GHS Senior level FCCLA Parliamentary Procedure Team


GHS Senior level FCCLA Parliamentary Procedure team.

Qualified for Nationals 2021 & 2020

They all qualified and attended their respective Freshmen years as Junior Parli team members in 2019 and 2018.

Members:  Amy Espinosa, Evelyn Perez, Tyler Metcalf, Cooper Pavkov, Logan Anderson, Rebekah Rose and Lynara Bennett. 

4 of the seniors were members of their Junior Parliamentary Team in 2018 where they scored  7th in the Nation. 

The other members of this team were members of their Junior Parliamentary Team in 2019 where they ranked 2nd in the Nation! 

Because of Covid last spring they did not compete at the national level; they are hoping to continue their streak of doing well this year at nationals where they are competing virtually this week.

Shout out to Logan Scott, our  GHS parliamentary procedure team coach.  

Side note for GHS FCCLA Parliamentary teams.  Students have been competing since 2014 with 100% of the teams qualifying for Nationals and 90% of the teams have placed in the top 10!

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