1700C: Applicability of Emergency Policy Series

Applicability of Emergency Policy Series

Upon temporary adoption by the Board, the provisions in the COVID-19 related emergency policies and procedures shall come into effect. These policies and procedures shall remain in effect until suspended by the Board. Any policy or procedure whose number ends with “C” shall supersede the policy or procedure with a number that is otherwise identical. These emergency policies and procedures shall govern in the event of any conflict or inconsistency between an emergency policy and other provision in the District policy manual. All other aspects of the District’s policy manual not affected by the provisions in the emergency section shall continue to be in full effect.

Adoption and Amendment of Policies

New or revised policies that are required or have language changes based on practices required by State or Federal law or directive, required by administrative rule, or are required due to a declaration of emergency issued by the Board of Trustees or by a state or federal agency official or legislative body may be adopted after the first reading if notice has been given through the Board agenda provided to the Trustees and the public. All new or amended policies adopted as a part of the emergency policy series shall become effective immediately upon adoption’ unless a specific effective date is stated in the motion for adoption.

Cross Reference:


School Board Powers and Duties



District Policy

Legal Reference:

I.C. § 33-313

I.C. § 33-501

I.C. § 74-202

Trustee Zones Board of Trustees

Open Public Meetings – Definitions

Policy History: Adopted on: 9-8-20 Revised on: Reviewed on:


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