3080: Attendance by Out-of-State Students

Gooding Joint School District #231


STUDENTS                                                                                                                               3080


Attendance by Out of State Students


Students who reside in another state may attend a District school when an out-of-state school district and the Gooding Joint School District mutually agree, provided such transfer would not exceed the limits on attendance set by 3010P at the classroom, program, or school level


District Students Attending School in Another State


The Board of Trustees may agree in writing, on an annual basis, that a resident student attend school in the nearest appropriate school district in a neighboring state. Such agreement shall state the rate of tuition and cost of transportation, if any, to be paid by the District. The agreement will be entered into the records of the Board of Trustees. A copy must be filed with the State Board of Education.


Out of State Students Attending School in the District


The Board of Trustees may, upon approval of the State Board of Education, enter into an agreement with the governing body of a school district in another state for education and/or transportation of an out-of-state student. The rate of tuition, cost of transportation as well as other appropriate costs shall be specifically addressed in the agreement. The agreement will be entered into the records of the Board of Trustees with a copy to be filed with the State Board of Education.


Cross Reference:         3010                                  Open Enrollment by Students Who Reside Within and Outside the District


Legal References:       IDAPA   Out of State Tuition

                                    IC § 33-1400, et seq.         Transfer of Pupils

                                    IC § 33-205                       Denial of School Attendance



Policy History:

Adopted on: 7-17-12

Revised on: 7-10-18, 8-8-23

Reviewed on:


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Our school board, administration, and staff take great pride in the trust given us to be conscientious stewards of the money and resources you help to provide.

These resources allow our students to be successful and prepared when they graduate from Gooding schools.

Vote at your local precinct on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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