Attendance in time of COVID-19

Image of student desks

Taking Effect Monday, November 2, 2020:

As you are aware, teachers at Gooding Middle School are utilizing Google Classroom to make school work available to students who are learning face-to-face or learning online.  Our goal is to provide a consistent expectation and opportunity for all of our students to continue learning and communicating with teachers whether they are physically in school or online at home.  

In an effort to maintain accurate attendance records (a requirement from the State) during this time where students are frequently in and out of the physical classroom—due to illness, quarantine, mask mandates, etc.—each teacher will be posting a daily attendance question in their Google Classrooms that will be required to be completed by all students who are enrolled in their classes within a 24-hour period to be considered present for that day.  These questions will be about the lessons teachers are posting for that day.

By doing this, students who are not and/or cannot be physically in the classroom can still show they are engaging with their schoolwork online and not be considered absent.  The 24-hour period students will have to complete these attendance questions will begin and end each day at 3:45pm, so teachers can take their daily attendance while providing online students flexibility to get their daily attendance questions answered.  Students who do not answer and submit their daily attendance questions will be marked absent for the class periods in which they did not answer their daily attendance questions.  

We are hoping that by setting this clear expectation for student attendance—regardless of actual physical location—we will increase student/teacher communication and engage more of our students who are learning online.  Please encourage your student to be proactive with their education and contact the school with any questions or concerns.  We appreciate your time, efforts, and patience as we all explore these uncharted waters.  Thank you.

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