-hour basis.



Legal Reference:   I.C. § 18-8701, et seq.       No Public Funds for Abortion Act

                              I.C. § 39-1301                   Definitions     


Policy History:

Adopted on: 1/11/22

Revised on:

Reviewed on:


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