
Gooding School District offers a full continuum of classrooms and special education services to eligible students, ages 3 -21, under the provisions of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Idaho Special Education Manual (2018). 

Special education is defined as instruction that is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of a child, with disabilities, as outlined in the State of Idaho Special Education manual.  The goal is to ensure that the child is able to access and gain benefit from the general education curriculum.  Specially designed instruction is provided through pull-out and/or push-in models, specific courses and special day classes that focus on specific needs.  Services and supports are provided for academic needs, related services, (i.e. OT, SLP, PT) functional and life skills needs, and social/emotional needs.  The purpose of special education is to allow the student to successfully develop his or her individual potential.

Child Find

Gooding School District, in cooperation with parents and nonpublic school agencies, engages in Child Find services throughout the school year. Child Find activities are conducted

(1) to create public awareness of special education programs,

(2) to advise the public that students who qualify for services have the right to a free appropriate public education and confidentiality protections, and

(3) to alert community residents that a process exists for identifying and serving children with disabilities from the age of 3 through the semester in which they turn 21 if they are eligible for Special Education.

If you know of a child who is 3 through 21 years of age who may have individual needs that result from disabilities or developmental delays, and who is not enrolled in a school program, please contact the Director of Special Education: Angela Miller 208-934-4321 ext. 2253


Children can be screened during the school year after their third birthday.  The main screening day is held in the Spring of the previous school year. To schedule a screening, call into the Elementary School and ask for the preschool program. Children must qualify for special services in one or more areas. These areas are social, fine and gross motor, adaptive, cognitive, speech and language.

Each child has an individual plan that lists the goals that the child will work towards throughout the year. In addition to the goals in the plan, each child works from a list of skills that are appropriate for their age level and work toward the state core standards. Many of the skills will help them to be successful in kindergarten.

The time spent at preschool is a balance of child directed and teacher directed projects. The mix is to bridge the gap between playing at home and coming to school. The goal of the program is to improve skills in all areas.

Parent Resources:


PowerSchool Notice of Data Breach Impacting Gooding School District

Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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