2023-2024 Elective Classes

Beginning Shop – Introduction to Woodworking one semester

(6th grade)

This course introduces students to shop safety, hand tools, portable tools, and two machine tools (the band saw and the radial arm saw). Students will gain an understanding of grain direction and wood in their environment through three projects. Project one is a single wall shelf and a catapult to develop mastery of the tools they have learned. Project two is an oven push-pull stick of their own design. Project three is a simple picture frame. Materials needed: #2 pencil and pink eraser. Requested donation $20.00.

Intermediate Shop – Exploring Woodworking two semesters

(7th and 8th grades must begin fall semester)

This course introduces students to shop safety, hand tools, portable tools, and seven machine tools. They will learn the six steps to designing a project. The first project is a CO2 Dragster which can travel 40 miles per hour from a basketball half court line to the baseline. They will also learn science concepts which relate to drag racing. They will build a bandsaw box, a picture frame, a router bowl, and a cutting board. Before each project, they will develop a working drawing, a bill of materials, and a “cut list”. Materials needed: pencil, eraser, and notebook. Project prices are based on the types of wood used in projects. 

Advanced Shop – Exploring Wood Joinery two semesters

(8th grade Advisory, prerequisites: must pass Intermediate Shop)

The focus of Advanced Shop is to work on mastery of wood shop equipment, safety, project design, and joinery. Students learn to create finger joints, rabbet joints, and grooves on the router table. They learn how to create lap joints and miter joints with the compound miter saw. They also learn how to create a router bowl. The students may work on one or two personal projects as well. Materials needed: pencil, eraser, and a notebook. Project prices are based on the types of wood used in projects. 

Global Perspectives one semester  

(6th, 7th and 8th grades)

Global Perspectives is about learning about the world from several different points of view (perspectives). This includes different cultures, where some of our everyday products come from, profiling a particular country, and learning about the way people live in different places around the world. It’s also about finding out what is going on in the world right now (current events). We also have projects on topics that change from semester to semester. They are usually something a little out of the ordinary. We play an online game called Fantasy Geopolitics which is similar to fantasy football or baseball, but it’s with countries. Mostly, it’s fun and interesting. Check it out!

Publications two semesters

(8th grade Advisory)

Publications is an elective class for those who like to write and create.  Students who choose this class will write an article daily for the “Shark TV.” Shark TV is the TV set on the wall and is viewed by all as they enter the building.  Students become familiar with Google Docs and Publisher. Technology fun is at the base of this class, and the satisfaction of creating an interesting and visually appealing article is the final take away! Strong writing and reading comprehension skills are recommended for this course.

Spanish 1A and B-Two Semesters  

(8th grade)

This class introduces the student to basic Spanish conversation, vocabulary, grammar, history, and culture.  Conversation in Spanish is encouraged. 8th grade students will earn high school credit with a passing grade of C or above.

Student Aid-One Semester  

(7th and 8th grade)

Student Aids will work in a variety of locations throughout the school.  This can include working for elementary or middle school teachers, the library, the cafeteria, and the office.  A contract outlining expectations is required.  The class is graded on a Pass/Fail basis.

Physical Education (PE) one semester

( 6, 7th and 8th grade)

Physical Education is a required semester class during a student’s 7th grade year. It is an elective class for 6th and 8th grades. It is designed to provide students with physical activity by participating in various physical movements, including jogging/running, stretching, and playing games. Skills can be acquired/improved upon each day, in all areas of cardiovascular conditioning, coordination (such as catching and throwing), and learning and understanding the rules of various games, as well as learning to play with others as a team. The daily grade is based on dressing down, participation, and behavior. 6th grade is not required to dress down, however, appropriate gym shoes are required.  The requirement for a passing grade in PE is a D (60%) or better.

Introduction to Art Elements (7 th /8 th Graders) one semester

The goal of this class is to introduce students to the basic elements and principles of art. We will use different media, techniques, and art styles to create a variety of artistic compositions. Some examples of the media we use are: clay, colored pencils, oil pastels, watercolors, acrylic paints, tissue paper, wire, tinfoil and india ink. Some of the techniques we cover are: one point and two point perspective drawing, hand building pottery, sculptures, portraiture, wax/watercolor resists, landscape painting and many more. This is a year long class. You will take Art 1 during first semester and Art 2 second semester.

Art History one semester

(6th, 7th, and 8th grades)

Art History class introduces students to some of the most famous artists of all time. Multiple art styles and movements will be explored. After learning about each artist and their style students will have the opportunity to create their own compositions using a variety of media, including: paper, rock, clay, watercolor, acrylic paints, watercolor pencils, and graphite.

 Art Design one semester

(6th, 7th and 8th grades)

This class focuses on creativity. This is my most hands- on class. Every semester is a little

different. We explore different visual art forms such as drawing, painting, digital art, sculpture, clay building, photography, string art, optic, textile, kinetic, pen & ink, paper mache, plaster, and printmaking art. Depending on the maturity and ability of the class, we will learn about and experiment with as many art forms as we have time for.

Myths and Legends one semester

(6th and 7th)

The purpose of this class is to introduce students to a selection of influential cultures and time periods, which include: the Ancient Greeks, the Vikings, the Wild West American Era, and the Early Native Americans. After exploring the lives and history of each of these time periods, we will do an art project related to the time period or people.

Requested donation for each art dept. class:  $10.00/semester In addition, students need Ultra-fine sharpie, Six # 2 pencils, Ruler, Pink Erase, highlighter, and a pocket folder.

Big History one semester

(6th, 7th, and 8th grades)

Students will watch The History of the World to help them understand the background and context of major events in US history. They will then study those major events. The class includes units on the American Revolution, the Civil War, World War I, World War II, the Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and the Cold War. Other national events may be discussed as well. The second semester will have a stronger emphasis on Document Based Questions and videos from The History Channel to illustrate the importance of the major wars, usually focusing on changes in technology, society and global politics.

 A perfect elective for the aspiring history buff!

Forensic Science one semester

(7th and 8th grades, 6th grade second semester with teacher recommendation)

 Forensic Science is an investigative analysis and technology course. Using scientific inquiry skills, students will learn to observe, collect, analyze, and evaluate evidence found at crime scenes. This course will expose students to a variety of forensic fields and careers. Students will explore mock crime scenes to learn about: searching the crime scene, photographing the crime scene, collecting the evidence, the chain of custody, transitioning from crime scene to courtroom…and more!

Civics/ Leadership one semester

(6th, 7th, and 8th grades)

The Leadership class offers students the time to work on personal development and to learn leadership and team building skills. Students in the leadership class will fulfill the responsibilities of the student council, which include social activities, fundraisers. and school improvement planning. Students will also learn the organizational structure and history of the government and citizenship and civic participation. 

Film/Novel Study one semester

(6th, 7th, and 8th grades)

This course explores different writing styles, such as persuasive writing, informative writing, comparative, and opinion writing, by exploring different genres of film and literature. Students will study the history of the film industry, and the way cinematographers, directors and actors can engage both your imagination and your emotions.  Students will also improve their annotation, writing, and oral presentation skills. Strong writing and reading comprehension skills are highly recommended!

Intro to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) one semester

(7th and 8th grades)

In the Intro to Stem course students are introduced to current science, technology, engineering, and math concepts through computer programming, robot building, 3D printing and design, drones, and other technology.

Gooding Senators Music Program

Musical Opportunities (in and out of the classroom)

Beginning Band (Red Band)-generally taken in grade 6 two semester class

(6th, 7th, and 8th grades)

Red Band is a first year course that is designed to teach the fundamentals of playing wind and percussion instruments.This class is intended for students with little or no musical experience. Students in this class focus on mastering the fundamentals of music and playing an instrument. Dedicated students will have extra opportunities to perform individually or in a group at district and regional events. Students in beginning band will perform in three to four concerts a year.

Intermediate Band (Gold Band)-generally taken in grades 7-8  two semester class

Prerequisites: Successful completion of Beginning Band

  AUDITION ONLY! See the director of music for more information.

Gold Band is a second and third year course designed for students who are interested in continuing beyond their first year of band. Students in this band are required to learn basic scales, individual and group performance skills, and perform music at a higher level. Dedicated students will have extra opportunities to perform, individually or in a group, at district and regional events. All students who are members of the Intermediate Band must have completed at least one full year of private study on an instrument OR have successfully completed a Beginning Band class.

“Red Thunder” Athletic Band  two semester class

(7th-12th grades, prerequisite: see the Director of Music for more information)

The “Red Thunder” Athletic Band is the premier marching, parade, and pep band for Gooding Schools. Students in this group perform at multiple local events, GHS Varsity athletic games, and in parades. Students in this group will have several out of school practices and performances! The “Red Thunder” Athletic Band is open to all students currently enrolled in Wind Ensemble or by alternate approval by the Director of Music.  

Senator Singers (concert choir) one semester

(7th-12th grades)

Senator Singers is a course that is designed to teach the fundamentals of singing. This class is intended for students with limited musical experience. Students in this class focus on mastering the fundamentals of music, and are required to learn basic individual and group performance skills. Dedicated students will have extra opportunities to perform individually or in a group at district and regional events. Students in Senator Singers will have 3-4 concerts per year.

Jazz Groups two semester class

(7th-12th grades, prerequisite: audition only)

Jazz bands and combos are small groups of the most talented musicians in Gooding Schools. Students must audition for these groups (see the Director of Music for details). Many concepts covered in jazz groups do not appear in other music classes. Current enrollment in a music course is required to be in a jazz group.

Other Musical Opportunities

Other musical opportunities include regional honor groups, All-State groups, and solo and ensemble festivals. If your student is interested in auditioning or performing for any of these events please let Mr. Tilley, the Director of Music, know!


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