5335: Employee Use of Electronic Communications Devices

Gooding Jt. School District #231


PERSONNEL                                                                                                                            5335


Employee Use of Electronic Communications Devices: Employees Allowed to Take Devices Home


The Board recognizes that employees may carry electronic communications devices, either District-issued or personally owned, and hereby adopts this policy.


Communication devices issued by the District may include, for example, cellular telephones; walkie-talkies; laptop computers; and citizens band radios, either installed in vehicles or hand-held.


Before they are issued a mobile computing device, each staff member must submit an executed Mobile Computing Device Agreement and the Employee Email and Online Services Usage Acknowledgment Agreement. Each form must be signed by the staff member.


Staff may take District issued devices out of the State of Idaho at the discretion of the building principal. The District directs the Superintendent to establish procedures for staff to request permission to take the device with them.


At the end of the school year, the school will collect all devices from staff. At the school’s discretion, staff continuing under contract for the next school year and/or for the summer school session may be issued devices to support summer school programs, or other work-related activities.


The Superintendent shall establish procedures for the maintenance of records regarding the devices, including tracking device inventory and which device is issued to which staff member.


Care and Safety


Employees in receipt of District-issued equipment shall be held responsible for the safekeeping of the equipment and for the exercise reasonable efforts to see that the equipment is not lost, stolen, or damaged. Reckless or irresponsible use of District equipment, resulting in loss or damage may result in the employee having to reimburse the District for any associated costs of replacement or repair.


Managing Files


Once details are known about the availability of file space that is shared or is backed up automatically, the Superintendent will set a procedure for where staff should save important documents.


Staff members should also back up their work frequently.



The software originally installed by the District must remain on the device in usable condition and be easily accessible at all times.


From time to time the school may add or update software applications. The licenses for this software sometimes require that the software be deleted from devices at the completion of a course taught by staff. Periodic reviews of devices may be made to ensure that staff members have deleted software that is no longer required and that the school has not exceeded its licenses.


All devices will be equipped with anti-virus protection software which will be upgraded regularly.


Staff members wishing to add additional software onto a device must first obtain the permission of the school’s technology department. Each staff member is responsible for ensuring that only licensed software pre-approved by the school’s technology department is loaded onto their device.


Staff members shall refrain from downloading the TikTok app onto any District issued device. If TikTok has already been downloaded onto a device issued to a staff member, they shall delete the app or seek assistance from District technology personnel in deleting it.


Inspection and Filtering


Filtering software will be used to prevent access to material considered inappropriate or harmful to minors. Such filter shall also block access to the TikTok website. Measures shall also be undertaken to prevent the downloading of TikTok onto any District devices or via the District’s electronic network.


If technical difficulties occur or unauthorized software or any other violation of District policy is discovered on the device, all files and the hard drive may be reformatted. Only authorized software will be installed. The District does not accept responsibility for the loss of any software or other materials deleted due to a reformat and reimage.


Email, network usage, and any stored files shall not be considered confidential and may be monitored at any time by designated District staff. The District or its designee may demand the return of the device at any time for inspection, copying, or review of all files, histories, saved data, meta-data, or other information on the device. After the inspection, copying, or review of the device, unless there is cause to refrain from doing so, it shall be returned to the employee. Failure to turn over the device upon demand may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination. The District will cooperate fully with local, State, or federal officials in any investigation concerning or relating to violations of law.



Remote Access of Devices


Devices may be equipped with the ability to be accessed remotely in the case of technical problems requiring remote assistance, missing or stolen devices, or for any other appropriate District purpose. A staff member does not need to be asked for permission prior to remote software maintenance.


Any individual in receipt of a school-issued device does not have the authority to deactivate the remote access feature of the device. Any employee doing such will be subject to discipline and/or reclamation of the device by the District.


Personalizing District-Issued Mobile Computing Devices


While at no time does the device become the personal property of staff members; they may place individualized items on the device, which are limited to music, pictures, and other items that do not hinder the network or device functionality.


Staff members may be permitted to select their own screen savers and backgrounds provided they are appropriate.


Staff members may not add options or upgrades to the device, change the operating system, or add unauthorized software or safety controls.


Should staff members place personalized items on the device such items may be accessed or viewed by District staff at any time, for any reason, including randomly selected device reviews. Further, the content on such device may be subject to disclosure pursuant to a public records request under the Idaho Public Writings Act. No content placed on District provided devices is privileged or confidential.




Any such devices issued shall be with the expectation that they are to be used for District-related business purposes and are not intended for personal use except in emergencies involving employee health or safety and/or as specifically authorized under this policy.

District-issued equipment shall be used in a manner that does not disrupt instruction or other work-related activities unless there is a reason of personal health or safety involved.


District-issued equipment may be used only in a manner consistent with the Code of Ethics for Idaho Professional Educators as well as all State and federal laws relating to electronic communications with students and/or minors.


Any District-issued equipment is to be surrendered to the District immediately upon request.


Protecting and Storing Devices


Staff members are expected to password protect their devices and shall keep their password confidential, except for requested disclosure by the school’s administration or technology department personnel.


Under no circumstances should devices be left in unsupervised areas. Unsupervised areas include the school grounds, the cafeteria, computer lab, locker rooms, library, unlocked classrooms, dressing rooms, and hallways.


Repair of Devices


Staff members are to report all device problems to district technology personnel or the building principal.


The Superintendent will issue a document clarifying staff responsibility for lost and damaged devices when the details of the District’s insurance policy are known.


Personally-Owned Communications Devices


Employees may carry and use personally-owned electronic communications devices during the school day on school property, except that personally owned hand-held citizens band radios, portable police scanners, and long or short-range walkie-talkies should not be used or carried by employees on school property during the school day unless by specific permission of their immediate supervisor based on a personal health or safety need.


Personal electronic communications devices should not be used during the employee’s normal duty times to send or receive messages of a personal nature, but such use is allowable during normal break times, lunch times, and preparation times. Personally owned devices should not be used during the employee’s normal duty times unless such is being used solely for the purposes of one’s job duties for the school. Use of personal electronic communication devices should be curtailed during instructional time or at school-sponsored programs, meetings, in-services, parent/guardian conferences, or any other time when there would be a reasonable expectation of quiet attentiveness.


Any employee violating the above rules may be subject to disciplinary action.



Cross References:       5330                Employee Electronic Mail and Online Services Usage

                                    5330F              Employee Electronic Mail and Online Services Usage Acknowledgment

                                    5335F              Mobile Computing Device Agreement


Legal Reference:         IC § 18-6726   TikTok Use by State Employees on a State-Issued Device Prohibited

                                    Idaho Executive Order 2022-06


Policy History:

Adopted on: 4-9-2013

Revised on: 8-8-23

Reviewed on:


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