3518: Treatment of Opioid Overdoses

Gooding Joint School District #231


STUDENTS                                                                                                                                3518


Treatment of Opioid Overdoses


The District’s Board of Trustees wishes to prevent opiate-related overdose deaths. For this reason, The Board authorizes the District Superintendent to work with the District’s school nurses to make available in any schools the Superintendent deems appropriate either naloxone, sometimes marketed as Narcan, or any other opioid antagonist permitted by IC 54-1733B. If the Superintendent elects to make opioid antagonists available in District schools, the Superintendent or their designee shall establish procedures for the acquisition, storage, and administration of opioid antagonists and for the training of staff members in how to administer them.


Administration of an opioid antagonist shall not be required in circumstances of unavailability of the medication, unavailability of an employee trained to administer it, and/or uncertainty as to whether an opioid overdose is occurring, among other reasons. This policy shall not create a duty on the part of the District and/or its personnel to administer opioid antagonists.




Before any District employee may administer an opioid antagonist under this policy, the employee must successfully complete training on recognizing opioid-related overdoses, administering the opioid antagonist provided by the District, promptly seeking medical attention for drug overdoses, and on this policy


Evidence that such training has been completed shall be placed in the employee’s personnel file.


Students shall be encouraged to immediately report medical emergencies to school officials to ensure medical assistance can be immediately provided.


Storage of Opioid Antagonists


If the Superintendent directs for opioid antagonists to be kept at a school, the medication shall be stored in a safe location in compliance with the drug manufacturer’s instructions. The opioid antagonist shall be readily accessible to those employees who have completed the required training to administer it in the event of a suspected drug overdose. All properly trained employees shall be made aware of exactly where naloxone is being stored.


Administration of Opioid Antagonist


These protocols shall be followed when administering an opioid antagonist to respond to a suspected drug overdose:


  1. The employee shall immediately ensure that someone calls 911 for emergency medical service personnel to be dispatched to respond to a suspected drug overdose.


  1. The employee shall administer the opioid antagonist in accordance with the training they have received and take any further measures directed by their training.


  1. The employee shall fully cooperate with emergency medical service personnel responding to the scene and shall not interfere with or impede the administration of emergency medical services to the individual suffering the suspected drug


  1. The employee shall notify the building administrator of the incident as soon as


  1. The employee shall provide a written report describing the facts and circumstances surrounding the event.


The Principal shall provide a copy of the report to the Superintendent and to the school nurse. Indemnification

Any person who administers an opioid antagonist provided under this policy to another person who appears to be experiencing an opiate-related overdose and who:


  1. Acts in good faith and exercises reasonable care; and
  2. Contacts emergency medical services as soon as possible


will not be liable in a civil or administrative action or subject to criminal prosecution for such acts, as described in IC 54-1735B.


Parental Notification


The District shall notify all parents/guardians of students of this policy once each school year through methods which may include providing it in the student handbook.


A student’s parent/guardian, as well as law enforcement, shall be notified of any incident in which their student is believed to have been under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances in accordance with Policy 3320. The student’s parent/guardian shall be notified of any health emergency they experience, as described in Policy 3540.


Non-Employee Administration of Opioid Antagonists


Nothing in this policy is intended to regulate, restrict, or otherwise deter any emergency medical technician from administering their own supply of an opioid antagonist when responding in good faith to a suspected drug overdose occurring on District property.



Cross References:


Substance and Alcohol Abuse



Legal Reference:



IC 54-1733B

Emergency Treatment


Opioid Antagonists


Policy History: Adopted on:10-10-23 Revised on: Reviewed on:

Transcript Request Form

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