1620C: Board Goals and Objectives

Board Goals and Objectives During Health Emergency

Each year, the Board will formulate annual objectives for the District and have available a written comprehensive philosophy of education with goals which reflect the District’s philosophy of education. The philosophy of education and goals shall be in writing and shall be available to District staff and to the public. To this end the Board will:

  1. Periodically set performance objectives for the Board itself and evaluate their accomplishments;

  2. Establish practical and simple goals and conduct a concrete review annually of performance against these goals;

  3. Manage the school system in accordance with Board policy; and

  4. Maintain two-way communication with the public served by the schools.

At the conclusion of the year, the Superintendent shall submit a report to the Board which shall reflect the degree to which the annual objectives have been accomplished. Upon receipt and review of the report the Board shall:

  1. Hold an evaluation of the objectives at a regular meeting or a work session with all Board Members present;

  2. Develop a consensus of opinion on the objectives following a discussion by all Board Members; and

  3. Develop both short and long range priorities to ensure continued proficiency in areas of excellence, to strengthen weak areas, and to eliminate those areas no longer applicable.

COVID-19 Planning

During the COVID-19 emergency, the Board will review and evaluate its Goals and Objectives and identify gaps or weaknesses in carrying out its comprehensive philosophy of education in light of the pandemic. The Board shall adopt goals addressing the challenges raised by the pandemic.

Policy History: Adopted on: 9-8-20 Revised on: Reviewed on:

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