Home / District Policies / 3000 Series: Students / 3420: Student Fund Raising Activities
3420: Student Fund Raising Activities
Gooding Joint School District No. 231
Student Fund Raising Activities
The Board acknowledges that the solicitations of funds from students, staff and citizens must be limited since students are a captive audience and since solicitation can disrupt the program of the schools. All of the fund raising activities organized within the school system will have prior approval of the principal or superintendent. It is the intent of the Board of Trustees to encourage fundraising utilizing local businesses when possible and limit the sale of goods from outside the Gooding community. The principal may approve fundraising activities where labor and sale items are from Gooding or Gooding merchants. The Superintendent may approve fundraising activities where the labor and sale items are from merchants outside of Gooding.
Policy History:
Adopted on: July 17, 2012
Revised on: 3/8/2022