8200: Wellness Policy

Gooding Joint School District No. 231

NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS                                                     8200



The Board is committed to providing a school environment that promotes the general well-being, mental and physical capacity, and learning ability of each student. Providing each student the opportunity to fully participate in the education process. The Gooding Jt. School District promotes healthy schools by supporting wellness, good nutrition, and regular physical activity as a part of the total learning environment.

The Board encourages all members of the school community to create an environment that supports lifelong habits of healthy eating and regular physical activity through the following goals:


  • Nutrition:
    • Provide age appropriate, science-based nutrition education, consistent with the most recent Dietary Guidelines for Americans, to students through established District curricula
    • Nutrition education will extend beyond the classroom into the larger school environment, including District cafeterias, physical education, after school sports, school, community and/or school gardens.
    • Provide education and opportunities to student’s for selecting healthy, nutritious food items during the school day
      • National School Lunch and Breakfast programs
      • Child and Adult Care Food Program
      • Smart Snacks in Schools regulations for foods sold at school during school hours
      • All ala carte sales shall follow the nutrition standards for these programs
      • Free drinking water will be accessible to students during mealtimes in the cafeteria or wherever foods are served
      • The following regulations listed below apply to all foods sold outside of reimbursable school meals, such as through vending machines, fundraisers, school stores, etc. during school hours.
        • Fundraisers: Each school may have a maximum of 10 food and beverage-based fundraisers per school year exempt from the “Smart Snack” guidelines.
        • Each exempt fundraiser may not exceed four consecutive days of
        • Marketing is only allowed for foods and beverages meeting federal
        • The District will ensure all advertising supports nutrition standards:
          • The Principal will assure compliance at their site
          • Advertising includes any marketing on signage, scoreboards, school stores, cups, packaging, vending machines, trash and recycling cans, coolers, menu boards, and food service equipment
          • Advertising will be limited to foods and beverages that comply with the USDA Smart Snacks in School standards
          • Exceptions to the advertising requirements are permissible for advertising in publications which are published by student organizations, PTA/PTO, booster clubs, or other parent groups; Funds received for approved projects involving advertising in said publications may be retained by the school-related group that is sponsoring the activity as a fund-raising event
        • Federal and state guidelines for food and beverages used for incentives and celebrations
        • The District encourages fundraising and school activities that promote healthy food choices
        • All foods sold during the school day, and intended for consumption there, will adhere to USDA Smart Snack Regulations unless approved by an administrator as a fundraising


exemption. The following regulations listed below apply to all foods sold during the school day.

  • Each school will meet the requirements for food fundraiser exemptions established by the Idaho State Department of Education, currently limited to a maximum of 10 per year
  • The Principal will assure compliance at their site
  • Each food/beverage fundraiser may not exceed four consecutive days of duration
  • Any food or beverage not meeting Smart Snacks in Schools standards must be considered an exemption
  • All food fundraising requires administrative approval and will be tracked through the district “success fund” at each school site by a designee of the principal
  • Foods sold at exempt fundraisers are not sold in competition with school meals in the foodservice area during any meal service
  • Fundraising activities that involve foods not intended for consumption in schools, such as the sale of cookie dough or frozen pizza outside of school, shall also be exempt; This includes food concessions during after school events
  • Non-food items that raise funds such as books, gift wrap, candles, plants, flowers, school promotional items, etc. should be utilized whenever possible
  • Healthy food choices should be offered as an alternative during any exempt fundraisers
  • All vending sales shall comply with the USDA Smart Snacks in Schools standards and documentation of compliance shall be retained.
  • The district will use the Smart Snack Implementation Guidelines and the Smart Snack Product Calculator as a reference when offering foods for parties, celebrations, and incentives
  • Healthy food options are encouraged for classroom celebrations. Foods served as part of a class curriculum which promotes the learning of cultures and diversity will be exempt from the Smart Snack in Schools standards.
  • Physical Education Activity:
    • The District will support physical education (PE) and physical activity:
      • All students in grades Pre-K-12, including students with disabilities, special healthcare needs and those in alternative educational settings, will receive daily PE or its equivalent
      • Students in elementary schools will receive a minimum of 50 minutes of PE per week
      • Students in junior or senior high schools who are enrolled in PE class will receive a minimum of 220 minutes PE or its equivalent per week
      • All PE will be taught by a certified PE teacher
      • In fifty percent of PE class time, students will participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity
    • Physical activity is integrated into and beyond the school day, including:
      • Classroom health education will complement PE by reinforcing the knowledge and self- management skills needed to maintain a physically active lifestyle and to reduce time spent on sedentary activities
      • Teachers are encouraged to provide short physical activity breaks between lessons, classes, or during tests, as appropriate
      • Elementary students will be provided a minimum of 45 minutes of supervised recess each day


  • Schools may offer an after-school program or lunchtime activities including play-works (elementary), interscholastic or intramural sports, walking/running groups, etc.
  • The Gooding Recreation District is a key stakeholder and offer physical activity opportunities to all elementary and middle school students, outside the school


District Wellness Committee

To ensure the health and well-being of all students, it is the policy of the Gooding Jt. School District 231 to maintain a District wellness committee, support nutrition standards and promote physical activity.


District Wellness Committee:

  • With the purposes of monitoring the implementation of the District’s wellness policies, evaluating policy progress, serving as a resource to school sites, recommending changes to the policy as necessary, a District wellness committee will develop, implement, monitor, review District nutrition and physical activity practices.
  • Committee membership will consist of the District Child Nutrition Director; a school health professional; a parent representative; a student representative; a member of the general public; a staff member representative from each school level; an administrative representative; and a physical education The designated Wellness Committee chair will be the Child Nutrition Director or other designee.
  • The committee will meet a minimum of three times
  • In each school, the principal or designee with authority will ensure compliance with wellness practices in their school and will complete the District’s School Wellness Assessment Checklist to determine school compliance The assessment will be reported to the Wellness Committee annually. The Idaho Wellness Policy Progress Report provided by the Idaho State Department of Education will serve as the District’s School Wellness Assessment Checklist.
  • The Wellness Committee will develop a summary report every three years on District compliance with the District’s established student nutrition and physical activity, and wellness policies based on input from schools within the District. That report will be provided to the School Board.
  • The District Child Nutrition Director will ensure compliance with all United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrition regulations within school food service areas and report on this matter to the Superintendent annually.
  • The Committee will communicate with the public, including parents, students, and others in the community about the content, implementation, and compliance of the wellness policy through the District Principals shall share the District Wellness Policy at staff meetings and in parent and student newsletters.


District Wellness Committee members will complete the School Wellness Assessment Checklist during the fall wellness meeting, annually.



School Hours: The midnight before to 30 minutes after the end of the instructional school day.


Monitoring Compliance

The Board requires the Superintendent to meet all requirements of state and federal law. The Superintendent or designee shall establish a plan for measuring implementation of this policy.


Cross-Reference:       2310 Nutrition Education; 2315 Physical Activity Opportunities and Education

Legal Reference:       Section 204 of Public Law 108-265 (2004) Child Nutrition and WIC Reauthorization Act of 2004 Pub.L. 111-296 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010

Other Reference: http://www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/governance/legislation/allfoods.htm

Policy History:

Adopted: 9-8- 2013 Reviewed: Annually Revised: 9-14; 10-21, 11-23

Effective: 9- 21


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