3265: Student Owned Electronic Communications Devices

Gooding Joint School District No. 231

STUDENTS                                                                                                                               3265

Student-Owned Electronic Communications Devices


Students, with permission of their parent(s)/guardian(s), or the student him/herself if over eighteen years of age, may be in possession of personal electronic devices such as smart phones, cellular telephones, pagers/beepers, laptops, tablets, e-readers, or other related electronic devises on school property. The devices shall not be used in a manner that disrupts the educational process, including, but not limited to, posing a threat to academic integrity or violating confidentiality or privacy rights of another individual. Unless an emergency situation exists that involves imminent physical danger or a certified employee authorizes the student to do otherwise (such as use in class), use of devices shall be limited to the period before classes begin in the

morning, during the student’s lunch period, and after the student’s last class in the afternoon.


Access to the devices is a privilege and not a right. Each student will be required to follow the Acceptable Use of Electronic Networks Policy and the Internet Access Conduct Agreement.


Students may only access the internet through the filtered District connection, regardless of whether they are using their personal device or a District-issued device. District staff will not provide software or technical assistance for student-owned devices.


Because power cords stretched out in classrooms become a safety issue both for the students and devices, charging the device in any classroom, hallway, or any other location that may be a safety concern will not be allowed.


The use of cameras in any type of electronic device is strictly prohibited in locker rooms, restrooms, and classrooms unless a certified District employee authorizes the student to do otherwise. Where students are allowed to use electronic devices, they are required to obtain permission before taking a photograph or video of any individual. Students must also obtain permission from any individual appearing in a photograph or video prior to posting on any social networking site or other internet site.


Students found to be using any electronic communications device in any way to send or receive personal messages, data, or information that would contribute to or constitute cheating on any student assessment, project, or assignment shall be subject to discipline and the device shall be confiscated and not returned until a parent conference has been held.


Students are responsible for safeguarding devices they bring to school. The District shall not be responsible for loss, theft, damages, or destruction of student owned devices brought onto school property.


Students shall comply with any additional rules developed by the school concerning appropriate use of telecommunication or other electronic devices.



Students violating the provisions of this policy are subject to disciplinary action, including losing the privilege of bringing the device onto school property, detention, suspension, or expulsion. In addition, an administrator will confiscate the devices, which shall only be returned to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s). Where appropriate, police authorities may be contacted.


The controls on electronic communication devices contained in this policy do not apply to special education or Section 504 students or students with an Individualized Education Plan when any of these or other such similar plans conflict with uses outlined herein.



Policy History:

Adopted on: July 17, 2012 Revised on:

Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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