3440: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges/Return of Property

Model Board Policy Manual

ISBA Policy Management Console

Board Policy 3440: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges/Return of Property


Original Adopted Date: 07/17/2012 | Last Revised Date: 11/15/2022, 05/09/2023, 7/16/2024

 Last Reviewed Date:



The District shall charge no fee for any course for which academic credit is awarded.

A student may be charged a reasonable fee for any non-credit course or non-curricular activity such as an extracurricular activity, student activity, or membership in a voluntary club or association. The Board may waive the fee in cases of financial hardship.

Additional fees may be charged for “enhanced programming and materials” which are voluntary enrichments to the curriculum beyond what is necessary to meet the learning expectations for a particular grade or course (i.e. students may wish to use a superior product or consumable than that provided by the school, in which case they may be asked to pay the additional cost of the upgrade). This includes online enrollment when solely a matter of preference.

The District may also offer for-fee educational programs which are to be solely paid for by the Empowering Parents Grant Program and in no instance subject the parent/guardian/student to a fee or cost for the program. Such programs shall not be for credit and shall not be required to obtain credit in any District course. Payment of such fees on behalf of a student through the grant distribution platform shall not cause the student to be counted for purposes of calculating public school enrollment.

A student shall be responsible for the cost of replacing materials or property lost or damaged due to negligence. If school property in a student’s possession is lost, broken, or otherwise damaged, the student may be charged the lesser of the fair market value of the item at the time or the cost of repair.

The District may require, as condition of graduation or issuance of a diploma or certificate that all lawful indebtedness incurred by a student be satisfied and/or that all books or other instructional materials, uniforms, athletic equipment, advances on loans or other personal property of the District be returned. 


Legal References


IC § 33-1034


IC § 33-603

Payment of Fees or Returning of Property

Cross References




Driver Training Education


Self-Directed Learners


New Fees or Increase of Fees






Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.

PowerSchool Notice of Data Breach Impacting Gooding School District

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