5360: Dress and Appearance

Gooding Joint School District No. 231


PERSONNEL                                                                                                                            5360


Dress and Appearance


“One of the reasons we have schools is for students to learn what is appropriate.  Young people learn what is appropriate in society by looking at their adult role models.  Your dress and your behavior are what young people will take to be appropriate.”  Harry K. Wong


As professionals in our schools, we realize and value the public’s perception of our roles as mentors and models for students.  We, therefore, set in policy the following outline of “reasonable expectations” for all teachers, counselors, paras/aides, secretaries, and administrators throughout the District.  It is to be applied for all of the days students are present, parent-teacher conferences, professional development days, and all school related activities.




Appropriate Attire for Males

  • Pinpoint or button-down dress shirts
  • Dress knit shirts or polo shirts
  • Dress/casual slacks
  • Blue jeans on activity days as determined by the building principal (spirit day, special classroom activities, field day, etc. and may not be holey or tattered)
  • Dress shoes, boots, casual shoes
  • Neckties
  • Business suits
  • Sport coats or sweaters
  • Holiday, theme, or school shirts/attire


Appropriate Attire for Females

  • Business suits
  • Jumpers, dresses, skirts, skorts (knee length)
  • Dress/casual slacks or capris
  • Leggings if covered to mid-thigh
  • Blue jeans on activity days as determined by the building principal (spirit day, special classroom activities, field day, etc. and may not be holey or tattered)
  • Dress shoes, boots, casual shoes
  • Blouses, knit shirts, cotton shirts, sweaters (moderate neckline)
  • Holiday, theme, or school shirts/attire



Inappropriate Attire

  • Backless, see-through, tight-fitting, or low-cut blouses, shirts, or dresses
  • T-shirts, lycra, spandex, midriff, muscle shirts/tank tops
  • Cut-off jeans or shorts
  • Sweatpants
  • Athletic, spandex, lycra shorts/pants
  • Leggings if not covered to mid-thigh
  • Faded, holey, or tattered jeans
  • Mini-skirts
  • Jogging suits
  • Denim overalls
  • Clothing showing bare midriffs, lumbar regions or cleavage



  • Gym teachers (clothing shall be modest and appropriate to activity and is limited to knee length shorts, sweatpants/joggers, sweatshirts/hoodies, unaltered t-shirts)
  • Field trips/days (clothing shall be modest and appropriate to activity and may include jeans, knee length shorts, sweatshirts/hoodies, unaltered t-shirts, modest swimwear/footwear when swimming)
  • The building principal may grant exceptions based upon job related needs or health issues




District staff members who do not, in the judgment of the Principal/Supervisor, reasonably conform to this dress code shall receive a verbal warning from the Principal/Supervisor. A second violation will result in a written notice from the Principal/Program Supervisor. Repeated violations could result in disciplinary action by the Superintendent against the staff member. In cases where a staff member refuses to comply with the directions of the Principal/Program Supervisor or Superintendent, the staff member’s employment could be terminated. The decision of the Superintendent is final regarding administration of this policy.



Policy History:

Adopted on: April 9, 2013

Revised on: 8/9/22

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