Changes to School COVID Plan

COVID-19 Update Title Image

Due to Governor Little reverting Idaho to Stage 2, more changes to our Covid Plan are necessary. For those who may not know, Gooding School District is still in the Yellow category, but masks are required of staff, students, and visitors. Because masks are required, we are no longer contact tracing. However, if a student is in the same household of someone who is waiting on tests results or has tested positive, that student needs to quarantine for seven (7) days. One thing that hasn’t changed since the Board meeting on Oct. 26 is the quarantine period. Please remember that the student may return after the quarantine period AND no fever for 48 hours AND other symptoms have improved.

On to activities:

All Red Thunder Athletic Band activities are canceled through the end of November. This includes Friday practices and the pep band performance scheduled for tonight 11/17.

When we return to Stage 3, the band will again be able to perform at the games under the guidelines issued by our school district last week. Our hope is that this will happen in time for our December schedule to remain unchanged. However, depending on the length of Stage 2 and its impact on our scheduled performances, more dates may be added to the original schedule later in the season to reach the five (5) girls and five (5) boys basketball game performances that Red Thunder typically perform at. If this happens, an updated calendar will be sent out at that time. For now, plan on the December calendar being unchanged.

Please refer to the listed information regarding basketball, wrestling, and cheerleading

· No fans (visiting or home) will be permitted at basketball games.

· No students will be allowed at home games, unless they are “essential personnel” i.e., team managers, players, stats, etc.

· Home games (and some away games) will be video streamed live via streaming platform. There will be a $6 charge per game to watch the live stream.

· Only five (5) cheerleaders will be permitted on the baseline for basketball games.

· Cheerleaders will not travel to away games to limit exposure and total numbers at events.

· No fans (visiting or home) will be allowed entry to wrestling events.

· These guidelines, restrictions, and other recommendations can also be found in our GSD Athletics COVID-19 Protocols and Return to Play Plan & Guidelines found on the district website.

*This plan is subject to change per the State of Idaho and the IDHSAA. It will remain in effect until further notice.

We know you are frustrated, as are we, but we are doing our best so that our students can remain in school and still participate in activities. Thank you again for your patience and understanding, especially as things are constantly changing.

Spencer Larsen
Gooding School District #231

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