June 3rd, 2024
Dear Gooding School District Students, Staff, Parents and Community Members,
June is here and that means another school year is behind us. Let’s take a moment to reflect on some of the successes of the district.
In November the school board adopted a district strategic plan. It is a comprehensive document that outlines goals, priorities, and strategies for improvement over the next five years. Our plan is broken into six different areas: college and career ready students, recruitment, development and retention of high-quality staff, facilities and safety, communication, financial responsibility, and quality learning opportunities. By articulating a clear vision for improvement and outlining actionable steps for achievement, this plan serves as a roadmap for guiding decision-making, resource allocation, and continuous improvement efforts. You can find our plan on our website at https://gsd231.org/ under the district tab.
Grade level/subject area curriculum outlines have been updated and will be added to the district webpage by the fall of 2024. In April we adopted a new reading curriculum for the elementary school. Secondary math curriculum is being reviewed and will be updated in the next couple of months.
We are focusing efforts to provide professional development for our teachers and staff that aligns with our curriculums as well as their individual needs within the classroom. In April we gathered information through a survey about this topic that we will use in planning for next year.
As always, our students and their success is at the heart of everything we do as a community and school district. We want them to be successful in the classroom as well as on the courts, fields, stages and at competitions. Students involved in activities outside the classroom tend to have better grades and self-esteem, develop better leadership skills, as well as have higher graduation rates than students who don’t. These activities also contribute to the culture and identity of our community. With this in mind, we offer twenty-one extracurricular activities in high school and eleven at the middle school. We offer nineteen student clubs or co curricular activities at the high school with three at the middle school. When you combine all of these with the field trips and other activities and events taking place throughout the district we hope there is something for everyone!
As always, thank you for supporting our district and being an active participant within our community. We couldn’t do it without you!
With pride,
