3030: Part-time Attendance and Dual Enrollment

Gooding Jt. School District 231


STUDENTS                                                                                                                               3030


Part-Time Attendance/Dual Enrollment


For purposes of this policy the term “non-public school student” is any student who is enrolled in a non-public school (including a home school or private school), enrolled in a public charter school, or enrolled in a post-secondary institution.


Any non-public school student will be allowed to enroll in the District and be entitled to participate in any curricular or extracurricular program, subject to the same requirements as other students who are enrolled full-time in the District and subject to the requirements set forth below in this policy.


Additionally, the District shall have an option for joint enrollment in a regular public school and in an alternative school.


Non-public school students admitted to the District shall only be on school property during the hours of enrollment or as otherwise indicated by the Superintendent or principal. The District will not be responsible for the student during non-enrollment hours or times. Any transportation needs for such students not provided for otherwise under this policy during the school day shall be the sole responsibility of the student and their parents/guardian.




The parent/legal guardian of any non-public school student wishing to admit their son or daughter in this District for any academic or nonacademic program must register the student and provide the following prior to acceptance of any such student:


  1. Birth certificate;
  2. Evidence of residency within the District;
  3. Immunization records or an appropriate waiver as described in Policy 3525; and
  4. Student records from the previously attended public school, if any, and any other records providing academic background information.


Dual enrolled students may enter any program available to other students subject to the same responsibilities and standards of behavior and performance that apply to any student’s participation.


Extracurricular Activities


Participation in extracurricular activities shall be subject to Policy 3031.



Average Daily Attendance


Students who are dual enrolled (i.e., enrolled on a part-time basis) shall be used in calculating the District’s State fund, but only to the extent of the student’s participation in District programs.




Priority for enrollment, when school programs reach maximum capacities, will be given to students enrolled on a regular full-time basis. If a number of non-public school students request admission into the same class, they will be accepted on a first-come basis. In the event the class enrollment position of a non-public school student is needed for a regular full-time student during the course of the year, the full-time student will have priority for the position beginning with the semester after the need is identified.




All non-public school students will be eligible for District transportation services. A public charter school student or nonpublic student, upon admission to a school in this District, may ride a school bus on regularly scheduled routes, including activity bus routes, and use regularly established bus stops or stops which would require no deviation from the regularly established bus route. No alteration of routes will be made to specially accommodate a dual enrollment student. If a dual enrollment student attends only part time, the District may furnish transportation at the regularly scheduled time closest to the time period for which a student is enrolled (i.e., morning busing for a.m. classes or afternoon busing for p.m. classes). The District will not provide such transportation if there is no available space, if the furnishing of such transportation would cause a deviation or alteration of the regularly established bus routes or stops, or if the furnishing of such transportation would require the purchase of additional or substitute equipment.




In order to graduate from this District, all non-public school students must meet the same grade and other graduation requirements as regular full-time students as outlined in Policy 2720, unless exceptions are made as described in 2710 High School Graduation Requirements—Specialty Diplomas.


Mixed Curriculum


If a public charter school student or nonpublic student wishes to attend activities or programs in a particular discipline, in a class or grade where the curriculum is merged or integrated, such request shall be made in writing particularizing the subject matter presentation which the student desires to attend (i.e., art instruction in a third grade class). The teacher and principal of that school shall, upon request, provide scheduling information to the dual enrollment student. It shall be the dual enrollment student’s responsibility to contact the District and ascertain when such subject matter will be presented. Where certain subject matter is integrated into a mixed curriculum, no change in the presentation of that curriculum needs to be made because of a nonpublic student’s request for attendance. It is also the intent of this policy to ensure that the teacher’s right to integrate disciplines and be flexible in planning and modifying the daily classroom presentations shall not be hindered or restricted in any way.


IDEA/ADA/Section 504 Students


Parents who wish to have a dual enrollment student’s disability accommodated by the District via a 504 Plan or who wish to have their student enrolled in special programs must comply with the requirements of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504).


If a dual-enrolled student or a student enrolled part-time at a District school is found to be eligible for a 504 Plan, the District’s process to create and implement a 504 Plan for a student shall be followed.


Whether the District is responsible for assessing a student’s need for special education services and for maintaining and implementing an IEP for the student depends on factors including, but not limited to what other type of school the student is enrolled in, if any; whether the student lives in the District; and whether a private school they attend is located in the District. The District shall provide such assessment and related services when required by state or federal law or administrative rules.



Cross References:       2400                                        Special Education

                                    2410 & 2410P                         Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act

                                    3525                                        Immunization Requirements


Legal References:       I.C. § 33-203                           Attendance at Schools – Dual Enrollment

                                    I.C. § 33-1001, et. seq.            Foundation Program — State Aid — Apportionment

                                    I.C. § 33-512                           Governance of Schools

                                    IDAPA         Assessment in the Public Schools – Dual Enrollment


Other References:       Idaho State Department of Education Special Education Manual, current edition

                                    Idaho State Department of Education Dual Enrollment Q&A

                                    Idaho State Government Private Schools Quick Guide


Policy History:

Adopted on: 7/17/12

Revised on: 8/11/14; 10/11/16; 11/15/22; 5/9/23

Reviewed on:

Transcript Request Form

Please initial below to acknowledge that you are the student named above and that you have reviewed the information above and agree that it is accurate. By initialing below you endorse this document as legally binding in accordance with the e-sign bill S.761 and release the below initials in lieu of a signature.
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