1600: Code of Ethics for School Board Members

Gooding Jt. School District 231

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                                                                                1600

Code of Ethics for School Board Members


As a member of my local Board of Trustees, I will strive to improve student achievement in public education, and to that end I will:


  1. Attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings insofar as possible, having read my packet ensuring that I am informed about the issues to be considered at the meeting;


  1. Recognize that the Board must comply with the Open Meeting Law and only has authority to make decisions at official Board meetings;


  1. Make all decisions based on the available facts and my independent judgment, and refuse to surrender that judgment to individuals or special interest groups;


  1. Understand that the Board makes decisions as a Individual Board Members may not commit the Board to any action unless so authorized by official Board action;


  1. Recognize that decisions are made by a majority vote and the outcome should be supported by all Board Members;


  1. Acknowledge that policy decisions are a primary function of the Board and should be made after full discussion at publicly held Board meetings, recognizing that authority to administer policy rests with the Superintendent;


  1. Be open, fair, and honest; have no hidden agendas; and respect the right of other Board Members to have opinions and ideas which differ from mine;


  1. Recognize that the Superintendent is the Board’s advisor and should be present at all meetings, except where the Superintendent is the subject matter, or where the Superintendent’s presence is a conflict of interest.


  1. Understand the chain of command and refer problems or complaints to the proper administrative office while refraining from communications that may create conditions of bias should a concern ever rise to the attention of the Board as a hearings panel;


  1. Keep abreast of important developments in educational trends, research, and practices by individual study and through participation in programs providing such information;


  1. Respect the right of the public to be informed about District decisions and school operations;


  1. Understand that I will receive information that is confidential and cannot be shared;


  1. Give staff the respect and consideration due skilled, professional employees and support the employment of those best qualified to serve as District staff, while insisting on regular and impartial evaluation of all staff;


  1. Present personal criticism of District operations to the Superintendent, not to District staff or to a Board meeting;


  1. Refuse to use my Board position for personal or family gain or I will announce any conflicts of interest before Board action is taken; and


  1. Remember always that my first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of the students attending the public schools.



Trustee Signature:                                                                            Date:                         



Policy History: Adopted on: 12/13/11 Revised on: 11/15/22 Reviewed on:

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