1410: Board-Superintendent Relationship

Gooding Joint School District No. 231

THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES                                                                               1410

Board-Superintendent Relationship


The Board-Superintendent relationship is based on mutual respect for their complementary roles. The relationship requires clear communication of expectations regarding the duties and responsibilities of both the Board and Superintendent.


The Board hires, evaluates, and seeks the recommendations of the Superintendent as the District chief executive officer. The Board adopts policies necessary to provide the general direction for the District and to encourage achievement of District goals. The Superintendent develops plans, programs, and procedures needed to implement the policies and directs the District’s day-to-day operations.


The Superintendent shall be employed for a contract term not to exceed three (3) years and shall be the executive officer of the Board with such powers and duties as the board prescribes. The Superintendent shall act as the authorized representative of the District whenever such is required.


The Board shall conduct an annual, written formal evaluation of the work of the Superintendent.



Cross Reference: 6100                      Superintendent

Legal Reference: I.C. § 33-513                                                          Professional personnel Policy History:

Adopted on: 12/13/11 Revised on: Reviewed on: 12/8/20





















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