Home / District Policies / 8000 Series: Non-Instructional Operations / 8230: Nutrition Standards
8230: Nutrition Standards
Gooding Jt. School District #231
Nutrition Standards
The District shall provide school meals which meet or exceed the nutritional standards required by United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) program regulations of the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and the National School Breakfast Program (SBP). Additionally, the District shall comply with requirements of the Healthy and Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 and the Smart Snacks in Schools standards with regard to the nutritional content of all food sold or provided by the school, including school meals, a la carte items, foods sold from vending machines, and foods sold for fundraisers. The District permits the sale or distribution of nutrient dense, Smart Snack compliant foods for all school functions and activities as well as non-food items. Nutrient dense foods are those foods that provide students with calories rich in the nutrient content needed to be healthy. In an effort to support the consumption of nutrient dense foods in the school setting the District has adopted the federal nutrition standards cited above for the sale of foods and beverages on school grounds.
The standards focus on reducing sugar, sodium, and high-fat foods and increasing healthy food items like whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Calorie Range: Schools shall ensure the meals offered to children comply with USDA calorie levels.
Trans Fat: Schools shall eliminate foods containing trans fat on the nutrition label.
Whole Grains: All grain offerings shall be whole grain rich.
Fruits and Vegetables: Schools shall offer, at a minimum, one fruit on all points of service for breakfast. Schools shall offer at least one fruit and one non-fried vegetable at all points of lunch service each day. Schools shall offer a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables when possible.
Milk: Schools shall offer fat-free and low-fat unflavored milk at all points of service. Schools may not sell 2% and whole milk. Flavored milk offerings must be low fat or skim milk.
Water: Schools shall make water available to students during meal service free of charge.
Legumes: Schools shall offer legumes (dry beans and peas) at least one time per week along with other required vegetable subgroups.
Sodium: Schools shall limit sodium to meet NSLP and SBP standards.
Condiments: Schools shall not have salt shakers or packets available. Schools shall not have sugar dispensers or packets available. Schools shall accurately reflect condiment usage in nutrient analysis and on production records. Schools are encouraged to use low-fat condiments and/or control portions of high-fat condiments.
Cross References: 2305 Nutrition Services
8250 Guidelines for Food and Beverages Sales
Legal References: 42 U.S.C. 1751 et seq. National School Lunch Act
7 CFR Part 210 & 220 Nutrition School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs: Final Rule
Policy History:
Adopted on: 11-13-23
Revised on:
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