3205: Student Insurance

Gooding Joint School District No. 231

STUDENTS                                                                                                                               3205

Student Insurance


The District does not furnish health or accident insurance to any student, but does provide a policy whereby parents may choose to enroll their child in an insurance program. In the case of student athletics, students are required to either purchase insurance on their own or through the policy available through the school, or have a letter on file from the parents or guardians of the student athlete indicating that the student has coverage and will release the school from any and all liability and responsibility.




Policy History:

Adopted on: July 17, 2012 Revised on:



Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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