1250: Committees

Generally, the Trustees will function as a committee of the whole. Nevertheless, the Board may create Board committees as deemed necessary.

Standing committees of the Board may be created and their purpose defined by a majority of the Board. The Board Chair shall appoint trustees to serve on such committees. Board committees shall be limited to less than one-half (1/2) of the Board.

Advisory Committees

Advisory committees may be organized when appropriate. Both District-wide and at the school level, advisory committees shall function within the organizational frameworks approved by the Board. A staff member or members will be assigned to each group to help it carry out its functions. The composition of the advisory committees shall be broadly representative and shall take into consideration the specific task assigned to the committee. Only the Board shall have the authority to dissolve the committees it has created.

The Board will instruct each committee as to:

  • the length of time each member is invited to serve;
  • the service the Board wishes the committee to render;
  • the resources the Board will provide;
  • the approximate dates on which the Board wishes to receive major reports;
  • Board policies governing citizens’ committees and the relationship of these committees to the Board as a whole, individual Board members, the Superintendent, and other members of the professional staff; and
  • responsibility for the release of information to the press.

Policy History:
Adopted on: December 13, 2011
Reviewed on: 10/9/2018
Revised on:

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