3320P: Substance and Alcohol Abuse

Gooding Joint School District No. 231


Substance and Alcohol Abuse

The process to enforce Policy 3320 is as follows:

  1. A student’s person and/or personal effects, including, but not limited to purse, book bag, etc., may be searched whenever a school official has reasonable suspicion that the student is in possession of materials which violate District policy or law.

  1. Lockers and desks are school property and remain at all times under the control of the school; however, students are expected to assume full responsibility for the security of their lockers and desks. Periodic general inspection of lockers and desks may be conducted by authorized school officials for any reason at any time without notice, without consent, and without a search warrant. The interiors of lockers may be inspected whenever an authorized school official has reasonable suspicion that materials which violate District policy or law are contained inside. Such inspections may be conducted without notice, without consent, and without a search warrant.

  1. Students are permitted to park on school premises as a matter of privilege, not right. The school retains the authority to conduct routine patrols of school parking lots and inspections of the exteriors of automobiles on school property.

First Offense:

  1. The student’s Parents/Guardians and Law Enforcement shall be notified as soon as possible; AND

  2. The student shall be subject to a ten (10) day suspension by school administrator; AND

  3. The student shall be subject to a one (1) calendar year suspension from extracurricular activities.

  4. The principal/superintendent may reduce the suspension to three days and loss of extracurricular eligibility for the remainder of that sport season and the next sport season only IF:

    1. The student and parent/guardian show evidence of attendance at a local substance abuse meeting (AA, ALA Teen) and agree to a drug and alcohol assessment provided at a State approved alcohol/drug agency in the area and conducted by a Certified Alcoholism/Drug Abuse Counselor, at the family’s expense, and follow the recommendations of the agency.

    2. The student submits a copy of the recommendation prior to re-admittance. Reduction in length of suspension or extracurricular ineligibility will be immediately revoked by the principal/superintendent whenever a student fails to follow through with the evaluation recommendation.

Second/Subsequent Offense:

  1. The student’s Parents/Guardians and Law Enforcement shall be notified as soon as possible; AND

  2. The student shall be subject to a ten (10) day suspension at the discretion of the school administration: AND

  3. The student shall be subject to a one (1) calendar year suspension from extracurricular activities; AND

  4. The student and parents/guardians shall attend a hearing with the School Board or Board Approved Intervention Team.

The above procedures apply to first and second/subsequent offenses on school property and at school sponsored away or home activities. Should a student who participates in school activities be in violation of this policy during an activity/sport season in which the violation occurs off of school grounds and when not under the school’s supervision, the same procedures will apply except #2 above.

All students and parents must sign a contract at the beginning of each activity which contains these guidelines and resulting penalties for offenses. Activity/sports and extracurricular is defined as all activities sponsored by the school district including, but not limited to clubs, class officers, drama, pep band, etc. There shall be no break between school sport seasons. For purposes of this policy, the next sport season begins the same day the previous sport season ends. Non-sport season summer vacation time is excluded from this policy. In the case of and also for those activities and clubs which do not have a regular season, the first penalty is for the remainder of a season defined as August – October (Fall), November – February (Winter), and March – May (Spring) if the chemical dependency assessment and evaluation are followed. Field trips that are a part of classroom instruction are not considered an extracurricular activity.

Any appeal of the above penalties or any change in procedures may only be made to the Board of Trustees through the Superintendent.

Suspensions and expulsions of students with disabilities as defined by Public Law 94-142 and subsequent amendments, (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act), Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, and the Americans with Disabilities Act shall follow said guidelines as well as the provisions of this policy.

Cross Reference: 3370 Searches and Seizures

3330 Student Discipline

3340 Corrective Actions and Punishment. 3360 Discipline of Students with Disabilities

Legal Reference: I.C.§33-210 Students using or under the influence ofcontrolled


Drug Free Schools and Community Act of 1988 – PL 100-690 and all subsequent amendments

Procedure History: Promulgated on: July 17, 2012 Revised on:


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