Gooding Middle School
1047 7th Ave. West
Gooding, Idaho 83330

Chelynne Scott, Principal
Sally Bergstrom, Counselor
Megan Silva, Counselor
Stefanie Bilbao, Administrative Assistant
Cameron Knigge, Athletic Director

Gooding School District Mission Statement: Gooding Schools’ mission, in partnership with the community, is to provide educational opportunities for students to develop their future potential as lifelong learners and contributing citizens.

Senator Pride Pledge

We are Senators!

We have Senator PRIDE!

We show our pride each day with:

Positive Attitude





We are Senators!

We have Senator PRIDE!

“Gooding Middle School is dedicated to making measurable progress toward equity and higher achievement for all students.  We believe that through good teaching, we can make extraordinary gains on the quality of teaching our students deserve.”

507 Idaho Street, Gooding, ID 83330 208-934-4321


Gooding Middle School 6th, 7th and 8th Grade Credit System

To advance to the 7th grade, students must earn at least eighty percent (80%) of the credits attempted in 6th grade and be in compliance with the District’s attendance policy.

To advance to the 8th grade, students must earn at least eighty percent (80%) of the credits attempted in 7th grade and be in compliance with the District’s attendance policy.

To advance to the 9th grade, students must earn at least eighty percent (80%) of the credits attempted in 8th grade and be in compliance with the District’s attendance policy.

Students who have failed more than twenty percent (20%) of the courses attempted in 6th, 7th, or 8th grade may make up the credits needed to achieve the minimum portion of credits attempted by retaking the necessary course(s) during the summer, online, or through correspondence. (GSD Policy 2605 Advancement Requirements, State Code IDAPA

Courses and Credits

     2 Semester Required Courses


               Language Arts


               Social Studies

     1 Semester Required Courses

               Physical Education



Occupational Career Exploration

Credit Recovery/Summer School

Idaho                                Credit Recovery classes are assigned by school administration. Gooding School District Summer School is recommended by staff.

Grading Policy

The school year is divided into two semester grading periods. Mid-term reports are provided at the midpoint of each semester. Parents are encouraged to utilize the parent  portal access to the PowerSchool grading-monitoring system to be informed of a student’s academic progress.  For questions regarding a password and username, please contact the secretary at the school office.  An academic grade shall be given which reflects only the level of performance achieved by the student on the district curriculum standards.  Every teacher will provide a written policy clearly describing his or her grading criteria and procedures.

School Closure

In the case of an extended school closure, students are expected to comply with all of Gooding School District policies while engaged in communications with other students and staff.  If courses are transitioned to an online platform, students are responsible for fulfilling the expectations of each classroom teacher in regards to daily attendance, classwork, and homework online, as if school were in session in the traditional setting. Grading during an extended closure will continue and students will be held accountable for their credits as they pertain to readiness for the next grade level.  The school decisions will also be guided by local, state, and federal agencies’ recommendations, which will guide our procedures accordingly.

Homework Policy

Homework may be assigned regularly. Teachers will outline their policies on syllabus given out at the beginning of the semester. 

Make Up Work

It is the student’s responsibility to collect, complete, and turn in any make-up work.  Students have two days for every day of excused absence after returning to school from an absence(s).  The office will assist in collecting assignments for multiple-day absences after two days per parent request.

Late Work
Late work is not to be confused with make-up work.  Late work is work that was not completed and handed in by the student when due.  Late work policies vary from teacher to teacher.  Individual teachers will inform students and parents of their grading and late work policies at the beginning of the school year.  These individual policies must conform to District guidelines.


Non-Discrimination Policy

No person, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex shall suffer any form of harassment.  Racial slurs towards other students and staff will not be tolerated.  Students found guilty of such acts will face consequences equivalent to major offenses outlined in the discipline policies and will be enforced at the discretion of the Principal and the Superintendent. (GSD Policy 3280)

School Hours

Regular school hours are from 7:45 AM until 3:45 PM. Students may be dropped off or picked up in the northeast drop off loop. Students are not allowed to be dropped off or picked up behind the GEMS building. If calling the school before or after these times, please leave a message.


Every effort should be made by students, parents, teachers and administrators to keep absences and tardiness at a minimum.  Even though absences are necessary at times, students are expected to have no more than 7 absences in a semester. Parents will be notified in writing, when their child has accumulated four (4) absences.  This letter will ask the parent to call the school to discuss their student’s attendance.  A second letter will be sent out after seven (7) absences highlighting the continued attendance problem and the actions that will need to be taken to make up the absences to make up for lost credit.  Please provide documentation from a doctor if your child has a medical condition or extended illness.  We do recognize extenuating circumstances and illness. Students are allowed two days for each day of excused absence to turn in make-up work, unless the teacher indicates a longer timeframe for completion.  It is the responsibility of the student or parent to make arrangements with the teachers for make-up work following or during an excused absence. 

Bullying or Harassment

It is the policy of Gooding School District to maintain a learning environment that is free from harassment and bullying.  Each student has the right to attend school in an atmosphere that promotes equal opportunities and that is free from all forms of discrimination and conduct that can be considered harassing, coercive, or disruptive.  A student shall not physically or verbally intimidate or harm another student. Students may not follow other students home from school grounds for the purpose of bullying or harassment.  Students who bully or harass other students in the Gooding School District may face disciplinary action and/or law enforcement may be notified.  Cyber bullying, whether at school or at home, is a criminal act.  A student shall not use technology (i.e. email, blogs, personal web pages, social media, or text messages) to intimidate, slander, demean, bully, harass, or threaten another student (GSD Policy 3295, 3295P). 


Absolutely no weapons are allowed on school grounds. Weapons include: knives, firearms, pellet guns, b.b. guns, bows and arrows, darts, brass knuckles, etc. Gooding School District may expel students who have a dangerous weapon on campus during the time they are using school transportation pursuant to Idaho Code 18-332d, and the Gun Free School Act, as amended in Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). Discipline will be administered according to Idaho Code Section 33-205, Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. (GSD Policy 3330, 3340).

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of any student or school personnel is a violation of Gooding School District policy.  Those persons who fail to obey this rule as outlined in the policies of Gooding School District will be subject to the penalties dictated by state and federal law and school district policy. (GSD Policy 3290)

Controlled Substances

The use of any form of tobacco, alcoholic beverage or controlled substance is strictly prohibited. The duration and specific consequences are spelled out within the District Policy and will be strictly enforced.


Costs are paid on the basis of suggested donations to offset costs to the school. Items may be paid at the office at any time during the school year.  Parents are encouraged to pay with checks rather than sending cash to school with their student.

Gooding Middle School Handbook $6.00

Lock rental (if taking PE or any sport) $5.00

Activity Card                $45.00

Transportation                $20.00

Parent Activity Card                $50.00 (Middle School Home Games only)

Yearbook                $20.00

Sports:  Students participating in sports are required to pay $65; transportation and activity card.

Cheerleading, Soccer, Football, Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, Wrestling, and Track.

Elective Classes:  Costs may be  involved in some elective classes. Individual classroom teachers and/or program directors will handle these donations. Band, Choir, Shop, and Art.

Bus Regulations

Riding a school bus is not an undeniable right.  It is a privilege which each rider is responsible for retaining by maintaining appropriate behavior while loading, riding, and unloading.  Inappropriate behavior may result in temporary or permanent suspension of bus privileges.  Bus rules will be enforced by the management of the transportation department in conjunction with the Principal.

Cell Phones

Student cell phones shall remain silenced, put away during school hours starting at 7:45 am and ending at 3:45 pm–this includes between classes and during lunch. Students are not allowed to use their phones, especially to take pictures or videos of other students, without prior permission from teachers or staff members.  Students should not call or text home if they are ill without first seeing the nurse. Students are to use the front office phone to contact parents first. Parents are asked not to call or text their child during the school day. The front office will deliver any messages to students.

1st violation – Results in phones being held in the office until the end of the school day when students may pick up their phones.

2nd & 3rd Violation – Student will serve a lunch detention and the phone must be picked up by a parent.

Habitual violations may result in suspension.

Internet Use

The Internet continues to be a valuable resource used in classes for instructional purposes. In accordance with board policy and state law (Idaho Code § 33-132) students and parents are required to sign an Internet use agreement.  Please return these agreements as quickly as possible; without it students will not be allowed to use computers or other electronic devices in school. Violation of the Internet use agreement will result in the loss of Internet privileges while at school 1st offense is a 1 month suspension from Internet usage, 2nd 9 week suspension, and 3rd violation the suspension for the remainder of the school year.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Students caught violating any of the following will receive consequences at the discretion of the teacher and Principal.

Examples of cheating/plagiarism include, but are not limited to:

Copying from others during an examination.

Communicating exam answers with other students during an examination.

Offering another person’s work as one’s own, in whole or in part (copying from research materials).

Taking an examination for another student or having someone take an examination for someone else.

Sharing answers for a take-home examination or assignment unless specifically authorized by the instructor.

Tampering with an examination after it has been corrected, then returning it for more credit.  

Using unauthorized materials, prepared answers, written notes, or concealed or unauthorized information during an examination.

Allowing others to do the research and/or writing of an assignment.

Student Dress Code

Student attire impacts the teaching and learning environment. It can either promote a more effective educational environment, or it can disrupt the educational climate and process. Student attire that is acceptable for some social settings may not be acceptable for the educational environment of school. Students are reminded that their appearance, clothing, and grooming, significantly affect the way others respond to them. Matters of dress remain primarily the responsibility of students, in consultation with their parents or legal guardians. Nevertheless, since it is the duty of the Board of Trustees to provide an educational atmosphere conducive to learning; minimizing disruptions or distractions; and to protect the health, safety, and morals of students, all students will adhere to the following certain minimum standards of dress when the student is on any school premises or at any school sponsored activity, regardless of location. Because school attendance is so valuable to student achievement, students who arrive at school dressed inappropriately will be given clothing to borrow for that day to remedy the problem or will call home if necessary for a change of clothing. Parents will be notified if their student does not comply with the dress code.

Examples of inappropriate attire: drug/alcohol/gang apparel, clothes displaying profanity/offensive pictures/language, clothing promoting violence, short skirts/shorts/shirts, narrow tank tops/spaghetti straps, low-slung pants, and see through clothing. Students may not wear “wheelie” shoes at school. Students should not wear hats or sunglasses in the building except when privilege is granted. (GSD Policy 3255)

Activity Days

Dances, computer games, and other “activities” sponsored by the school are a privilege. This privilege can be withheld at the discretion of the Principal for either academic or behavioral reasons.

Classroom Telephone Use

The telephones in the classrooms are for school business and teacher/parent communication.  Students should not use these phones for personal calls.  However, there are instances when the teacher may require a student to phone their parent/guardian from the classroom phones if it is appropriate.

Crisis Response

The District Crisis Response Plan will serve as an easy reference to aid school personnel and students in taking quick, safe and effective action in case of a crisis. It is the responsibility of all school personnel and students to be familiar with the Crisis Response Plan/ALICE and to be prepared to activate procedures if necessary.

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

Schools may disclose, without consent, “directory” information such as a student’s name, addresses, telephone number, date and place of birth, honors and awards, and dates of attendance.  However, schools must tell parents and eligible students about directory information and allow parents and eligible students a 48 hour window of time to request that the school not disclose directory information about them.


Food and drink in the classrooms is at teacher discretion. 

Hall Passes

Students are required to use the student agendas or teacher hallpasses when in the hallways during class time.  Students who repeatedly disregard the use of a hall pass will be assigned a consequence. 

Hallway Rules

To maintain a positive school climate students are expected to follow common rules of courtesy while moving about the school.  Profanity, vulgar language, or loud disrespectful language or gestures are not acceptable anywhere at school. Horseplay, shoving, running, throwing objects and misuse of lockers are unsafe practices that are not allowed in the halls. 

Personal Items at School

Any personal item that becomes a disruption to instruction is subject to confiscation until the end of the school day. We ask that students be responsible and accountable for the items that are brought to school. The school will not be responsible for lost or stolen items. If a student brings an item to school that creates a mess or problem (i.e. sunflower seeds, gum, etc.) the student will be responsible to make restitution for the problems caused.

Needles, syringes, lancets and medication are not allowed unless for medical reasons under the supervision of the school nurse. Animals may not be brought to school without prior approval from the Principal. Students should not bring large amounts of cash or expensive personal belongings to the school, including cell phones. Students may not sell candy, pop, etc. for personal gain or as part of a fundraiser for another school or organization.

Leaving School

If it is necessary for a student to leave school during school hours, a parent or guardian registered as such in Powerschool must sign the student out from the office.  Students must remain on campus during the lunch hour.


The office will assign a locker to each student at the beginning of the year.  To prevent theft and other problems, students are asked NOT to jam their locker in any way, give their combination to others or share or trade lockers.  If a student feels that the combination to their locker has been compromised, they should contact the office to request a new combination.

Conditions of usage:

Student lockers are the property of the school district.

Student lockers remain at all times under the control of the school system.

Students are expected to assume full responsibility for their locker and may incur costs associated with repair or cleaning.

Students are expected to leave all extraneous materials in their lockers and only take what is necessary for

               class with them.

All bags, duffels, backpacks, satchels, fanny packs, etc. will be left in lockers and not allowed in


The school district retains the right to inspect student lockers for any reason at any time

               without notice, without student consent, and without warrant  (GSD Policy 3370, 8530).

Lunch Time

When weather permits students are expected to go outside after eating and remain there until the bell rings. Unsafe activities and excessive physicality is not allowed on the playground.


Any student requiring prescription medication during school hours must have their parent/legal guardian complete the necessary form in the office.  All medication will be dispensed or regulated by the school nurse/school secretary according to the doctor’s directions.  The school staff will provide Tylenol or ibuprofen for minor ailments to students whose parents have signed the permission forms during registration.


While passing notes may be acceptable as written communication between adolescents, it must not interfere with the educational process.  Any such disruption, as well as vulgar language or threats will be dealt with as a disciplinary issue.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-teacher Conferences are scheduled at mid-term of each semester to facilitate communication regarding student progress towards mastery of content standards as well as school programs.  Parents will be notified of conference times.  Please leave a message at the school office to make arrangements for additional conference time.

Physical Education

Students are required to dress down and participate.  Should a medical condition cause more than 2 days of missed participation, a doctor’s note is required.

Public Displays of Affection

Public displays of affection by Middle School students are not appropriate and will not be allowed.  If a student has to be warned more than once, parents will be notified.

Tardy Policy

Punctuality to class is taken very seriously.  Tardies are logged in PowerSchool. Arriving on time to class ensures that students do not miss instruction. Whether a student is marked tardy or not is decided by the classroom teacher and requirements for being “on time” may vary for different classes (i.e. P.E. etc.)

1 tardy = student warned by teacher and logged in Powerschool (as are all subsequent violations)

2 tardies in the same class = student warned by teacher

3 tardies = parent contacted by teacher, lunch detention assigned


Truancy is an unexcused absence about which your parents and/or school had no prior knowledge.  Students will make up truant time at the discretion of the Principal. Habitual Truant is defined as any student who, in the judgment of the Board of Trustees, has repeatedly violated (3 or more truancies) the attendance regulations established by the Board; or any student whose parents or guardians have failed or refused to cause their student to be instructed as provided by Section 33-202 of Idaho Code.  Truancies will be reported to the status offender officer.


Parents are encouraged to visit the school at any time.  Please use the front doors and check in at the office when you arrive.  Students from other schools will not be allowed to visit during the school day unless determined necessary by school administration.


At Gooding Middle School, we offer a wide range of activities that complement our classroom academic work. The goal for all of these activities is to help our students build character, self-discipline, and self-esteem.  Academic work is at the top of our list in educational importance; however, we feel that interscholastic and extracurricular activities provide valuable opportunities for our students. 

Students participating in extracurricular activities represent Gooding Middle School.  

Any student who violates the Gooding Middle School Code of Conduct rules may be removed from extracurricular activities.

Any infraction of the major disciplinary offenses can also be grounds for removal from extracurricular activities.

A primary goal of all our extracurricular activities is for students to learn the value of self-discipline, teamwork and sportsmanship.  To this end, our coaches, advisors and administrators will take disciplinary action, as they deem necessary.

Activities currently available:

Grade                   Activity

8                            National Junior Honor Society

7, 8                        Football

7, 8                        Cheerleading

7, 8                        Soccer

7, 8                        Volleyball

7, 8                        Basketball 

6, 7, 8                    Cross Country

6, 7, 8                    Library Activities

6, 7, 8                    STEAM

6, 7, 8                    Track

6, 7, 8                    Wrestling

Register My Athlete

All students participating in GMS athletics must complete registration on before they can play.

Sports Physicals

Athletes need to have a sports physical prior to tryouts.  One physical is required for 6-8th eligibility.  Students will have one physical prior to middle school sports participation which will be valid for their middle school athletic career. 

Academic Eligibility

Middle school student athletes earn the opportunity to participate in extracurricular activities by passing all of their classes.  Eligibility requirements for the school district will be enforced and followed.  Eligibility for tryouts will be based on mid term grades and enforced at mid term and semester.  Eligibility to play during the season will be based on weekly grade checks and are conducted during the advisory class time.  Student eligibility will be reviewed by the Athletic Director and Principal. 

Controlled Substance Violation

The use of any form of tobacco, alcoholic beverage or controlled substance is strictly prohibited.  Extracurricular activity eligibility is affected by ANY controlled substance violation.  The duration and specific consequences are spelled out within the District Policy and will be strictly enforced.

Cut Policy

Coaches may limit the number of participants on each team based on available resources. All GMS students will receive a fair and thorough try-out before any cuts are made. Students who are cut from the team will be notified in person by the coach and will be told which skills they need to improve to better their chances of making future teams.

Practice and Attendance

Students who do not attend a full day of school the day of an activity will not be allowed to participate in that activity.  The Principal may make an exception to this rule if the absence is due to a doctor’s appointment and arrangements are made in advance. Students who develop a pattern of missing school the day after an activity or game may be withheld from the following game at the discretion of the Principal. All practices should be completed so that players are out of the building by 6:00 P.M.

Appearance and Conduct

Athletes are expected to practice good sportsmanship both on and off the floor or field.  Failure to do so could result in ineligibility.  When attending a game all team players will sit together as a team and watch the game.  Student athletes will not be excused to leave early or from the building without permission from the head coach or athletic director.

Bus Trips

Before leaving school, it is the student’s responsibility to check with their teachers regarding homework and take the necessary books, etc. with them.  All students will ride the bus to school sponsored activities and follow the bus regulations as described in this handbook.

All students participating in activities either as team members, cheerleaders, or students who ride school buses to games, are expected to ride the school bus to the event and back from the event.  The only exception to this would be if a student’s parents wish to transport their son or daughter.

If circumstances are such that parents wish to transport their son or daughter home from any activity, they must sign the release sheet that the coach or supervisor will have at the end of the event, releasing the school district of responsibility.  Students will be released to their own parents/guardians only.

Notice of Risk

Student athletes and the student’s parents or guardians need to be aware that sporting activities can be dangerous and involve risk of injury.  Gooding Middle School and Gooding School District assumes no liability for injuries while participating in extracurricular activities and/or athletics.


To maintain positive behavior and an emphasis on academic rigor, all faculty and staff are responsible for all students, and therefore will:

Acknowledge the positive actions of our students.

Foster a climate that focuses on positive reinforcement rather than negative criticism.

Foster a school-wide sense of appropriate behaviors and citizenship.

Encourage students to act in a kind and respectful manner, and will model these behaviors consistently.

It is the expectation of Gooding Middle School faculty and staff that students will follow school policy. Due process for all infractions will be followed. Final decision regarding consequences for a student’s behavior is determined by the school administrator and superintendent.  

When administration receives the student(s) and the referral, due process will be followed to determine the consequences.  Due process includes providing the student an opportunity to explain his/her side of the problem (verbally or in writing) and may also involve talking to any witnesses or other students involved, reviewing any notes from the teacher, gathering evidence such as damaged materials or handwriting samples.  Once due process is completed, then administration will provide consequences based on the nature of the infraction and the behavioral profile of the student.

Adjustments for Special Education Students

Special education students will be held to all appropriate behavioral expectations just as any other student as long as their disability is not the cause for the inappropriate behavior.  Teachers will need to consult with the case manager for any student in question regarding the disability and its impact on the student’s behavior.  Upon returning from an out-of-school suspension, students and their parents or guardians may be required to meet with a school counselor, social worker, or administrator.

Suspension Policy

The School District policy on suspension states that the Principal may temporarily suspend any student for disciplinary reasons.  Procedures for suspension will conform to the minimum requirements of due process.   A temporary suspension will not exceed five days in length.  Upon finding that the immediate return to school by the suspended student would be detrimental to other pupils’ health, welfare or safety, the Board of Trustees and Superintendent may extend the temporary suspension for an additional fifteen calendar days.

Expulsion Policy

The Board of Trustees may deny attendance at any of its schools by expulsion of any student who is a habitual truant or who is incorrigible, or whose conduct, in the judgment of the Board, is continuously disruptive or harmful to other students.  A student having been expelled may be readmitted to the school by the Board of Trustees upon such reasonable conditions as may be prescribed by the Board of Trustees.



Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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