3000: Entrance, Placement, and Transfer

Gooding Jt. School District 231


STUDENTS                                                                                                                               3000


Entrance, Placement, and Transfer


Entrance, Date, and Age


No pupil may be enrolled in the kindergarten or first grade whose fifth or sixth birthday respectively does not occur on or before the first day of September of the school year in which the child registers to enter school. Any child of the age of five years who has completed a private or public out-of-state kindergarten for the required 450 hours but has not reached the age and date requirements set above shall be allowed to enter the first grade.


Initial Enrollment


Immunization records or an appropriate waiver and birth certificate are required for admission to all District schools (subject to provisions of McKinney Homeless Assistance Act).

Communication of the requirement for immunization records or exemptions shall comply with District Policy 3525.


If a birth certificate is not provided upon enrollment of a student for the first time in elementary or secondary school, the District shall notify the person enrolling the student in writing that he or she must provide within 30 days either a certified copy of the student’s birth certificate or other reliable proof of the student’s identity and birth date, which proof shall be accompanied by an affidavit explaining the inability to produce a copy of the birth certificate. Other reliable proof of the student’s identity and birth date may include a passport, visa, or other governmental documentation of the child’s identity. If the person enrolling a student fails to provide the information within the requested 30 days, the District shall immediately notify the local law enforcement agency of such failure and again notify the person enrolling the student, in writing, that he or she has an additional ten days to comply. If any documentation or affidavit received pursuant to this section appears inaccurate or suspicious in form or content, the District shall immediately report the same to the local law enforcement agency. Local law enforcement will investigate these reports. Failure of a parent, or person in custody of a child, or a person enrolling a student, to comply with the documentation requirements of this section after a lawful request shall constitute a misdemeanor.


A student transferring schools within the District need not provide proof of identity and birth date if the student’s record already contains such verified information.




The goal of the District shall be to place students at levels and in settings that will enhance the probability of student success. Developmental testing together with other relevant criteria, including but not limited to health, maturity, emotional stability, and developmental disabilities,


may be considered in the placement of all students. Final disposition of all placement decisions rests with the principal, subject to review by the Superintendent and the Board.


Advanced Enrollment For Military Dependents


Any member of the United States Armed forces who has received transfer orders to a location in Idaho and will, upon such transfer, reside in the District’s attendance boundary may enroll his or her child in the District regardless of where the child resides at the time of enrollment.




District policies regulating pupil enrollment from other accredited elementary and secondary schools are designed to protect the educational welfare of the child and of other children enrolled in the District.


Elementary Grades (K-8): Any student transferring into the District will be admitted and placed on a probationary basis for a period of two weeks.


Should any doubt exist with teacher and/or principal as to grade and level placement of the student, the student shall be subject to an educational assessment to determine appropriate grade and level placement.


During the two-week probationary period, the student will be subject to observation by the teacher and building principal.


Secondary Grades (9-12), Credit Transfer: Requests for transfer of credits from any secondary school shall be subject to a satisfactory examination of the following:


  1. Appropriate certificates of accreditation;
  2. Length of course, school day, and school year;
  3. Content of applicable courses;
  4. The school facility as it relates to credit earned (i.e., lab areas for appropriate science or vocational instruction);
  5. An appropriate evaluation of student performance leading toward credit issuance; and
  6. Final approval of transfer credits will be determined by the high school principal, subject to review upon approval by the Superintendent and Board of Trustees.


Transfer from Persistently Dangerous Schools


If any school within the District is found to be persistently dangerous in accordance with federal law, students attending the school shall be permitted to transfer to another traditional or charter school within the District which is not persistently dangerous. The transfer may be either permanent or temporary and lasting until the school of origin is no longer designated as persistently dangerous. Parents/guardians of students shall be notified that the school has been designated as persistently dangerous within ten days of being so designated. Within 20 days of receiving such notification, students may be transferred to another school within the District.


Any student who is the victim of a violent criminal offense on school grounds shall be permitted to transfer to another school within the District.



Cross References:       3060                                  Education of Homeless Children

4160                                  Parents Right-to-Know Notices


Legal References:       20 U.S.C. § 7912               Unsafe School Choice Option

20 U.S.C. § 6313              Eligible School Attendance Areas

42 U.S.C. § 11432            Grants for State and Local Activities for the

Education of Homeless Children and Youths Id. Const. art. IX, § 9                         Compulsory Attendance at School

I.C. § 18-4511                   School Duties — Records of Missing Child —

Identification Upon Enrollment — Transfer of Student Records

I.C. § 33-201                     Attendance at Schools – School Age

I.C. § 33-209                     Attendance at Schools —Transfer of Student Records — Duties

I.C. § 33-524                     Advance Enrollment for Military Dependents

I.C. § 39-480                     Immunization required

I.C. § 39-4802                   Immunization Exemptions


Policy History: Adopted on: 11/15/22 Revised on: Reviewed on:


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Transcript Request Form

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